You Can’t Have It Both Ways

If Biden and/or Harris are going to be in the White House for the next four (or eight, or whatever) years; then your vote is worthless, and elections are about as legitimate as they were in the USSR.

The two concepts are mutually exclusive. Come out of the cognitive dissonance. If the hijacking of our country stands, why the hell do you believe that we will ever be able to change anything through elections ever again? Maybe you assume that the lying criminals in charge now will be persuaded to suddenly become moral because you form a new PAC or political party, or post a really strongly-worded tweet that will be censored before anybody can ever see it?

You know what else doesn’t matter? Pretty much anything, including Schumer’s “erection” comment, Biden’s latest gaffe, or National Guardsmen sleeping in a parking garage. You’re focusing on inconsequential BS. Soldiers have to spend the night in far worse places than parking garages (and you might, too, once the Great Reset is underway). I spent many a night in places I would have gladly traded for a parking garage, in all kinds of weather. And they’re allowed to actually sleep while there? Even better. I didn’t get much of that. The limits of my ambition at times was a few hours of sleep with thawed feet in dry socks. We are on the verge of losing our freedom forever. That’s a whole lot more important than some weekend warriors not being able to sleep in the Ritz.

Q: What can evil scum do to you once you are no longer free?

A: Anything and everything they want to.

If you assume that elections will be legitimate and your vote will matter, then you must believe that there is either a plan to restore legitimate government by somebody with the power to execute that plan, or that we will win a civil war and restore it the hard way. Those are the only possibilities left.

These are truly dark days. It would be great if there were only 10 of them. Or 30.

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