Top Five Count Down: Badasses of Dude-Lit

What is “dude-lit” you ask? It’s a term I coined even before becoming the Two-Fisted Blogger. It’s been hijacked somewhat by homoerotic hacks and delta or gamma males getting in touch with their feelings, writing (allegedly) masculine counterparts to the womyn’s fiction on the bookshelf.

That is not dude-lit. I thought of the term first, so I’m gonna continue using it to describe fiction written for red-blooded heterosexual men. I guess you could call it red pill in the post-Matrix period.

It’s not the highbrow stuff you see touted on some manosphere blogs, though.  Dude-lit isn’t for the wine-sipping, chess-playing side of your personality. It’s for the beer-slamming, ball-playing , trash-talking side.

So I thought I’d highlight some of the he-men of literature. I ranked them partly by their place in the socio-sexual hierarchy, and partly by how fun it is to read them.

Here’s the start of my short list of dude-lit heroes from over the years–the kind who are in short supply anymore in the pop culture of our feminized society:

5. Conan

Yup–a classic is in the Top Five. I know there’ve been Conan stories written since the death of his creator, but I’m including only the character as written by the delightfully un-PC Robert E. Howard. He’d never get this fantasy series published by the New York Publishing Cartel today–not without watering the barbarian down, adding some amazon superninjas and slipping an approved left-wing message into the Hyborian Age.

Conan is an alpha living in the ultimate habitat for alphas. His age and region is swarming with musclebound cutthroats, but the Cimmerian stands out above them all. He is perfectly at home in anarchy, yet you can also put him in a society with structure and he’ll rise quickly toward the top. In the movie he began adulthood as a slave, was promoted to gladiator, then gained his freedom and graduated to brigandry. In the books his self-improvement continues all the way to kingship.

Tarzan is a classic who didn’t make my Top Five for a couple reasons. While the ape-man is nobody to mess with, either with bare hands or primitive weapons, he is more of a beta male or arguably a sigma. He keeps to himself and has no ambition to leadership–even among the ape tribe that raised him. He also falls quickly into wunitus (1/”one”-itus) after meeting Jane.

Despite being raised in the jungle by apes, Tarzan is far more civilized than Conan…hence, not quite as much fun.

Browse by next time for my #4 pick.

More on Hollywood and Originality (or Lack Thereof)

I’ve called Hollywood out on their creative parasitism before. This is just a brief follow-up to the last one.

I’ve been working on a video project lately, and since I’m responsible for the soundtrack, I’m listening to a lot of classical music these days.

Shame on me, but I don’t pay much attention to what orchestra plays which symphony. It’s not like music composed post-Phonograph Age where you’ll get wildly different versions of the same song from different artists. If I like the symphony (or opera, or whatever), I’m confident I’ll like it no matter who the artists are.

But as I was listening yesterday, I noticed there are some subtle differences in how different orchestras play the same symphonies. Nothing major, because the notes are still the same ones written by some long dead guy with funny looking hair. But sometimes the pacing will vary, or certain instruments will be louder. I guess that’s the individual conductor doing what they can to put their own “stamp” on a fixed work of art.

While mulling this over, it dawned on me: the composers of Hollywood have mostly died off; only conductors remain.

I’m not talking about musical scores, here. I’m analyzing film as if movies were symphonies.

Once upon a time, Hollywood screenwriters/directors didn’t just artistically regurgitate; they created. In fact, their livelihood depended on it. Sure, there were remakes as early as the 1930s, but if you wanted to make a name for yourself, you couldn’t rely solely on the plundering of other men’s ideas.

The great film makers (called “auteurs” by the snobs) are often accused of making the same film over and over again.


You’ll find the same themes running through most of their films; and many of them preferred to use the same cast and crew repeatedly…but that’s because those movies came from the same respective artist’s own arsenal of experience, world view and imagination. They didn’t come out of the DNC-approved cookie cutter.

Not for a few decades, anyway. Sure, there were socialist messages in plenty of the old movies. But they weren’t the only message allowed back then.

Directors and screenwriters of today are simply syphoning creative energy from the hard work of those who’ve gone before them; waving a stick at their assembled creative teams, tweaking a costume here and a set design there, while turning what were once original ideas into overused cliche`s.

To borrow a phrase from the publishing biz of yesteryear, they’re a bunch of hacks.

Communist Profiteers

I’ve been kvetching about the sad state of entertainment for some time, so of course when this post  showed up on my news feed, it caught my eye.

The lack of original thought in our arts and culture would make anyone think the western world is truly in decline. The movie industry no longer invests in such frivolous things as plot, script, and original ideas.

…Modern movies reek of cronyism, group thought, and investment in profitable ideas rather than original ones. The movies are created to garner the most income with the least amount of investment, targeting the unthinking masses to maximize profits.  Popularity trumps quality.

In this dichotomy, political leanings often play a role.

Yeah, no kidding.

Those are the two forces dominating Tinseltown, (and the publishing industry, etc.), but the priority is reversed from what is suggested by the article.

The political agenda is supreme to the entertainment gatekeepers. Of course they’d prefer to make colossal profits while brainwashing you; but they’ll lose money to herd you into the approved groupthink corral when that’s what it takes.

But calling out the mass media svengalis on their propaganda with chapter and verse is something I won’t spend the energy to do in this post. You’re either aware of it; you deny it/whine that there’s not enough of it; or you only recognize little tinges of “liberal bias” now and then. (The latter group has been partially absorbed into the hive already, becoming less and less aware of the conditioning as they are conditioned.) It’s doubtful there’s anything I could write in a blog post to reverse 20+ years of cognitive manipulation undergone by the last two groups.

It is amusing to consider the multiple personality disorder of the entertainment industry: the corporate beancounter completely devoid of original thought and the arrogant Marxist artfag who pretends to have a monopoly on original thought.

During the red state/blue state meme of 2004, one of the aforementioned arrogant Marxist artfags crowed on national TV about how all the creative genius in the nation was concentrated in the major population centers represented as the blue splotches on the political map. She had in mind, primarily, the Left Coast and the Rotten Apple.

All that creative genius and original thought in Homowood, Commiefornia must be why they can’t produce anything but remakes, adaptations of old TV shows or video games, and oppressively formulaic romantic comedies.

Even when they mine their material from the comic books, with thousands of plots to plagiarize from, they keep rebooting the same old origin tales. Take away Kryptonite and those “creative geniuses” couldn’t pool enough imagination between them to conceive a single story idea for Superman.

I enjoyed the first couple Expendables flicks as much as the next guy. But when you think about it, it’s pretty sad that such movies stand out in a given year for drawing men to theaters without the coercion of a wife or girlfriend.

The solution is simple; demote both those megalomaniac hive minds (the Marxists and beancounters) from their gatekeeper position. Allow some cognitive variety. Allow some entertainment that offends…even when it offends (insert the Victim Class of the Month here) and tips over their sacred cows.

You know–offend somebody besides your favorite scapegoats in Flyover Country/the Bible Belt. You’ve already stacked up enough offense against them to last a few lifetimes.

Thoughts That Will Never Occur to a Woman

Elvis once warned us:

Hard-headed woman/soft-hearted man

Been the cause a trouble ever since the world began.

Any man who’s had any significant interaction with women has suffered intense frustration at one time or another. And probably on a regular basis. But despite what the feminists claim, the way the male and female brains process data  is radically different.

I put together an impromptu list to help demystify the female of the species and hopefully save you some aggravation.

Men tend to assume that thoughts in this list will occur to women.

As a rule, they do not. Especially the feministas.

(A feminista, as I’m using the term, is a woman who doesn’t necessarily consider herself a feminist, but she’s been thoroughly conditioned by feminist dogma nonetheless.)

You may find this list descriptive of some males today, too. With all the gender chaos in our culture, I wouldn’t doubt it.

Any woman who DOES have thoughts like these is probably a keeper.

  • I’m heading east-southeast. I need to head south-southeast. I can always look at the map to be sure.
  • Maybe I should understand how something works before I offer advice on how to fix it.
  • To be honest, he does work harder than I do…
  • Uh-oh, I’m contradicting what I just said five minutes ago.
  • I never heard of this thing/person/ideology until just now, so maybe I’m not the world’s leading expert on it.
  • Our one-year anniversary is coming up, and I have no desire to change my husband/boyfriend.
  • The human race survived for thousands of years without cell phones and social networks. So can I for a few hours.
  • Hmm…if it’s wrong when they do it, it’s probably wrong when I do it, too.
  • Oh, I get it! He’s operating in accordance with what I told him that I want, in that conversation we had. I should give him credit for that.
  • Maybe I should carry my argument to its logical conclusion.
  • Wait a minute…I’m judging him by what I felt at the time; not by what he actually said/did.
  • Lashing out with this remark might score some points in this argument, but it’s not true, therefore I just won’t say it.
  • When I honestly add up all the qualities of my imagined perfect man, I come up with a skitzophrenic transgender Jeckle/Hyde. Maybe I should reevaluate.

Will Jeb Bush Be the Next President?

Preposterous, right? We’ve already had two Bushes. Ain’t that enough?

A couple years ago I conversed with a beltway insider. Neither of us were happy with any of the “choices” we’d been given for president for a few election cycles. Also, neither of us  subscribe to Coincidence Theory. We had at least that much in common.

At the time I was still trying to believe that national elections are still determined by the will of living US citizens (however messed-up their will may be) casting one vote apiece. Well, this guy claimed to know who the behind-the-scenes power brokers picked to win elections years in advance. He was absolutely convinced Jeb Bush would be the next one.

The more I thought about this, the more sick I became.

It makes a certain degree of sense, if you’re not a Coincidence Theorist.


As much as I hate seeing my country destroyed, I almost wish the consequences of Obama’s rapine would manifest while he’s still in office. That way it would be a little harder for his cheerleaders (the press, Hollywood, academia, etc.) to blame his political opponents  for what happens.

It would work out much better for the haters of America if disaster doesn’t set in until Bad Cop takes over.


The Bush family has enjoyed uncanny success pretending to be “right wing” or “conservative” (whatever that means) while continuing the attack on personal liberty, the free market, our national sovereignty, etc., that their “opponents” perpetrate.

Still, I had no way of verifying the beltway insider’s track record on previous predictions, and so was able to shelve that prophecy as just another know-it-all spouting off opinion as fact.

Then while driving home earlier this week, I heard a brief news item on the radio. Evidently GOP bigwigs are playing with the idea of Jeb Bush for 2016, and Jeb said something to the effect that he hadn’t really considered it before, but might now.

The plot thickens. And I do not lisp.


But really, so what? We already knew whoever the GOP picks for 2016 is going to be abysmal. They will differ from Clinton/Obama only by degrees; not in principle. And if they win,  it will only be to fulfil the Judas Goat role once again (all while being adamantly defended by NeoCon apologists).