All posts by Machine Trooper

Interview with Author Paul Leone

Q1:What inspired The Dweller in Drury Lane? Are there any other related works that precede or follow this that might help further explore these legends you are creating?


Leone: Both Ya’el and Renee and Innocence appeared in previous stories, and I thought putting their tales (including a few new ones) side by side would make for an interesting contrast. They’re all part of my Immortal Champions setting, which starts off in my novella The Governess of Greenmere and continues in the short story collections The Hungry Dead of Yü-Ching and Other Stories, Kung Fu Antipopes and Other Strange Stories, The Third Crown and Other Weird Tales and Webs and Shadows: Strange Stories of Barsetshire.

Q1/2: So where do we first encounter Ya’el, Renee, and Innocence?

Leone: Ya’el is first mentioned in “The Holy Woman of the West” in The Third Crown, while Renee and Innocence debut in “A Ride in Barsetshire” in Webs and Shadows.

Q2: The first thing one notices when reading The Dweller is your prose. How did you develop such a magnificent prosaic style? How do you manage to completely block out all traces of modern-day euphemisms and urban jargon in your writing?

Leone: I think it’s a combination of reading (a lot) and writing (a lot). Find an author or two who write like you want to, and just immerse yourself in their works. In my case, I aimed to imitate J.R.R. Tolkien’s writing style, especially in the first half of The Return of the King. 

Q3: Who was Ya’el before becoming an Immortal Champion? How did she become an Immortal Champion?

Leone: Ya’el’s background is still a little foggy to me, but she was the daughter of a shepherd in the 2nd century BC. After an encounter with one of the night people (my general term for vampires, witches and other evil beings), she met Nimrod (then the Champion of the Holy Land) and became his student and eventual successor.

Q3/2: What exactly is a Champion and where did the idea come from?

Leone: Immortal Champions are the chosen servants and warriors of the Angels of Limbo (or Sheol, as Ya’el calls it; there’s many different names). Long ago, the ‘neutral angels’ were cast out of Heaven for not taking a side in Satan’s rebellion, and some of them have since decided to atone for their cowardice by helping humanity against the minions of the Devil. There are 72 Champions all around the world who use their powers (immortality, greater physical abilities, and what might be called ‘magic’) to protect mankind. The basic idea has been in my brain for almost 20 years – what if the Slayers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer were put into an explicitly Christian setting? – and grew until I came up with Elise from The Governess of Greenmere and then her various peers.

Q4: I personally fell in love with the character of Coem from Hibernia. She comes from a land where the Gospel hasn’t spread yet (65 AD), but she does wear her heart on her sleeve and comes off as a young girl with a strong mind. Any possible spinoffs featuring her specifically that you might bless us with in the future?

Leone: Thank you! She’s one of my favorites, too. I do have some plans for her adventures in the Roman Empire, possibly with Victoria of Alexandria, or perhaps later on in history when she meets a certain British-born evangelist in early medieval Ireland.

Q5: Renee and Innocence–are they too Immortal Champions of Sheol? And if not, how are they able to fight the forces of evil the way we see it done in the second half of The Dweller? What exactly sets them apart?

Leone: Renee and Innocence are ordinary mortals. Renee is blessed with luck, a quick wit, and being born into a wealthy family with an indulgent father. Innocence, on the other hand, is a poor country girl (and as a Puritan in Restoration England, doubly looked down on), but her devout faith gives her a power over many things they face.

Q6: As I’ve mentioned to you before, I did read another of your novellas a couple of years ago-The Governess of Greenmere-but truthfully I did not see or notice any of the amazing writing I witnessed in The Dweller. Do you think I was distracted and should go back and re-read it or has your writing changed much ever since that book?

Leone: I wrote that several years ago now and like to think I’ve improved, but I definitely recommend giving it another shot! There’s some passages in it that I’m fond of. (I’d also recommend Webs and Shadows, especially the story “Sigriđ Sigdansdohtor and the Wolf of the Lobbeweald”)

Q7: In closing, Paul I can’t stop expressing my gratitude for getting me inspired while reading your book. You embody everything I work and preach (no pun) every day both in my personal life and my social media life. I want to believe that this world, with all its evil, sin, depravity, and THE AGENDA, still hosts men and women who uphold higher standards for everything that is sacred, everything that is holy, everything that is immortal.

