Moving the Goalposts: the “Families Being Ripped Apart” Narrative

While smug swamp weasel Rosenstein lies to Congress, dodges questions, and flashes a shit-eating smirk to signify that he is above the law, answerable to nobody, and the joke is on us, other developments are rather positive for the US of A. The Supreme Court actually made a couple decisions that benefit Americans, despite themselves–and the retirement of Justice Kennedy could mean they’ll be making more good decisions in the future. North Korea is less likely to attack South Korea again than at any time since 1953; and probably not interested in messing with us until about 2025, if then.  Isis was crushed inside Trump’s first year. The US is acting less and less like every other country’s bitch in international trade. Some remnants of our outsourced industry is coming back, Americans are going back to work, and Americans are finding out what an ACTUAL economic recovery looks like.

In other words, the Democrats are really, really pissed off.

These are dark days for the America-hating Marxists of the media and entertainment industries, and all their useful idiots mixed in the population. They are desperate to find something to make President Trump look bad. The “Russian collusion” witch hunt just hasn’t fooled anyone with a functioning brain. The dial has been turned up on mass shooting incidents (almost always just after an “active shooter” drill in the area, almost always perpetrated by “lone nuts” on psychotropic drugs, whose therapists mysteriously disappear), but outside the leftist echo chamber, people just aren’t blaming the correct parties (lawful Americans who had nothing to do with the atrocity, but who do have the audacity to exercise their rights). The Stormy Daniels hype has fizzled out and her trash-talking lawyer seems to have disappeared.

What can they do to distract from the embarrassing details of the Congressional inquiries, that will also give them fresh excuses to call Trump “Hitler” and his supporters “Nazis”? Why, invent a crisis at the border, of course–because that is where eee-veel “white supremacist” Drumpf is slowing down the invasion of illegal Democrat voters they so desperately need if they hope to quickly resume raping our country into oblivion.

An overwhelming majority of the invasion into the USA is happening on our southern border. An overwhelming majority of the invaders are from Latin America. And an overwhelming majority of those are from Mexico. Mexico has a US Embassy and several US consulates where people can go to legally seek asylum. Once granted, they can take advantage of the opportunities in our eee-veel, oppressive, raaaaaaaaaayciss country, or collect a welfare check while raping, stealing, pushing drugs, waving foreign flags while blocking traffic, shrieking about their cosmic master race and insisting their rights supercede those of American citizens…and vote in our elections to make our country just like the collectivist hellholes they escaped from.

So the Democrat Propaganda Corps (also known as the mainstream media) scrounged up some Obama-era photos of illegals in holding facilities, found another photo of a screaming girl (whose mother had apparently abandoned her family), and hit the press cycle with all guns blazing about “children being ripped from their families!!!”

In one week there were at least 20 attempts to equate this “crisis” to the Holocaust by the impartial, dispassionate paragons of integrity at the media conglomerates. And, of course, continuing to spew the usual Trump-is-Hitler Patriots-are-Nazis blah blah blah narrative. That the Nazis put up chain link and barbed wire to trap people INSIDE their socialist paradise never occurred to these intellectual powerhouses. That this exact policy of detainment at the border had been in place prior to Trump ever taking office is ignored or denied. It’s still Trump’s fault somehow–kinda’ like how all the damage done by Obama was the fault of the previous administration.

Having never heard the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” the Swamp Media shrieked all the louder about how America is raaaaaaayciss and “families being ripped apart” (parents sometimes sat in separate rooms from the minors they claimed were their children for a couple hours) was solely Trump’s fault and worse than a Nazi death camp. Rachel Maddow had a B-movie quality breakdown on national TV, so overcome was she with the inhumanity of it all. Not that they were trying to trigger emotional hysteria in the ovine masses or anything.

So Trump issued an Executive Order that will prevent parents from being separated from their children during detention. The whole “atrocity” that was allegedly the source of the hysterical outrage was stopped.

If you’re a Democrat or Hollywood/Swamp Media shyster (forgive the redundancy), now what do you do?

Why, you move the goalposts, of course.

This families-ripped-apart narrative that they were foaming at the mouth about has disintegrated like a puff of smoke. Troupers that they are, the svengali drones of the Leftist Hive Mind shifted to what an eee-veel, out of control government agency ICE is, without missing a beat.

You know, because the left is so consistently concerned about government acquiring too much power.

ICE has grown too big, they tell us. It’s exceeded its authority, they tell us. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars, they tell us. It’s violating people’s rights, they say.

Right after they finish defending the actions of the Obama/Deep State DOJ and FBI.