When an Obamunist Tells Lies in the Forest…

…But the alternative media isn’t there to blow the whistle…was it, in fact, a lie?

According to Sherman’s sources, in 2013, Williams refused to broadcast the news about a Justice Department memo justifying drone strikes against American citizens. Later that same year, Williams wouldn’t air a report that said the Obama Administration had known since 2010 that ObamaCare would cost millions of Americans the very same insurance policies President Obama repeatedly promised they could keep.

It never ceases to befuddle me how NeoCons and others seem to assume things like:

  • The only time Red China has ever shown brutality toward its own citizens was at Tienamin Square.
  • The only crime ever committed by Bill Clinton was perjury about the blowjob he got from a White House intern.
  • The only time the mainstream media has lied, distorted, covered-up or otherwise perpetrated a fraud on the American people was when Brian Williams lied about his experiences.

…Myers couldn’t get Williams to air a segment about how the White House knew as far back as 2010 that some people would lose their insurance policies under Obama­care. Frustrated, Myers posted the article on NBC’s website, where it immediately went viral. Williams relented and ran it the next night. “He didn’t want to put stories on the air that would be divisive,” a senior NBC journalist told me.

Divisive? Hmm. As opposed to how NBC and their fellow travelers handled the Trayvon Martin and Ferguson stories? ‘Cause, you know, editing the 911 tapes and their other race-baiting tactics weren’t designed to be divisive at all.

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