What’s next that we can look forward to? And needless to say, I hope this is just the beginning of having you on Virtual Pulp to promote more NEW LEGENDS IN THE MAKING!

Leone: Thank you very much! I’m very glad you hold the book in such regard. As for what’s next, I’ve got a couple more Immortal Champions short story collections coming eventually. Stay tuned and God bless.

The Hunter by K. Aagard – a Review

(The Hunter of Fareldin Series Book 1)

Reviewed by

~Her eyes watered with tears as she took the first bite. The mere taste of the food seemed to give her body strength. It was nothing like the fine dishes she was used to, but at the time it tasted better than anything she’d ever eaten~

What it’s About:

As I read and analyzed Book 1 of The Hunter of Fareldin, I couldn’t help but keep comparing it to another book we recently reviewed on Virtual Pulp based on certain similarities. Both stories revolve around two seemingly different and polar opposite characters-a young girl and a brooding ranger (or hunter)-caught up in a life and death situation that involves a long journey on foot and on horseback while being hunted by dangerous foes. The big difference is that in The Hunter of Fareldin the writer doesn’t bore us to death and doesn’t create incoherent character behavior as things unfold.


Let’s face it, when most of the story consists of marching/setting up camp/building a fire/repeating, keeping things interesting can be quite the challenge. But I’m happy to say that Aagard manages to do so and in a very astounding fashion. Not only does the story hardly ever get boring, but we slowly start feeling invested in the two main characters just as they slowly start building strong emotional ties toward one another!


Our adventure starts when a failed kidnapping attempt of young noblewoman Adeline of Fenforde (Addy) finds our young protagonist lost and alone in foreign land. When she tries to steal a sword from a strange man, she strikes a most unusual deal with Strider (aka The Hunter) and his giant wolf pet Greer. She promises that if he can deliver her back home to her family he’d be generously compensated for it by her father. Although Strider accepts the offer, little is he concerned with monetary compensation, but this mission rather gives his life some temporary meaning, which it had none left ever since his family was murdered.

This is a story of powerful but dangerous magic, of spies and inside jobs, but most importantly of lives being restored to hope.


If I have to use a word to describe the work the author does here, that word would be BALANCE. Aagard always finds that perfect balance between character development, action scenes, compelling plot lines, and solid prose. And so, just when we feel like the story is getting too slow she gives it a boost with something that gains our attention right back, and when we feel that we should know more about a character she slows things down, taking the time to dig into their minds and hearts.

Although a Book 2 is in the making, the reader turning to the last page will feel satisfied knowing that they read a complete story whether or not they decide to pick up the next book. But given the quality of this first story, I don’t see how anybody wouldn’t want to read more of The Hunter of Fareldin!


The Dweller in Drury Lane by Paul Leone


Reviewed by

“Above all, she remembered the first time she saw Him, the first time she heard His words. These were good memories, holy ones. Ya’el tried to bury the other memories this place carried with it beneath them. As ever, she failed.”


If you follow me on social media and/or are subscribed to the INFAMOUS🦀 YouTube channel, you would have noticed the ample use of terms such as ‘NEW LEGENDS’ or ‘LEGENDARY’. And that is simply due to the essence of what I (and Virtual Pulp) do on a daily basis: exhorting authors to write good stories that resonate through time and that have, for lack of better terms, no expiration date. 

There is a point when a good story is no longer just a good story but becomes a LEGEND. Paul Leone’s The Dweller In Drury Lane is all that, and then some! If there is a work of fiction literature today that encompasses everything I always ramble about, this book right here embodies all those elements to their fullest! 

Before we dive in, I want to officially welcome Paul to our elite group of Virtual Pulp LEGENDARY authors, and look forward to a very needed Q&A interview later on!

