Who Planned the Planned Parenthood Shooting?

The infanticide business founded by a Nazi eugenicist has endured more scrutiny in the last few months than it has in all its history. Not because of the slaughter of defenseless children, of course, but because they’ve been caught selling the body parts. To a nation of ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs, mass murder isn’t anything worth getting your panties in a wad over–at least if it’s a government-approved institution committing the murders. But they made a profit doing it, and that is simply unacceptable, comrade.

How do you rescue the reputation of a scumbag (or an organization of scumbags, in this case) whatever the cause of its low approval numbers?

In the past, the tried-and-true method has been to reinvent the scumbag as a victim.

There are not yet enough known details about the shooting presently being hyped on network news, or the gunman, for me to declare that this is a false flag. Nevertheless, here are some more interesting items to consider:

  • Colorado Springs is the headquarters of Focus on the Family–an influential ministry staunchly opposed to abortion, religiously non-violent, and with a reputation up until now that has proven very difficult to demonize.
  • Colorado Springs is also home to one of the clandestine mind control labs established by unaccountable state-run agencies.
  • Most, if not all, of the perps in these media circus shooting sprees have been on some sort of prescription psychotropic drugs.
  • The Narrative being pushed is NAMALT (Not All Muslims Are Like That)–there is no corrolation between Islam and terrorism (in fact, according to the Fraud-in-Chief, ISIS/ISIL is not Islamic); but it is domestic terrorists who pose the real threat–you know: Christians, Constitutionalists, veterans, the Tea Party…all those guilty of an atrocity worse than any terrorist act: thinking for themselves and questioning The Narrative.
  • Since 1994, the one issue that the ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs have shown a modicum of backbone and vigilance about has been in opposing new “gun control” measures.
  • With every new atrocity, a few more ovine, dumbed-down, pop-culture-programmed serfs become willing to accept new infringements on our rights.

It’s also very interesting (if not a bit smelly) that the gunman surrendered after killing one cop but no PP staff. I wonder who the dead cop is and what he knew. And I wonder what the perp is going to reveal to the world about his alleged ideology, assuming he’s allowed to live that long and speak for himself.


There is now some question as to whether the shooter targeted Planned Parenthood, or that the shooting occurred there. Some reports indicate that it took place at Chase Bank. But that would mean the left-wing (“mainstream”) media is purposefully distorting the facts to make them conform to The Narrative and we just KNOW THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT!