Republicans Could Reveal the Full FISA Application If They Want To

…And a few of them probably do. But most of them will do what their masters tell them–lose by any means possible and continue helping the Democrats ruin the country while pretending (ineptly, of late) to oppose them.


There is no danger to national security by releasing the full, unredacted documents. But there is a danger to the Deep State and the Swamp Media if the American people are given a glimpse of the corruption and criminality of our highly-paid domestic enemies.  Pay attention to what your congressmen do and say regarding this.

The World of Gods & Proxies

In the reality we inhabit, it’s difficult to imagine a world where Darwinism hasn’t been pushed by academia until it undergirds nearly every creative work, dominates every alleged discussion of science, and permeates the thinking of so many people (even those  considered religious). But in the ancient world, it’s unlikely anyone promoted an idea that life originated, then evolved, by random accident–either according to the Big Bang process as conceptualized by atheists (“first there was nothing, then it exploded”); or via pan-spermia (“life originated in some far-away solar system according to Darwin’s model–therefore you can’t examine any evidence–then Earth was seeded by the resulting advanced life forms as an experiment”).

Whether or not humanity was entirely composed of superstitious simpletons, what evidence has survived suggests that supernatural creation was a mainstream concept and supernatural intervention was often expected.

Supernatural intervention is commonplace in the many surviving variations of the Greek, Roman, and Norse myths. Other mythologies are more difficult to research, but share most of the same themes. And, though it was rare for the Israelites to witness a physical manifestation of their God, they frequently begged His intervention, and often got it.

Initially (when Gods & Proxies was the first draft of a screenplay), I had characters with a 20th/21st Century attitude (agnostic, leaning toward atheist). It was an easy mistake to make, because you can’t go anywhere in the present day without encountering Darwinist worldviews, and assumptions based on the work of his zealous disciples. It’s only natural for a writer wanting to include life-like characters to craft them so that they wouldn’t seem out-of-place in the real world.

Which takes me back to my point: the real world now is perceived much differently than the real world was thousands of years ago.

It’s a major blunder to transpose modern values and attitudes into a period piece with no consideration for credibility. We see it in movies, TV shows, and books all the time. It’s a lazy and rather arrogant blunder. That’s why, when adapting the story into prose form, that anachronistic worldview had to go.

That said, human nature hasn’t changed, at all. Certainly the sophistication of deception has advanced considerably from ancient times, but not what deception is perpetrated to accomplish (abandonment of the Creator God, a hate for the truth and what is right, debauchery, and a love affair with lies).

There is no political correlation between what happens in our time and what happens in Gods & Proxies. Any flavor of social conflict you may find in the book is not inspired by current controversy, but by the clues from the ancient historical records, influenced by what the author understands about human nature.

Just #WalkAway

Evidently, a lot of Democrats have finally decided that their party has jumped the shark. Their mass political exodus has a name and a hashtag: #WalkAway.

While some like George Soros and Cuck Tumor Chuck Shumer are upset that fellow Democrats have tipped their hand too early, before their constituents have been adequately conditioned to accept the Soviet-level lunacy their party wants for America, the Swamp Media is doubling down. The #WalkAway phenomenon is nothing but a hoax, they insist, employing a phantom army of Twitter bots created by…you guessed it: Russian hackers!

Some of the defectors are doxxing themselves on Youtube and other platforms, to prove they are not “bots” (and being harassed or shunned for their trouble) but I suspect most are wisely keeping it on the down-low to escape the attention of the left-wing lynch mobs.

There are some dangers inherent in this seemingly positive development, and I’ll point out a couple that worry me.

The first danger is that the Establishment will use accommodation of these defectors as another excuse to push the GOP even further to the left. For decades the NeoCons insisted that the only route to victory for Republicans was to become less of an alternative to the Democrats, but instead merge into a Uniparty that only disagrees over what trimester babies should be murdered in the womb, or how soon the Fed should shove us into hyperinflation. This deception was proven wrong every election cycle, then utterly wrecked by the election of President Trump. But droves of former Democrats flooding the electorate will no doubt inspire them to suggest that the dog should return to its vomit. Their excuses change over time, but their “solution” is always the same: keep shoving everything leftward.

