Privateer Episode 6

…Is live on Arkhaven.

Due to my inability to find a dependable artist, this will likely be the last one for a while. (It is all the drama I went through regarding this very subject that caused one of the longest delays in finishing my time-travel novel, BTW.).

Turning the Privateer script into a graphic novel has been like undertaking  a long road trip. After numerous mishaps and setbacks getting the car and driver ready, I finally got gassed up and ventured out–only to have my best driver yet pull over and abandon ship before we even reached the Interstate.

I may end up doing the driving myself.

Anyway, I’m working on getting the doorstop Great American Novel ready for primetime right now. I have a novel-length Honor Triad story I need to finish, but I’m not sure I will before I start pushing that graphic novel boulder to the top of the hill again.

Next time, another chapter from Paradox.