What it’s About:

But what is this book with such a long title really about? And what makes it so special? To answer that question we need to mention what author/youtuber Bonsart Bokel stated some time ago: fiction writers should focus more on history while applying new and exciting concepts to it. 

Regurgitating good content that has already been written only creates predictable and boring books. 

We covered a good few authors recently who have adopted the alternate history approach with excellent results. The Dweller in Drury Lane can be categorized as alternate history based on the fact that everything we read is historically accurate, and it’s within this historically accurate environment that Leone works his magic (pun intended!).

The book is a collection of short stories divided in two groups: the first group of stories follows the adventures of Immortal Champion Ya’el, circa 65 AD Jerusalem. The second group follows the adventures of Lady Renee De Launcey and her Puritan maid-servant Innocence circa XVII England.


Make no mistake, even though both main characters are female, they are far removed from the modern image of ‘strong independent WAMEN’ portrayed in our modern western pop culture. In fact, Ya’el is constantly torn by two seemingly polar opposite commandments, whereas Renee and Innocence are aware that they need the aid of men when dealing with powerful and dangerous foes.

As soon as we flip to page 1 we are immediately transported to another world thanks to Leone’s prose. There are virtually no traces of modern euphemisms and in fact at times I had to wonder if the author was someone who lived centuries ago. Every chapter  in the first half of the book feels like reading an ancient manuscript translated from Hebrew, Roman, and Greek into old English: think of Homer, Virgil, and of course the Holy Bible itself.

Secondary characters are as rich and complex as the main characters. I particularly loved the character of Coem, a young girl from Hibernia (Ireland) in search of vengeance for the murder of her family by the hands of another Immortal Champion of Sheol. THIS is how you write characters that resonate with us hours and even days after we close the book. Young Coem wasn’t able to kill her family’s murderer because mortal weapons cannot kill a Champion of Sheol. Ya’el decides to aid Coem and tells her of a weapon that can harm a Champion called Aurichalcum-the alloy of Atlantis. To which Coem replies:  “Then will that slice her skin?” How can you not LOVE that delivery!


When we move to Part 2 of the book, we are now in XVII England and I’m not kidding when I say that I haven’t been this enthralled ever since reading Jane Austen’s prose! The choice of verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, modifiers, syntax, the subtle expressions typical of the period, are all top notch here!

The attention to the historical aspect also deserves great praise. Whether we are walking through Jerusalem in 65 AD or we find ourselves in the countryside of Great Britain in 1665 AD, we keep getting fed captivating historical data as the narrative unfolds. 

In closing, I encourage you all to grab a copy of The Dweller. If this interview doesn’t motivate you to do so, maybe the fact that you can download the entire book for FREE will.


Note from INFAMOUS:

This review will be followed up by a Q&A with author where we will uncover even more about all this, and I will also mention how a few years ago I read another book by Leone and wasn’t at all impressed by it!


Paradox: Promotions, Surprises, and Reviews

(Oh My!)

Seems like just yesterday I was agonizing over turning my monstrous doorstop-sized Great American Novel into a series. Now there are four regular-sized novels in the series published out of a probable six.


Pardon me while I flex:

Though they haven’t done as well yet as my Retreads Series, the Paradox books have all become bestsellers–and within a month of release, respectively. But wait…there’s more! Book Four: Provoking Fate made bestseller for two weeks without me lowering the price or running a promotion!

I am disappointed that I’m not getting reviews–those mercurial manifestations of “social proof” with an inordinate impact on visibility. But with all the strings Amazon has attached to posting reviews, that’s probably just how the ball bounces. The Paradox Series has been collecting ratings at a…ahem…rate that’s not bad considering how new it is, and that the author is a relatively unknown indie with no Youtube following. Or social media “influencer” status. Or marketing acumen. I dusted off my old Twatter account late last year, but my tweets are de-boosted to the point that out of 700 followers, only two see them on a regular basis.

Whatever. I’ve got plenty to be thankful for.