The second danger is far more grave. What the #WalkAway crowd (and others) have noticed is that the Deep State and its Swamp Media is losing its collective mind. (Hive Mind, to be precise.) Gaping holes are cracking open in The Narrative, and many of their attempts to patch it up are too desperate and obvious even for some of their longtime loyalists. The meltdown is epic.

Traitors are accusing patriots of treason, while proclaiming themselves to be patriotic. Screaming “racist” has lost its magical power to shut down debate, so the Hive Mind Drones are calling everything and everybody to the right of Karl Marx “fascist,” “nazi” and “Hitler.” I guess their woke, genderfluid parents never read them The Boy Who Cried Wolf as children. It was probably too heteronormative, wolfophobic, and celebrated the patriarchy. Anyway, those epithets are also losing their power, the more ludicrous and constant their usage. What can they do now but screech the terms even more and louder, proving themselves less credible with every instance? They could try calling us pedophiles (and some do), but that is counterproductive since that is the next perversion they’re trying to normalize. (“Conservatives” might still be a decade away from overtly joining the left in accepting pedophilia as the status quo, so playing that card could easily backfire on the Hive Mind, anyway.)

To get an idea what their desperation will drive them to next, cast your gaze across the pond. Tommy Robinson dared to speak the truth about some consequences of the Muslim invasion of Britain, and he’s been locked in the Tower of London. No, not really. Actually, he’s been imprisoned in a facility where the Muslim majority inmates might murder him at any time, making him an example to anybody else who might dare to report on the gang rapes and other violent crimes committed by the protected classes invading the UK.

And, apparently, the criminals holding the reins of the British government have found enough leverage against the government of Ecuador,  that an extradition is now being arranged so that something similar can be done to Julian Assange, for the crime of exposing various Deep State skeletons in London and Washington closets.

This is a portent of things to come. Leaks and whistleblowers have dealt the Deep State some painful setbacks in the last couple years. They can’t afford to allow dissidents to speak the truth anymore. They are going to do whatever it takes to shut down free speech. Bank on it. They will stop at nothing to reclaim their monopoly on the flow of information.

Expect an increased effort to regulate the Web–far beyond what the Thought Police in Silicon Valley are presently doing on social media platforms–that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They previously tried to quietly ram “Net Neutrality” down our throats, as the first step toward absolute censorship. They are probably brainstorming right now for a way to trigger sheeple’s emotions on such an epic level that the public will demand that our free speech be utterly crushed.

I would not be surprised if the next wave of false flag atrocities are framed in such a way as to blame the unregulated Internet equally alongside the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Maybe more, because in order to patch up The Narrative and maintain control of the Zeitgeist, alternative media must be crushed. People like me will have to be silenced. No ifs, buts, or maybes about it.

As skeptical as I am about the collective intelligence of the western world, and myths like “common sense,” I must admit, it’s hard to conceive an event huge enough to sell such a massive crackdown.

Then again, I guess the Fed could finally just strike the death blow to our economy. After millions starve to death and the survivors kill each other off in race wars, it will be much simpler to regain control of The Narrative–and everything else.

What If We Won the Culture War?

Just a few years ago, myself and others were ridiculed for suggesting the USA was in a Cold Civil War, and there was little chance left for peaceful repair of our constitutional republic. Now, a second civil war is a mainstream speculation, and a Rassmusen Poll suggests 31% of the population in the US believes such a conflict is “likely” in the next five years.

Hive Mind Drones and the useful idiots of the left have evidently been ordered to make this a “national conversation,” as so many are openly calling for civil war now, and some seem to be trying to instigate one. It’s difficult to deny, after the disastrous eight years under Obamunism, and the hysteria/dementia so shamelessly on display since Donald Trump’s upset victory over the Deep State Machine in 2016, that the political factions in this country are more polarized, and people more divided, than at any other time since the first Civil War. And maybe it’s worse than even then. The only reason the Cold Civil War hasn’t turned hot, frankly, is because the population is still too comfortable. Instigate the right kind of crisis (economic collapse, a grid-down scenario, etc.); make people hungry; take away modern conveniences and stuff we take for granted like hot and cold running water; and the streets will flow with blood as the entitled urban masses prey on each other and blame the demographics they hate for everything that went wrong.

