Revolution and Demographics

Since the early postwar years, communists (including, but not limited to the Soviets) have sought to instigate a revolution in the USA.  The demographic they relied upon to spark the revolution was angry young urban blacks.

Once trained, these black Marxist subversives attempted to hijack the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s. The Black Panthers and other violent Marxist groups were funded by the usual Globohomo suspects (the Rockafellers, et al), who never saw a communist revolution they didn’t like. This effort seemed to have failed and faded away by the 1980s; but in reality the terrorists and revolutionaries simply transitioned into government jobs, into the media, academia, entertainment, etc., where they could more effectively transform the culture without bombing police stations. There were plenty of Marxists already in those institutions to hire, nurture, and promote them.

Globohomo agents conducted their “long march through the institutions” until they controlled everything–including Big Business and the military–once their most hated enemies. They installed a Marxist-of-color in the White House, without a shot fired in anger. When their election rigging turned out to be insufficient in 2016 to override the will of the people yet again, a new crop of useful idiots were unleashed to instigate violence in the name of “racial justice.”

The leadership of BLM has openly admitted they are Marxists.  Revcoms (communist revolutionaries) operate with complete impunity now.

In summary, the revolution already took place under our parents’ noses; but few people even noticed. Now that Globohomo, Inc has complete control, they just have to eliminate the remaining pesky checks and balances so they can abandon the charade altogether and give us their socialist Utopia, good and hard. Until “the last vestiges of the old Republic have been swept away.” (Yes, I once appreciated Star Wars. Or rather, the film makers once valued me as part of their audience.)

Really, the only check/balance Globohomo, Inc has to concern itself with anymore is an armed citizenry. Some of their tactics for eliminating that obstacle are obvious. Maybe some are hidden for now, and will take us by surprise when triggered.

Black Americans did have many legitimate grievances during and before the Civil Rights era. There was institutional discrimination which made it more difficult to get certain jobs, hold certain positions, and exercise their rights as Americans. A black person could be (and sometimes was) attacked simply for being the wrong skin color…attacked verbally and/or physically. There was a “black tax” for people in the wrong demographic. Their lives were often that of second-class citizens.

You know–a lot like being a white heterosexual male today.

The cultural reversal and all the myriad discriminatory policies (spoken and unspoken) absurdly justified as anti-discrimination bring up an ironic, if not equally absurd, possibility.

Does Globohomo, Inc NEED a violent civil conflict to sweep away those last vestiges of the old Republic? In order to instigate it, have they switched their hopes to a completely different demographic? Is that why they are working so hard to alienate and infuriate white heterosexual males?

In other words, since the demographic disadvantage has not been removed, but switched; have the communists simply switched their target with it?

Within the confluence of those three aspects (European heritage, masculinity, and sexual normalcy) is a peer personality which will fight for anybody’s interests except their own; and demonstrably has rejected any modicum of solidarity with their own kind. (Plus, a growing number of white heterosexual males are shifting left; embracing National Socialism and other left-wing collectivist worldviews.)

Now they’re being backed into a collective corner and provoked from every direction. If you were a typical Globohomo, Inc shadow oligarch, this might be exactly the demographic you would pin your hopes on to spark the powder keg.

There might be an eventful summer on the horizon.