Pleasant surprises:

I discounted all my novel-length books for the most recent Big Based Book Sale, and scheduled a coincident promotion of Book One: Escaping Fate on Book Barbarian. The Based Book Sale began, and all my titles started selling. But for some reason, Book Two: Rebooting Fate outsold everything else. It had been a #1 Hot New Release back in December, but now shot up into the Bestseller chart again.

What’s more, Book Three: Defying Fate, which made the Bestseller chart back in February, was back on the chart, a few paces behind Book Two. I shared a partial spoiler about Provoking Fate at the top of this post. What I didn’t share was that it hadn’t even been released yet. It wasn’t scheduled to be published until after the Based Book Sale was over, so it climbed up there behind Book Two and Three from pre-orders…and at full price.

Bingo! Get it?

Rebooting and Defying remained in Bestseller territory for about a week.

Most authors who manage to crack the Bestseller list see their books remain toward the top for a while afterwards, propped up by their momentum. The visibility that comes with that attracts more readers. Hence more reviews. And reviews lead to better visibility. It’s a sort of feedback loop which wins the author thousands of reviews and gazillions of sales. My books, on the other hand…Amazon normally hides them immediately after the spike, and sales drop off a cliff. Reviews don’t roll in, and I’m left with little but a memory of the book’s 15 minutes of fame. Word of mouth really ain’t a thing anymore, so when Amazon hides it, it is swallowed by obscurity.

That’s why what happened next with Book Four was remarkable: after it went live, I went to the product page to proof-check the sample and saw that it was on the Bestseller list again–still at full price, with no promotion! If only I had checked for that earlier!

OK, I know: rah-rah me.

Your next chance to pick ’em up cheap:

Well, I have finally scheduled a promotion for Provoking Fate, for Friday 4/19/24. Price will drop to $2.99 (not just on Amazon, but everywhere) through the weekend. I’m interested to see how well it does with a little boost.

Also, I have advance notice of when the next BBBS and I’m gonna try to schedule the publication of Book Five: Resisting Fate to coincide with that. So at that time, both books will be discounted to 99 cents and we’ll see what happens.

About the books themselves:

The biggest challenge with Paradox was making it episodic. Taking one story arc, chopping it into six pieces, then tweaking each piece into its own separate arc with beginning, middle and end. I’ve got enough distance from where I sit now, that it appears the individual arcs are getting stronger as the series rolls along. Provoking Fate may just have the strongest opening act yet. Maybe that is evident in the sample Amazon provides, and accounts for it exceeding expectations.

In my opinion, the opening act in Resisting Fate is even stronger. I have no idea if readers will agree with me.

It would be great to get feedback on stuff like that. If not in a review, then even here in the blog comments.

EVIL NEVER RESTS by Kevin G. Beckman

The Weird Tales of Silas Flint (The Flint Anthologies Book 1)

-a Review by

This is the third story we find in the Weird Tales, and it seems like Beckman continues to pleasantly surprise us with outstanding storytelling that is well thought-out and well written.

Though each story is its own, there is also a bigger picture in this world and events that keeps opening wider as we go along. And so we find once again witch hunter Silas Flint and supernumerary Ricardo Navarro exactly where the last tale left them.

What it’s about:

When a messenger delivers an urgent message that their aid is needed at a town where supposedly ‘werewolf’ attacks have been reported, the choice for our duo is easy: go investigate and possibly kill some werewolves!

Along the way, we have the chance to briefly meet Charles, Flint’s evil brother, and three very enigmatic witch sisters who will play a major role in the unfolding of the following events. Who are the three sisters? And why do they seem to aid Flint in his mission? 

When our heroes deduct that the murders were not random but strictly connected to key names in the current local political circle,  the story takes on a sort of mystery/detective tone which, coupled with some very captivating characters like Mr Oglethorpe, propels the story to new heights of fun, action, and inspiration. Why do I mention inspiration? You might ask. Well if a character like Oglethorpe doesn’t inspire you at some level I don’t know what will. His faith, resolution, conviction, and toughness, despite his advanced age, is only matched by Silas Flint’s himself! Love the guy and he definitely steals the spotlight!