“And anybody who disagrees with us is a fascist!”

Ignoring the advantages of the America-hating left (monopoly over education, entertainment, media, federal law enforcement, the courts, etc., and their infiltration of government at every level), let’s imagine, as an exercise, that the Deep State loses the impending hot conflict. Let’s indulge ourselves even more and assume that our borders will be secured; that we shift to a sane immigration policy (or even a strict one like Japan’s); that our foreign and trade policies stop giving every advantage to our enemies and actually safeguard the interests of our country and its people; that institutionalized discrimination (and pop culture demonization) against white males ends; everyone but the hardcorps Marxist base abandons the Democrat party; the GOP is purged of traitors and impostors–or a third party with an “America first” orientation rises up to dominate; and our economy is rescued from Death Row.

Paradise, right?

Not so fast.

The underlying cause of all our national ills would still be unaddressed.

The root cause of our problems is a spiritual one.

Even if your cause is just, that doesn’t automatically sanctify every ally of the cause (contrary to Star Wars philosophy and WWII propaganda). The god of this world has an angle and contingency plan for everyone and everything. And unlike our Fearless Champions in Congress and the Church, he never quits fighting. He will never accept defeat until he is thrown in the lake of fire at the conclusion of history.

Even if the #MAGA phenomenon envisioned by so many comes to pass, the enemy of your soul has got those bases covered, too. He just has to shift tactics a little bit, and his agenda keeps on pushing. Whether he has to divert you around the Truth to the right or the left (no pun intended), what’s important to him is that you miss the Truth. And he’s an expert at getting people (and nations) to do just that. Under the Old Covenant, our Creator chose to deal with humanity through Israel. Some would think (and many still assume) that because they are His chosen people, Israelis/Israelites are somehow morally irreproachable. The Old Testament and Gospels document the fallacy of this assumption. In fact, the Israelites were a priority target for our spiritual enemy, and were far from impervious to his tactics. The best of the patriarchs had major moral failures, as did Israel’s greatest king, and the most faithful aspect of that people was how predictably they periodically abandoned their God and whored after false gods.

Our spiritual enemy has already infiltrated the MAGA movement. The seeds of his agenda (and our ultimate destruction) are already planted, in the event we win a seeming/temporary victory in America. I’ll just mention two such seeds for now.

That they so proudly place a self-proclaimed dangerous faggot on a pedestal pretty much speaks for itself.


Once upon a time, only the left openly advocated for the proliferation of perversion.  “Conservatives” didn’t work up a sweat trying to conserve morality (or anything else), but they at least paid lip service to “family values” and other rhetorical ideals. Then along came the “Log Cabin Club” and the RINOs began to come out of the closet.  Right-of-center icons like Barry Goldwater went public with their approval of degenerate “lifestyles.” Government schools began ramming the sodomite agenda down children’s throats, as early as kindergarten, while good men did nothing. Now those heavily-conditioned children are grown and voting.

Perversion, like feminism, is now embraced equally on both sides of the political divide. You can hardly find a dissenting opinion anywhere, since those have been driven into the closet by people programmed to accept perversion as healthy. (“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”) Trump himself proudly waves the rainbow flag and can’t refer to homosexuals without applying “wonderful” or some other flattering adjective to their demographic. Even groups like Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys (unique so far, in that they’re willing to push back against the left’s violent Blackshirts) deliberately pander to the sodomite lobby.

“I vill not tolerate any hate speech!”

Throughout history, a society’s plunge into sexual degeneracy precedes collapse (or transition, as in the Weimar Republic). And depraved minds reject the Truth. Who knows how many people inside the USA are leading a sexually deviant lifestyle? But it appears that 75-90% approve of those who practice it, while calling good evil and evil good.


Before Obamunism, the Swamp Media’s portrayal of opposition to the left as fraught with KKK Nazis was just a politically expedient fabrication used for recruitment, retainment, and marginalizing dissidents who could not be otherwise silenced. Now it has become a self-fulfilled prophecy.

Granted: the #FakeRight are as leftist as they’ve ever been, and perhaps the majority of “white nationalists” on the Internet and at rallies are agents provacateur whose mission is to infiltrate, instigate, agitate, and associate their boogeyman reputation with actual right-wingers. But the provocation seems to be working on a lot of non-LARPers in the #MAGA movement, who fantasize about hook-nosed Joooooos behind every tree and examine every single issue through a racial or ethnic lens. Some of them even claim to be Christians, even though the god they serve is clearly Racial Purity and “muh westurn sivuluhzayshun.” They are, in fact, the mirror image of the professional victim classes in the SJW ranks who have played the race card to get special treatment for the last half-century, all while shrieking about “muh oppression” and “white privilege.”

“Western Civilization” in action. Obviously superior to the Bill of Rights, says the “alt right.”

These people will prove just as easy to manipulate as the minorities they so despise. Identity politics is always accompanied by conformity and GroupThink. Moronic obsession with superficial differences has been historically used to cause people to surrender their own freedom and long-term interests for the hollow ambition of extracting a pound of flesh from tribal outsiders.

Seeds planted by our spiritual adversary spread like cancer. They don’t go into remission just because one political faction (or ethnic group) triumphs over another. If the source is never attacked, the seeds are guaranteed to take root and flourish.

The only way to effectively combat your spiritual enemy is by turning to the God who is more powerful than the god of this world (and every other “god”). If America doesn’t do this, then our ruin is assured–regardless of either side’s political fortunes in November or in 2020.

Alt★Hero # 2 – a Review

Alt★Hero #1 was set in Europe, and concentrated on an EU-sanctioned supergroup. This one is set in the states, focusing on a subversive superteam organized to pursue American interests. Obviously this puts them at odds with the Deep State and gives them a lot tougher “row to hoe” than their European counterparts.

The pivotal character in both issues is an aesthetically appealing, nubile heroine–a shrewd marketing decision, if nothing else.

Arkhaven/Alt Hero is improving rapidly on all fronts. The artwork and composition is better in this issue, and we’ve got a clearer picture of where the story is taking us, now: (a superteam showdown, eventually, I hope. But not too soon…)

Hammer is my favorite character so far, while Ryu no Seishin is my favorite to look at. The writer(s) teased us with just enough of Martel’s backstory to make us want to know more. I’m also curious about this subplot the bureaucrats mention regarding the President and Singapore.

I’m not sure exactly what Rebel’s metahuman abilities are. Invulnerable skin is one. Super-strength, too? I’m guessing Hammer already has that, but it’s hard to tell in comics, because even “normal” human heroes are drawn as if they have superhuman strength. Physique is no indication, because non-powered heroes look just as sculpted as superpowered characters. And regardless of whether a human or superhuman hero throws a punch, the recipient of the punch usually goes flying backwards out of the panel.

So far, we’ve been introduced to SoulSight, who can read other people’s memories; Quantum Kitty, who can phase through solid objects; Ryu, who is kinda’ like the Human Torch, I guess, though her whole body doesn’t turn to flame; Rebel; Hammer; and the dude in the black tee-shirt. No idea what he does, yet. There’s a couple more team members mentioned but not seen. Guess we’ll meet them in forthcoming issues.

It’s really a shame this issue was only 28 pages. It was over too soon. I hope they compile the first 12 issues or so into a graphic novel one day. In any case, I look forward to Alt Hero #3.

BTW, I’ve seen Issue #1 of Avanon now, and will review it soon, hopefully.

Gods & Proxies–the Supernatural in Antiquity

An excerpt from the afterword in Gods & Proxies, discussing how belief in the existence of “other gods” is not necessarily pagan, anti-Christian, or unbiblical:

There’s a famous road paved with good intentions. One good intention of theologians in centuries past was to eliminate or explain away any passage in the Bible which could be construed as supporting polytheism.

The Bible clearly portrays Yahweh (El Elyon/El Shaddai/”The God of Many Names”/etc.) as the One True God; but it also documents that He judged the gods of Egypt (Exodus 12:12). In the Commandments we are warned not to put other gods before Him (Deuteronomy 5:7). The Adversary, called “the devil” and “Satan” in English, is referred to as “the god of this world” or “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4) depending on translation (or “prince,” which is also how the messenger* in Daniel 12:1 referred to the Archangel Michael).

