Big Fork is Here!

Some of us have been waiting a long time for this–online resources and social networks that are not a part of the left-wing hive mind.

First off, and most exciting to me, is an alternative to wikipedia:


(The Planetary Knowledge Core)

Then there is the alternative to twitter:


…And I’m on it. You can find me @MachineTrooper.

And (completing a short, chronologically backwards list) there is an alternative to the borg browsers which collaborate with the NSA’s domestic spying, censoring information which contradicts The Narrative, etc:


These alternatives are young; at least one of them (Gab) is still in beta testing mode; but I am using all three and am very pleased to finally have a choice. If you are able, and inclined, your donations to any or all of these efforts would certainly help them succeed.


PS: I quit Faceborg some time ago, and don’t plan on ever going back. I have created an account at MeWe, however, and occasionally post there. So far, they seem to support free speech.