To conclude, I want to again point out how these tales fully embody the spirit of classic pulp fiction while taking on their own shape and form. Needless to say, see you in two weeks with the next tale: The Gloom of the Grave.


MAN OF SWORDS: The Beast Beneath Druihmkirk

(Part 6 of a 6-Part Series)

Review by

~She could not stand, no matter how desperate her desire to do so. “Please,” she shrieked in distress, “I cannot.” “Nor do you have to,” soothed the warrior, quite gentle. And he caught her up, handling her as if her frame were a feather.~


The Beast Beneath Druihmkirk is the final tale we find in R.V. Mills’ Man of Swords, and I’m happy to say it is yet another memorable read! Mills never ceases to delight us with these legends in the making!

What It’s About:

Our hero Rohye is wanted by the evil city Provost (think of it as a city Mayor) on the charges of freeing a defenseless woman from the cruel shackles unjustly put on her for basically rejecting the advances of the city Provost himself. He and the girl need to find a way out of town, but it seems like the only way to escape is by taking the sewage route where no man dares roam due to the legend of a mighty beast that has been inhabiting the underground for years.

What I like about this story is that-similarly to The Isle of the Shrine of the Sick’ning Scarab– some of the most deciding and crucial scenes take place with Rohye not being in them. This is a fresh take and makes the plot development more organic in a sense, and not as predictable.

Once again, chivalry, loyalty, courage, perseverance are all displayed and highlighted throughout this ordeal. There is GOOD and there is BAD, no gray areas. Modern  narrative today is leaning more towards the concept of the ‘misunderstood’ or ‘alienated’ character, but in actuality all that does is blur the lines of morality. Not in Mills’ book! He is pretty firm on the values he puts forth and THAT is what makes Man of Swords a true classic of our current fiction literature.

Not to mention the superb prose, the attention given to secondary/supporting characters, and the plain realization that this is not just your next book on your TBR list.

To conclude, I want to encourage my man Robert to keep writing and never feel discouraged or swayed by the winds of modernism and progressive trends. This series was a true blessing for me personally, and I hope that more folks will pick this up and come to appreciate these amazing stories. True legends in the making!


This concludes this 6-part series. Hope you enjoyed it and that you will leave us your feedback. Virtual Pulp and Robert V. Mills will be back soon with another 6-part series, this time to cover Robert’s latest work The Girl With Fire In Her Hair! Stay tuned and thank you!

PNW Affliction 1: Recycled by Chance Paladin

(A Review)

Recycled is one of the books I picked up recently on a cyber-shopping trip.  It was a lightning-quick read, in a series of 23 books.

What It’s About:

Our hero is out on a midnight walk when the lights start going out.  He winds up seeking shelter at an abandoned building.

Not an overly ambitious plot, but according to the metadata and a few clues sprinkled into the narrative, this is the beginning of a SHTF survival adventure. I happen to enjoy that genre–especially when the story is told well and protagonist isn’t stupid.

I’ll start with a mild spoiler: 90% of this book is the protagonist exploring a closed down recycling plant, solving puzzles to find a room and the tools he’ll need to keep warm while he sacks out for a few hours.

Reading the book is a lot like watching somebody play a videogame–which I guess is a thing, now, on Youtube. Fallout 1 meets Leisure Suit Larry, but without the hook-up options.

Author’s Execution:

This book read like a rough draft that suffers from no proofreading. There were a lot of typos, distracting shifts from present-to-past tense, and plot points that weren’t thought out very well.

Main Plot Contrivance:

I never understood why the protagonist didn’t just go home, being only a few blocks away. Yes, the night gets dark as the lights go out, but  his eyes adjusted to the dark, we are told–and he has a flashlight. There is mention of homeless encampments and a spree of home invasions. Such would make me even more determined to make it home. In fact, if the danger was too extreme to walk home from the convenience store (being visible to potential threats either because of street lights, or my own flashlight), then I wouldn’t have left home in the first place.

