Tag Archives: hoax

Hate Crime Hoaxes Hitting Critical Mass

The Swamp Media has to keep throwing hoaxes into the news cycle, otherwise their Priority NarrativeĀ  will collapse. ( The narrative with priority right now is: “America is so hopelessly racist that it needs to be overthrown and replaced by a communist dictatorship; otherwise there will be mass murder of minorities in the streets–in fact, there already are!”)

Most of the time, fake hate crimes are reported as legit by the Swamp Media, but ignored when proven to be a hoax later. That’s why you run into people who still believe stories that were long ago debunked. Most people get their “news” from social media; and the same six corporations that control everything reported by the mainstream press are the ones that feed The Narrative on social networks. There is alternative, independent news media; but Big Tech and Big Finance are making the ghosts of Stalin and Mao proud with their efforts to suppress it.

The “epidemic of lynchings” sweeping the country (which Michelle Malkin wrote about) is a narrative embraced by blacks who I know. Police reports indicating that the deaths were suicide are nothing but an attempt to cover up the mass genocide going on right under our noses, they tell me.

Most of you have heard how Bubba Wallace finding a garage door pull-down in a NASCAR bay was such a dangerous hate crime that 15 FBI agents were dispatched to investigate. With our cities being looted and burned down by an organized communist revolution right now, it’s not like the FBI had anything better to do. The only surprise is that NASCAR’s garage door installers aren’t all sharing jail cells with Roger Stone and other political prisoners.

Were you aware that when a drug-addicted Hispanic shooter guns down a white man, that it is a white supremacist mass murder of peaceful black protesters? Now you do.

BTW, the murder victim was a supporter of BLM, protesting against racism and police brutality.

In the “new normal” that’s been manufactured by the elites, it doesn’t matter what you say, do, or believe. Your skin color is ultimately all that matters. It’s your uniform. You can be shot on sight for “wearing” the wrong uniform. But don’t worry: after you’re murdered by an entitled, sanctioned racial cleanser, mainstream and social media will make sure everyone believes you were a white supremacist who was oppressing the ones who murdered you.

Have you heard that all the violence being blamed on peaceful protesters is actually being committed by “boogaloos” and other “far right” elements? (When the Swamp Media admits there is violence, that is.) Here’s just one example of a Marxist tool who was caught painting swastikas to boost this narrative.

Most of these false flaggers never get caught. Not that the Swamp Media would ever report that they were, anyway…unless the truth became too widely known to ignore. However, there are some sites dedicated to tracking hate crime hoaxes, and here is one of them.

White people are so racist that social justice NPCs have to stage phony hate crimes themselves. Americans are so racist that Jussie Smollett (and probably others) have to hire Nigerians to perform hate crimes.

Will it ever occur to the useful idiots that they are fomenting actual racist sentiments among white people? Nope. Critical thinking is not exactly their strong suit, or they wouldn’t vote Democrat while tearing down statues of abolitionists. You can bet it has occurred to their puppetmasters, though. They’re banking on it.