Why Are the Democrats Afraid of Bernie Sanders?

In 2016 the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie, in favor of Hillary. This year, it appears they rigged the Iowa Caucus against him, and maybe even the New Hampshire primary was rigged to make his victory there look less decisive than it was in reality.

The charismatic puppets on TV and the relentless Deep State shills writing online “news” articles insist that the big Democrat Party donors are opposed to Bernie because he’s a socialist, and his dangerous policy proposals scare them. Half of that has some truth to it, but the other half is disinformation.

Democrats (and Establishment RINOs) have been ramming socialist policies down our collective throat since the New Deal. They have denied that they are socialist/communist and demonized everyone who made effective arguments proving such. They’ve enjoyed plausible deniability because, as they were transforming the USA from an industrial powerhouse and the most prosperous country in history into an economic trainwreck up to its ears in debt that can never be repaid; they also reduced a huge proportion of the electorate into ignorant, illiterate parasites who wouldn’t know a communist from a commuter train, a lemon from a Leninist, or a Trotskyite from a trolley car.

While the socialists (semantically disguising themselves with flattering labels like “liberal”) have systematically poisoned our economy, making themselves richer while working Americans became poorer, they’ve been able to avoid the ultimate financial collapse via unlimited deficit spending and manipulation of interest rates through some of the subversive tools they have institutionalized. They’ve been able to kick the can down the road for generations, ratcheting the noose around Uncle Sam’s neck, blaming the consequences of their socialist policies on the free market, which justifies even more socialist policies to the gullible electorate addicted to their propaganda outlets–all while denying that they, or their policies, are socialist.

Along comes Bernie (and the Squad), who openly admits his socialist ideology and intentions, and the deniability becomes less plausible. The dumbed-down TV/social media junkies in the suburbs are confused, because some of their svengalis are now admittingĀ  what most of them deny. Not only that, but Bernie is talking about tightening the noose so much, so fast, that even some of the corporate grifters of woke capital (big Democrat Party donors) would probably have to suffer consequences right along with their middle class victims.

And that’s a bridge too far.

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