Sun Tzu and the Republican National Convention

It’s an ancient military axiom that you usually don’t want to attack your enemy when and where he is expecting an attack. Perhaps not as old is the idea that politics is just a polite, dignified extension of warfare.

The RNC in Cleveland turned out to be a pleasant surprise in that no mayhem ensued, inside or outside the Convention venue.

Considering Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, San Jose, etc., it’s rather astounding that the Soros-funded useful idiots and other America-hating Millenials didn’t sieze the opportunity to stick it to The Man; show Whitey what’s up; shout truth (by the Marxist-Leninist definition) to power, and  otherwise beat down those fascist pigs who have the audacity to believe differently and contradict The Narrative.

One possible reason it didn’t happen might be that so many of us were expecting it. Another is that, because it was expected, a number of “alt right” activists journeyed to Cleveland and made their presence felt on the streets. At least a few of them were packing heat.

Possibly even more astonishing is that, inside the convention, the RINOs didn’t use a last-minute rule change or other dirty trick to railroad Trump out of the nomination.

Perhaps this, too, never developed because so many were expecting it (and many were openly vowing a violent response if it did). Or, more ominously, it might be because the puppeteers have finally gotten a handle on Trump somehow, and he has agreed to play ball (betray us like all the rest) if he wins the presidency.

His choice of running mate might indicate the latter.

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