Acknowledging that the ancient pagans were worshiping living entities, and not just the idols formed to represent them, is not polytheistic. It is simply biblical.

Those of us who learned the Bible from an English translation (or worse yet, from “preacher talk”) have inherited many assumptions about our Creator. For instance, we assume that “God” is His name.

One of the Commandments forbids us to misuse His name (Deuteronomy 5:11). Well, what exactly is His name? Most Gentiles have no idea, except for the cryptic statement given to Moses via the burning bush (Exodus 3:14). But where our English translations call him simply “THE LORD,” the original text used one of His names.** How many times have we seen references to His name in our English translations, without actually seeing His name in the text? Those translations also use the word “God” as if it is a name (hence we assume “God” is his name), but the word “el” that is translated “god” was a more generic term in Hebrew for a supernatural being that is not necessarily the Creator God. Many of us were taught that the word Elohim, which includes the word for “god” with a Hebrew plural suffix, is a reference to the Trinity–one God in three persons. But some Hebrew scholars insist it refers to a pantheon, the Divine Council, or Heavenly Assembly.*** (Not that they deny the Trinity, as there is textual evidence of that concept elsewhere in Scripture.)

*The word angel means “messenger,” but, in our lexicon, has come to refer exclusively to created celestial beings. Certainly the word often refers to those; but sometimes a human being can be an “angel,” and sometimes the Messiah Himself plays the role of a messenger, or “angel.”

**That is, the “Tetragrammaton.” This has been pronounced “Yaweh” or “Jehovah,” historically, though exact pronunciation is not certain because there were no vowels in the original Hebrew. It’s like an acronym formed from the Hebrew phrase the Creator used to answer Moses: “I am that I am.”

***Psalm 82:1 “God has taken his place in the Divine Council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.” Deuteronomy 32:8-9 “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided up humankind, he set the boundaries of the peoples, according to the number of the Heavenly Assembly.” Job 1:6 and 1 Kings 22 also give us a fleeting glimpse of this Heavenly Assembly.

Another phenomenon mentioned in Gods & Proxies is “spiritually charged objects.” This sounds like a pagan or Wiccan concept, but it’s also Biblical. In the New Testament, certain people were healed and/or delivered merely by physical contact with aprons and handkerchiefs touched by Paul (Acts 19:11-12).

If the Holy Spirit (working through Paul) could spiritually charge an inanimate object, then it’s entirely possible that evil spirits could supernaturally charge objects as well–such as the items in Jericho that the Israelites were forbidden to take as plunder (Joshua 6:17-18, 7:1).

Those who like to deny the supernatural also insist that witchcraft is nothing more than a myth perpetuated by tricksters and illusionists. But the author(s) of the Bible saw it much differently. God considers witchcraft a serious manifestation of evil, not to be dismissed as harmless Halloween stories.  The Bible also documents how Pharoah’s magicians, and the witch of Endor accessed some sort of actual power that no huckster could ever duplicate.


ChiCom “Laser Assault Rifle”

How much you wanna bet they were allowed to steal the technology from the US Patent Office?

One laser weapons expert said the new weapon can “burn through clothes in a split second … If the fabric is flammable, the whole person will be set on fire.”

“The pain will be beyond endurance,” according to the researcher who tested a prototype at the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shaanxi province.

The 15mm rifle weighs 6.6 pounds — about the same as an AK-47 — and has a range of 800 meters, or half a mile. It can be mounted on cars, boats and planes.

The ZKZM-500, which costs about $15,000, is ready for mass production and is likely to be given to anti-terrorism units of the Chinese police.

The weapon is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and produces no sound, so “nobody will know where the attack came from. It will look like an accident,” another researcher said.

Moving the Goalposts: the “Families Being Ripped Apart” Narrative

While smug swamp weasel Rosenstein lies to Congress, dodges questions, and flashes a shit-eating smirk to signify that he is above the law, answerable to nobody, and the joke is on us, other developments are rather positive for the US of A. The Supreme Court actually made a couple decisions that benefit Americans, despite themselves–and the retirement of Justice Kennedy could mean they’ll be making more good decisions in the future. North Korea is less likely to attack South Korea again than at any time since 1953; and probably not interested in messing with us until about 2025, if then.  Isis was crushed inside Trump’s first year. The US is acting less and less like every other country’s bitch in international trade. Some remnants of our outsourced industry is coming back, Americans are going back to work, and Americans are finding out what an ACTUAL economic recovery looks like.