The Magic Cat:

Power is out, but there are keyless entries throughout the building which don’t require electricity to trigger–including at least one outer door. Using his smartphone just before the cell towers go down, our hero finds a BBS or web chat forum used by the employees with a clue that “the groundskeeper” can let you in if you’ve forgotten your key card, or the code to the keyless entry.

The MC doesn’t have to wait for the groundskeeper. The groundskeeper, evidently, is a housecat, with the access code for the door printed on its collar.

After MC and the cat enter the building, the cat is able to access certain rooms via “pressure pads.” It also is fairly clumsy, knocking stuff over with loud crashing noises a few times, to cause suspense I imagine.

Toward the end of the book, when the MC finally runs into some antagonists, the magic cat defends him, dispatching one of the assailants.


So, this would be unusual heroism for an animal he just met that night–even a very perceptive dog. But a cat? Even a cat who loved you would simply stand by and watch while you got beaten to death–or, at best, run and hide. Exactly how the cat puts the attacker out of commission is not explained. Nor could it be. This creature is referred to as a “monster cat” a few times. It’s evidently an exceptionally large cat. Even so, let’s pretend its feline brain has been replaced with that of a loyal terrier. It can break the skin and cause pain to a human with bad intentions, but to take that human out of the fight, it would need to be a cougar, or at least a bobcat.

The Climax:

After dawn, there is an attack on the building by an organized mob. There’s a city-wide power outage, presumably the beginning of a SHTF scenario, and police are a non-factor for whatever reason. Within a few hours, a bunch of scumbags (leaderless, we are told) find each other and organize into an assault team…and they choose as a target an abandoned recycling center?

Not a gas station (they have a vehicle). Not a clothing, sneaker, or jewelry store (which rioters loot in real life). They don’t attack some statue or monument they identify as a symbol of “fascism” or “white supremacy” (as rioters do in real life). Not a grocery store. A closed down, locked up recycling center.

The MC is hit by a truck, helps the cat fight off the bad guys until the cavalry (former employees of the recycling plant?) rides to the rescue, and then passes out from the blunt force trauma of the truck hitting him.

Reviewer’s Take:

Despite all the above, I read to the finish. I didn’t know much about the MC other than he’s survival-savvy and loves cats, but I wanted him to find a place where he could keep warm and get some sleep.

Will I read more from the series? Well, I’ve already bought Book 6–the other one that was 99 cents. So I imagine I will.

My best guess about this is that Mr. Paladin is pumping these short books out as fast as he can without much quality control because he is convinced quantity is more important. In today’s series-dominated fiction market, maybe he’s right.

This is the kind of story you might write for the amusement of friends or family. It is not the sort of work I would consider ready to sell for a profit to complete strangers. Yet, evidently, the latter is the case.

It suffers many of the problems that are stereotypical of indie fiction. This one would be easier to polish than most, but it already has 21 ratings on Amazon (most of which are favorable), so I suspect the incentive is not there for the author to fix it.

How a book with these problems gets such a favorable average truly is strange, when solid work without these problems are awarded far less flattering “social proof.” But I’ll spare you my speculation about that.


By Jordan Allen

Review by

I walked into Ashes of Necropolis while already being familiar with Book 1 of the Hollow Realms Series. And although not a perfect work, Book 1 overall was pretty good in my opinion.

Book 2 left me with more mixed feelings and overall I thought it to be a step down from the previous story.

What I’m referring to is mainly the overall dialogue, some of the plot lines, and characters we find along the way.


Our main character is mercenary Erde who travels to the city of Furcht where his friends have last been seen, to rescue them. Right there I found issue with the fact that Erde shows on several occasions that he is willing to give his own life for his three friends but we never get to see what made his relationship with them so special. We just have to accept the fact that Erde is a very altruistic man. 

Speaking of the main character, I noticed that although Erde is a fearless warrior, he sounds like he must not be the ‘brightest bulb on the Christmas tree’ if you catch my drift. He kinda’ reminds me of the ‘clueless’ Keanu Reeves performances on the big screen, if you know what I’m referring to.

