Q Anon For Beginners

This was originally just going to be a short intro to a different blog post; but as often happens, it quickly got out of hand. So, I’m cutting the post in two.

In case somebody reading this blog still hasn’t heard of “Q” (or “Q Anon”) yet, here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:

After Trump became President, he dropped the phrase “calm before the storm” during a photo shoot with a crowd of mostly top military brass. Presstitutes at the event asked him what he meant by the remark, but he only replied cryptically.

Around the same period of time (I think), an anonymous poster on the chans calling himself “Q” began dropping “crumbs.” The crumbs are mysterious quatrains which sometimes prove prophetic, and sometimes seem to indicate that whoever “Q” is, it is somebody high up in government, with access to Trump.

#QAnon mostly asks questions, or mentions some information which causes others to  ask questions and connect dots…though some posts are possibly coded messages for specific recipients. What many believe Q has been telling us is that Trump and some other “white hats” (good guys) have become aware of what traitors and criminals inside the government/media machine have been doing and are still doing to our country, and the world. Q tells us that Trump and the White Hats have a plan to surgically remove the Deep State from power, neutralize the Swamp Media…basically clean house in the USA and, to some extent, expose the corruption, perversity, and criminality of our domestic enemies.

This sounded too good to be true when I first heard it, but it interested me.

I was ready to dismiss the whole Q phenomenon when he urged us to “trust (Jeff) Sessions.” I wasn’t the only one: there are many Q enthusiasts, but there is also no shortage of detractors and naysayers.

Some from the former camp made plausible arguments that Sessions is playing possum while piling up thousands of sealed indictments behind the scenes, and getting all his ducks in a row to launch “The Storm” against “The Cabal” and its support structure. I resumed paying attention.

Whatever Q turns out to be (and I, for one, will probably be convinced one way or the other by the time of the midterm elections), he is giving American patriots a cause for hope we haven’t had in a long, long time. The more informed an American patriot is, the less likely they’ve had any cause for hope in their lifetime before Q. Also, Q is causing people to research and seek the truth hidden behind the Swamp Media’s  lies, distractions and obfuscations. Hard to not see that as a net positive.

Not having the time, myself, to dig into the chans and decipher all of Q’s cryptic crumbs, I asked around on Gab for a good resource for decoding and summarizing Q posts. Two recommendations I got from different sources were Praying Medic on YouTube, and Neon Revolt on his own website. I’ve been following both when I have time–which isn’t too terribly often.

So now with that established, I’ll put my originally conceived content in the next post.