How You Can Fight in the Cold Civil War

Kudos to Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys for pushing back against the racists of “Black Lives Matter” and the masked blackshirts of “Antifa” (anti-First Amendment), but the title of this post isn’t about clashing with Democrats on the streets where the police disarm the non-leftist groups but let the commie mobs attack with melee weapons. Like everything else on the political landscape today, that game is rigged. Trump supporters can’t peacefully assemble without being attacked by unhinged leftist mobs abetted by local government officials, then inevitably get blamed for the resulting riots by the Swamp Media. When they dare fight back, they are predictably tailgunned from concern trolls allegedly on their side, because of “bad optics” or the “we shouldn’t stoop to their level” mantra.

What I’m proposing is far more effective in the long run than dodging blows from bike locks swung by professors of ethics. It should be a no-brainer, but unfortunately it needs to be spelled out.

I don’t remember if Sun Tzu specifically warned against feeding and equipping your enemy. Probably not, because I’m sure it seemed a no-brainer for everyone in the world up until 20h Century US foreign policy experts came along.

Every time you pay to see a Commiewood movie; every time you use Google, Facebook, Apple or Twitter; every time you watch lapdog network news and/or buy something from their sponsors; every time you post a link to a Swamp Media website; every time you buy NFL or NBA merchandise, Kellogs products, Kraft Cheese, Tyson Foods or Sarah Lee desserts (to name just a few), you are supporting our domestic enemies.

If you really want to prevail againstĀ  the enemy, you’ve got to quit contributing to their war chest.

On top of that, by patronizing their propaganda outlets, you’re also helping them poison the minds of yourself and countless others.

Quit going to Wikipedia. Use Infogalactic.

Quit using Google. Use yippy. Delete Chrome from your browser and install Brave, Pale Moon, or Opera.

Don’t use Youtube if you can help it–use Bitchute, Vidme, Pewtube…

Quit the echo chambers of idiocy called Facebook and Twitter (and all their spinoffs like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.). If you must participate in social media, there are much better options where you are allowed to exercise free speech and your info isn’t being peddled to spy agencies and corporations. Gab and Oneway are my favorites, but there are a lot of other alternatives, too.

Wanna read a book? Quit supporting the anti-American authors with your voting dollars. There are non-leftist independent authors (including ours here at VP) in pretty much every genre. We’ve interviewed some authors here, and I reviewed a lot of books back on the Two-Fisted Blog. That’s a couple places right there where you can figure out what books might be worth your time.

Same deal with news sources. You get the idea, I hope.

The enemy has rigged the system over the last century so that they have all the advantages. A lot of their institutions are propped up by our tax dollars. Others are backed by billionaire globalists. Why the hell are you adding your voting dollars to that advantage, when there are alternatives?

The enemy won’t admit it (because the enemy is a liar), but they have been waging a culture war against us for generations. We haven’t been fighting back until recently, partly because so many of us refused to accept reality.

You can’t win a war if you won’t fight. Especially if you give aid and comfort to the enemy at the same time.