Example: he gets a brand new magic sword branded by a powerful spider/woman hybrid and all he can say is: 

It looks pretty and shiny,” said Erde, twirling the blade effortlessly, “but what does it do?”

Another thing that I found odd plot-wise is when Erde finds his first friend Troye trapped in a cell, and Troye tells him that the key to the lock of the cell is none other than one of the fingernails belonging to the big Pig Warden outside. How does Troye even know that? No clue.


Alrich is another character that has been stuck in this extra-dimensional town for years and he has healing powers. We learn that he was just another knight who wandered into this town so how does he have healing powers? Did he already possess them or somehow gained them in Furcht? No clue.

Lastly, and worth mentioning, I noticed the use of modern terminology that just doesn’t vibe well within the context of the story. Example: Erde needs a great Master Smith in Furcht to forge him a mighty and magical armor to defeat the enemy. But when he shows impatience, the Master Smith’s response is: 

My time does not revolve around your schedule, human.”

Schedule is not exactly a word an immortal demigod would use…but that’s just me!

To conclude, I still enjoyed some of the elements this book shares with book 1. I like the atmospheric vibes the author builds and surrounds the reader with. At times you really feel like you’re walking in the thick fog with the MC, and the sense of mystery and adventure still makes this a fun read, if you can just turn away in indifference to the points I mentioned above.


More New Reads for the Library

I guess the Big Based Book Sale is kinda’ like the old street machine  swap meets (or a flea market, if you’re not a car guy): you set up your own table to sell high performance parts, but wind up shopping when you’re supposed to be selling.

If you want a fighting chance to find a good read uncontaminated with the Woke Virus, I can’t think of a better place for that than the BBBS. Last time I picked up some e-books (most still unread), and I couldn’t help doing it again this time. Here are the new additions to my library:

Storm Front (Twilight of the Gods Book 1) by Christopher G. Nuttall; Brad Fraunfelter

In 1941, Adolf Hitler didn’t declare war on the United States. Now, in 1985, the Third Reich stretching from the coast of France to the icy wastes of Eastern Russia, appears supremely powerful. With a powerful force of nuclear warheads and the finest military machine on Earth, there is no hope for freedom for the billions who groan under its rule. Adolf Hitler’s mad dreams have come to pass.

And yet, all is not well in the Reich. The cold war with the United States and the North Atlantic Alliance is destroying the Reich’s economy, while a savage insurgency in South Africa – a war the Reich cannot win and dares not lose – is sapping its military strength. And, while the Reich Council struggles to find a way to save the Reich from its own weaknesses, a young German girl makes a discovery that will shake the Reich to its core. But the Reich Council will not go quietly into the night …

Mutagenesis: The New World

by Jordan Allen

Livelong. Once thought to be a miracle drug that enhanced human beings beyond imagination, in reality, it transformed them into feral monstrosities that tore the world asunder. With their enhanced durability and desire to consume, the mutants devoured millions and, one by one, the world powers fell. The humans who survived fled the cities, hoping one day that they would rise again to reclaim their lost lands.

In the year 2115, sixty-five years after the fall of the Old World, Jason Cooper thought his idyllic lifestyle in the walled settlement of Shackford would last forever, but a mutant attack brings that to a swift end. Jason embarks on a journey to find his missing family while fighting for survival against the horrors of the new world, from the chillingly deserted Texan wasteland to the reclaimed city of New Dallas ruled by the enigmatic King Mercer.

The ravaged wasteland that was once the United States of America is more dangerous than ever. The slavers are looking for their next prize, the raiders are looking for their next loot and the seemingly endless roaming mutants are looking for their prey.

Jason and Sniper wander the road north in search of a survivor from Jason’s fallen hometown of Shackford when they come across a man named Camlorn who speaks of a group who claim to be able to reverse the transformation of a human into a mutant. This leaves the lingering question in their mind. Could this nightmare world finally be turned back?

Gun Magus

by N.R. LaPoint

The last thing Kenneth Jericho needed was a gunfight and car chase with human traffickers. What started as a bad morning only got worse.

