When the Bullets Fly, How Will the Swamp Media Spin It?

The sponsors of the invasion at America’s border aren’t even trying all that hard to conceal their intentions anymore. The military-age male invaders are bringing weapons across openly, in broad daylight, knowing nothing will be done to stop them.

The last, most daunting obstacle to enslaving the American people is that we’re armed. Before the coup de grace can be executed to finish our fundamental transformation, a strategy must be devised to defeat an armed population. Efforts to disarm us have progressed considerably since the Prohibition era, but haven’t completely succeeded in most of the country. Maybe 70-90 million people in the US keep and bear arms. If even 3-10% of them decide to actively resist the Great Reset, our would-be overlords will have their hands full trying  to subjugate all of us. So how do you deal with that threat?

Looks like the Cabal has decided to import and prepare (all at their intended victims’ expense, of course) a foreign army to make war on us. Cabal stooges are already revealing their plans to install the invaders as police and soldiers. “Defund the police” initiatives were one tactic herding us toward that mission objective. The Cold Civil War probably won’t turn hot until the Cabal is confident their invaders are sufficiently trained (and armed/equipped/organized) to shoot it out with the American people and prevail.

Lack of critical thinking in our dumbed-down population, public incredulity, and Swamp Media gaslighting, prevent most people from understanding what is going on all around them. But what will the Ministry of Propaganda do when the shooting starts? They won’t be able to deceive people about it anymore, right?


The Cabal needs as many of us as possible to sit on our hands “trusting the plan” or whatever until the invaders have locked down the initiative and secured crucial objectives. The reporting might go something like this:

“Crazed white supremacist militias (we told you those right-wingers were hateful and dangerous!) have organized nationwide in an ethnic cleansing campaign to rid the country of all non-white people! Oppressed, marginalized communities have no choice but to fight back. With the help of our heroic troops and police, the domestic terrorist forces are being split, enveloped, and neutralized in separate firefights across the country. If someone you know might be a right-winger, call this hotline.”

Even if, by some miracle, we could repeat 2016 and overcome the election rigging in ’24, a hostile foreign army will obey its masters, no matter who is in the White House, They are even less beholden to the Constitution than the criminals and traitors running our government now.