A Survey of Normieville

On January 20-21, something historic will take place. It will mark either:

  1. Our republic collapsing due to rot from within (as Abraham Lincoln warned) and becoming a 3rd world Marxist police state. The Lawless Terror begins in earnest. Patriots and anybody else to the right of Chairman Xi will be hunted down and dealt with the way the Red Chinese deal with dissidents. Boomer Fudds and other “conservatives” will still be talking about how we can “take back Congress” in 2022, as they are herded into boxcars.
  2. The beginning of some degree of restoration of freedom with rule of law, once the Storm is triggered. Traitors are removed from positions of power and finally held accountable. Depending on how thorough this effort is, it could prove to be the most epic come-from-behind victory in American history.
  3. The de facto declaration of our second civil war (or revolution; or counter-revolution–no need to bicker over semantics until it’s over). This could happen in conjunction with either of the first two possibilities.
  4. A preliminary step toward some level of conflict with Red China (worth at least a blog post of its own). This would only happen in conjunction with the second scenario, or a Patriot victory following the third.

So there’s going to be a violent struggle of some kind. In such struggles, the attitude/allegiance of the people (meaning mostly civilian non-combatants) usually affects the outcome. For this very reason, I lurk in blog comment sections, and skim the feeds of what social media I am subscribed to.  Some of what I find is nauseating; some is ignorant; some is laughable (if this was a laughing matter); but once in a while, some is encouraging.

This post is to share some observations from out in the real world–in no particular order, and not arranged to sell any particular narrative.

Had to visit an urban cesspool recently for a VA visit. Mask zombies everywhere. Including outdoors, walking alone, and driving alone. Businesses like auto parts stores (which in rural areas and small towns are not all this way) are ruled by bovine mask nazis enforcing zero-tolerance policies against non-conformity.

At the VA, I ate at the canteen, in between appointments. About six civilian employees came in for lunch and sat nearby, so that I heard snippets of conversation (sorry–my hearing has been unsat since well before separation):

“…need to get a gun, while they’re still being sold…”

“…plenty of ammo, and I’m gonna get a four-wheeler, too.”

“I figure I can defend my place for a couple days, before I have to bug out.”

In a 90% non-white area, I saw a pick-up truck driving by with a big Confederate flag streaming behind it. Whatever you may think about somebody who brands himself that way, you have to admit this takes big brass cojones. Over the summer, people and homes around America were attacked just for flying the flag of this country. It’s safer to fly the flag of Mexico, Somalia, or Belarus, than it is to fly the Stars-and-Stripes. And it’s been open season on people with MAGA hats for years. Either the dude in the pickup truck is stupid, or he’s to the point where he has not much left to lose and is trying to pick a fight. How many men are at that point right now? How well are they armed and equipped; and what is their tactical acumen?

Co-workers and other acquaintances have volunteered to me something along the lines of: “I used to be left of center; but this shit has pushed me over to the extreme right. Is it too late to get a gun?”

An eye-witness to one of the recent troop movements happening all over the country reported that all the unit identification had been blacked out on the vehicles.

Common sentiments expressed by normies out in Flyover Country:

“They don’t need no 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington for an inauguration!”

“What’s going to happen on the 20th?”

“I just want all this to be over.”

Few US citizens can even imagine how bad it might get within a few months; but not all normies are oblivious to the massive evil threatening us (even when they can’t accurately identify it), or the momentous fate hanging in the balance right now.