In other words, the Democrats are really, really pissed off.

These are dark days for the America-hating Marxists of the media and entertainment industries, and all their useful idiots mixed in the population. They are desperate to find something to make President Trump look bad. The “Russian collusion” witch hunt just hasn’t fooled anyone with a functioning brain. The dial has been turned up on mass shooting incidents (almost always just after an “active shooter” drill in the area, almost always perpetrated by “lone nuts” on psychotropic drugs, whose therapists mysteriously disappear), but outside the leftist echo chamber, people just aren’t blaming the correct parties (lawful Americans who had nothing to do with the atrocity, but who do have the audacity to exercise their rights). The Stormy Daniels hype has fizzled out and her trash-talking lawyer seems to have disappeared.

What can they do to distract from the embarrassing details of the Congressional inquiries, that will also give them fresh excuses to call Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis”? Why, invent a crisis at the border, of course–because that is where eee-veel “white supremacist” Drumpf is slowing down the invasion of illegal Democrat voters they so desperately need if they hope to quickly resume raping our country into oblivion.

An overwhelming majority of the invasion into the USA is happening on our southern border. An overwhelming majority of the invaders are from Latin America. And an overwhelming majority of those are from Mexico. Mexico has a US Embassy and several US consulates where people can go to legally seek asylum. Once granted, they can take advantage of the opportunities in our eee-veel, oppressive, raaaaaaaaaayciss country, or collect a welfare check while raping, stealing, pushing drugs, waving foreign flags while blocking traffic, shrieking about their cosmic master race and insisting their rights supercede those of American citizens…and vote in our elections to make our country just like the collectivist hellholes they escaped from.

So the Democrat Propaganda Corps (also known as the mainstream media) scrounged up some Obama-era photos of illegals in holding facilities, found another photo of a screaming girl (whose mother had apparently abandoned her family), and hit the press cycle with all guns blazing about “children being ripped from their families!!!”

In one week there were at least 20 attempts to equate this “crisis” to the Holocaust by the impartial, dispassionate paragons of integrity at the media conglomerates. And, of course, continuing to spew the usual Trump-is-Hitler Patriots-are-Nazis blah blah blah narrative. That the Nazis put up chain link and barbed wire to trap people INSIDE their socialist paradise never occurred to these intellectual powerhouses. That this exact policy of detainment at the border had been in place prior to Trump ever taking office is ignored or denied. It’s still Trump’s fault somehow–kinda’ like how all the damage done by Obama was the fault of the previous administration.

Having never heard the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” the Swamp Media shrieked all the louder about how America is raaaaaaayciss and “families being ripped apart” (parents sometimes sat in separate rooms from the minors they claimed were their children for a couple hours) was solely Trump’s fault and worse than a Nazi death camp. Rachel Maddow had a B-movie quality breakdown on national TV, so overcome was she with the inhumanity of it all. Not that they were trying to trigger emotional hysteria in the ovine masses or anything.

So Trump issued an Executive Order that will prevent parents from being separated from their children during detention. The whole “atrocity” that was allegedly the source of the hysterical outrage was stopped.

If you’re a Democrat or Hollywood/Swamp Media shyster (forgive the redundancy), now what do you do?

Why, you move the goalposts, of course.

This families-ripped-apart narrative that they were foaming at the mouth about has disintegrated like a puff of smoke. Troupers that they are, the svengali drones of the Leftist Hive Mind shifted to what an eee-veel, out of control government agency ICE is, without missing a beat.

You know, because the left is so consistently concerned about government acquiring too much power.

ICE has grown too big, they tell us. It’s exceeded its authority, they tell us. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars, they tell us. It’s violating people’s rights, they say.

Right after they finish defending the actions of the Obama/Deep State DOJ and FBI.

Red-Blooded American Men Examine Pop-Culture and the World