Who Is Funding the Revolution?

Ultimately, you are, through your taxes. But the short answer is: George Soros and his fellow travelers.

One outstanding point made in the video (which is on CommieTube–so it might be suppressed any day now) is that all the racial divide-and-conquer agitprop poisoning our culture for years didn’t explode into widespread violence when Trump had the economy in recovery. People were too comfortable.

The solution had to find a problem, and it had to happen during an election year.

Along came the Wuhan Virus and the Chinese-style quarantine to devastate the economy…and STRICTLY BY COINCIDENCE a few months into the manufactured catastrophe, a media blitz ensued regarding a dirty cop murdering a doped-up criminal. Game on.

The communists have been trying to destroy America for a century. After WWII, the Soviets believed the way to pull it off was to get blacks to revolt. You have to hand it to the Communist International: they are not quitters. The Soviet Union fell (despite untold billions in American tax dollars propping it up for generations), but communists here at home never gave up on that plan. By New Years, we should have a pretty accurate idea of how successful it is.