What Will Happen in Cleveland?

The Vietnam generation had two defining moments. One was Woodstock, and the other was the 1968 Democratic Convention, where a “war on the streets” was waged to convince politicians to abandon the war in the jungle.

It may seem odd that the potheads, civil rights protestors and Communists (and perhaps even some true believers who just wanted the killing to stop, but not necessarily for the Communists to win) would target the DNC Convention while leaving the Republicans alone, but it was a Democrat war, with Democrats controlling Congress and the White House. The Convention was their storming of the Bastille, their Great Patriotic War, and those who were there will still talk about it that way.

The 2016 election theater will turn out much different, though no less of a defining moment. And the level of violence could very well make 1968 seem tame by comparison.

You may have noticed a trend of violence lately, increasing in frequency and intensity. The latest police assassinations in Baton Rouge have most people focused on the escalating black/white and police/citizen tensions, but there are many wrinkles to this “Summer of Change,” and don’t forget the organized violence that has been perpetrated on Trump supporters all year, carried out by La Raza, BLM, Bernie/Hillary zealots, etc., but predictably blamed on the victims.

It’s hard to imagine that “Black Lives Matter” and similar groups would let the Republican convention go by unmolested. In fact, there are indications that what we’ve seen so far will pale in comparison to the violence they have planned in Cleveland. There is also a strong possibility that the authorities in Cleveland will give them “room to destroy” as in Baltimore and other places.

Local police have been militarized around the country, and along with their Federal funding, much of the Federal attitude has rubbed off on them, too. They normally act like occupation troops in a hostile nation, but when nationalists are targeted for assault by leftist agitators, in some cities the police just stand down and smirk.

So what will it be? If left-wing stormtroopers attack conventioneers, or Trump supporters who gather outside the convention, which is very likely, how far will they be allowed to go? It might be on the scale of the terror that’s been going on in France, or worse.

What happens if the victims retaliate? Of course we know how the media would report it. They blamed Trump and his supporters even when they didn’t fight back. Imagine what they’ll do with some carefully selected video footage if nationalists have the audacity to defend themselves against the globalist pawns. And retaliation might motivate the government in Cleveland to unleash an army of police in riot gear with deadly force authorized.

This is a powder keg for more than one reason.

The nation-within-a-nation of entitled America-hating cutthroats are just looking for a reason to go totally berserk, and they are encouraged to do so from the White House down.

As if cops weren’t aggressive enough already, now their hostility toward citizens is even higher. It shouldn’t take too many more media circus cop killings before solidarity with their brothers in the Blueshirt Fraternity takes over and they begin looking for revenge.

(Don’t forget that the Federal government might just give them an excuse for that at any time, especially with a horrific-enough crisis–real or artificial.)

It’s obvious I can’t speak for anyone else, especially anyone in the “alt right,” but Trump supporters, nationalists and other so-far peaceful citizens have got to be tired of getting pushed around. There are hot-heads on every side, and when that last straw breaks the camel’s back, the reaction might be way out of proportion to the provocation.

It might turn out to be worse than all the above, combined, because the cabal occupying our government is willing to manufacture a crisis when none is handy. A false flag attack is probably not necessary in Cleveland (and would be more likely at the Democrat Convention anyway), but is not impossible, either.

There is one other possibility, and that is that peace reigns during the conventions. Such would be miraculous, but many of us cling to the hope, anyway.

The war drums have been getting louder over the last several months, and are getting close to deafening, now. The powder keg may very well be sparked between now and when this post goes live.