A flash of light sends Ken to a strange world filled with magic, hideous monsters, beautiful women, and seemingly unlimited ammo.

With pistol in hand, Ken is thrown into a race against time to stop a local ganglord’s reign of terror. But is the thug the brains behind the violence, or is someone – or something – else pulling his strings?

Trapped 1300 years in the past, they have one mission: survive.

In the 23rd century, humanity has been hunted to the verge of extinction by an alien race. When an exploratory ship accidentally travels back in time to Viking age Scandinavia, the human race is given a second chance. Pursued by the power-hungry King Harald, the four surviving crew members join a ragtag band of Vikings as they pillage their way across Europe. It will take all their ingenuity, courage and technical know-how just to survive. But survival is only the beginning. To save humanity, they must somehow return to the stars.

Thus begins a decades-long effort to teach the Vikings to build a craft capable of reaching space—a ship that will come to be known as the Iron Dragon.

THE DREAM OF THE IRON DRAGON is the first installment in the 5-part Saga of the Iron Dragon.

And, while I was spreading word about the Based Book Sale, I crossed paths with Chance Paladin, who missed the submission deadline but had two books on sale. I picked those up, too:

PNW Affliction 1: Recycled

by Chance Paladin; Gem Gem

Our hero finds himself away from his home the eve of the collapse, trying to figure out what’s going on and unable to make it back. Can he find a place to shelter in the darkness before he freezes in the cold, quiet night?

PNW Affliction 6: Storm Before the Calm

by Chance Paladin; Gem Gem

It’s the night of the collapse. Three heroes converge during the civil unrest in the biggest and most dangerous city-state in the Pacific Northwest. Will Knuckles, the fighter, Luxson the Heathen, and Malaise, the Plague Doctor be able to escape the perfect storm?

The Witch’s Repentance – a Review

The Weird Tales of Silas Flint (The Flint Anthologies Book 1)

A Review By

“You used your powers to commit crimes against the laws of man, however, in addition to the laws of God. God will forgive you, but that does not excuse you from the consequences of your criminal activities in this world.”


After reviewing the first tale of Book 1 of The Weird Tales of Silas Flint, we were so impressed with this pulp fiction narrative that we decided to jump right into the second tale!

What it’s About:

As the title suggests, this time we find Flint dealing with a witch who claims repentance and seeks forgiveness for her transgressions against God and against the laws of man. And speaking of repentive thoughts, this now seems an ongoing theme in the Silas Flint tales. Witches are evil and corrupt, and yet even they were at one point just normal human beings and thus even they sometimes long for that lost sense of humanity. 

Zelda Fletcher was a woman who was seduced and corrupted by a master of evil sorcery, Francisco. But when she realized that Francisco was aiming at more nefarious deeds than just robbing the local stores by ways of witchcraft, she had enough and left him. Now Flint must decide how to apply the full power of the law to Zelda’s case, while also dealing with a possessed Francisco who is about to hit town with a vengeance!

Reviewer’s Take:

Once again Beckman manages to create the ‘classic’ pulp fiction vibes we fell in love with by reading Solomon Kane, yet creating something NEW. 

Concepts of Truth, Righteousness, Good vs Evil are all valued and taken quite seriously rather than scoffed at (see a lot of mainstream ‘reinterpretations’ of classic characters). The relationship between Flint and his associate, Navarro, breathes just enough lightheartedness into the story in a tasteful and balanced fashion.

The other pattern I noticed in both tale #1 and #2 is that unlike other similar franchises, where bystanders and townsfolk seem just an inconvenience for the hero to keep out of the way, here everybody is welcome to aid Flint in fighting evil. In fact, we see Flint himself oftentimes encourage every able body to pick up a weapon and stand against evil, rather than tell them to get lost. This is a very interesting choice and one that I can appreciate for different reasons.

Needless to say, friends if you haven’t picked up a copy of the Weird Tales yet I strongly suggest to do so, and follow us as we move on to tale #3: Evil Never Rests!
