All posts by Captain Gearhead

Batman Vs. Superman is a Mixed-Bag Epic

And I do mean “epic” in the classic sense. The Lex Luthor character (more on him later) can’t stop reminding us that Superman is a god; that he must battle against man; and Lex makes repeated references to Greek mythology that must have also been on the minds of Siegel and Schuster when they dreamed up their “super-man” some 80 years ago.

By the end of the movie, the last son of Krypton does prove himself to be a Messiah figure of sorts…again.

Mythology was certainly on Frank Miller’s mind some 30 years ago when he set about changing the Batman mythos forever. Big-screen Batman adaptations have paid homage to The Dark Knight Returns since 1989. But none more than this one. The showdown between the Man of Steel and the Caped Crusader was ripped almost directly from Miller’s mini-series. Both the catalyst and the result were different, and the Batman was determined to win this time (rather than intentionally taking a dive and faking his own death as in Miller’s yarn).

Retro Batman costume on the left; powered armor on the right which he wore to battle Superman in this movie and in Dark Knight Returns.
Retro Batman costume on the left; powered armor on the right which he wore to battle Superman in this movie and in Dark Knight Returns.

Also, having been something of a superhero afficionado up until the time of Dark Knight Returns, I am pretty confident that Miller was the first one to overtly depict Superman as an earth-bound god.

Dawn of Justice is a symphony of spectacular destruction with a lot going for it. First of all, as desperate as they must be to duplicate the success of their rival, DC did not cut-and-paste the Marvel Studios formula and insert their own characters. I was a little worried that a Justice League flick might be a thinly-veiled Avengers clone (and the next one might very well prove to be), so kudos to DC for telling their own story about their three all-time most stalwart characters.

Second, although there were smatterings of action along the way, the director opted for a slow, tense build toward the epic finale. It reminds me somewhat of how Akira Kurosawa paced some of my favorite samurai films, driving viewers to the edge of their seats, begging for an explosive, violent extravaganza to settle the conflict. (And boy, this movie delivers, with the stunning visuals and rip-snorting special effects comic book fans want in a film adaptation, but were simply not possible technologically until relatively recently.)

galgadotMy reaction to the casting leans positive. Superman/Clark Kent was portrayed well–it’s a darker, edgier Superman than the historical model, but the actor pulls it off adequately. His physical movements do seem a bit stiff, however. The actress who plays Wonder Woman/Diana Prince also did quite well, though she is such exquisite eye candy that her acting is something of an afterthought to a red-blooded heterosexual male. I have a lot to say about her (the character, more than the actress) that I’ll probably reserve for a seperate post. And the hot topic ever since casting was first announced, of course, is Batman/Bruce Wayne. It’s really not as bad as some might fear. I would have preferred someone other than Michael Keaton in 1989; and I would have preferred someone other than Ben Affleck in 2016. However, Affleck did OK. He was much less situationally aware (especially during fight scenes) than the Batman of comic book canon…but really, all the screen versions of the character have been.

I already mentioned that the tension builds quite nicely to the climax; but the plot is not without its weaknesses. The whole thing seems like a forced contrivance if you examine it too closely. And the flashbacks/dreams/visions were a touch overdone–with the Batman, particularly. Superman does undertake a successful vision quest in the midst of the film, which I would have appreciated more, had I not already been overexposed to the unnecessary (and at one point, confusing) visions/nightmares/flashbacks of Bruce Wayne.batmanvssuperman

There were some impediments to the suspension of disbelief. For instance: if nuclear weapons work differently in this alternate universe (where masked vigilantes and “meta-humans” exist) than they do in our universe, then that should really be established beforehand.

Every director wants to put his/her “own stamp” on the material s/he’s adapting, and this movie was no exception. This is unfortunate with regards to two characters in particular.

ALFRED: Certainly the character has evolved. Again, the first and biggest step may have been in Miller’s mini-series when he revealed that the Wayne’s butler was a “combat medic” who apparently was a Wayne household staple all Bruce’s life, instead of coming on the scene after the war on crime began and discovering Bruce’s nocturnal activities later. The Gotham TV show took it another step by making Alfred a former British Commando who teaches young Bruce how to fight. And this movie picks up from there, basically turning Alfred into Batman’s command center, and at times the brains of the operation. Yawn. Maybe the transformation of Alfred into Jarvis will be completed in the next character reboot and he’ll simply be an artificial intelligence in the Batcomputer with a British accent. Neither comic book writers nor Hollywood directors ever tire of fixing what’s not broken.

MARK ZUCKERBERG I mean LEX LUTHOR: I’m not sure if the actor was trying to channel Heath Ledger’s Joker performance or Jim Carey’s abysmal Riddler interpretation. Whatever he was going for, it was lame. Luthor has historically been an evil genius, and that is how the character works best. Some left-wing “visionary” in the 1980s turned him into an evil capitalist caraciture from Karl Marx’s dystopian fantasies, and over time the criminal genius aspect of the character has been forgotten. With this movie the next step has been forced in his devolution, so that now he is an evil capitalist LUNATIC with an abusive father, tortured childhood, blah blah blah. Certainly there are supervillains which this cliche fits. Lex Luthor is not one of them.

Oh yeah: there’s also another bad choice in this category.

SOME SENATOR WITH A WEIRD VOICE: A character made necessary only by an unnecessary subplot that was tacked on and is redundant of the Batman’s motive for opposing Superman. She’s a Democrat who is the opposite of any real-life Democrat (she’s concerned about individual rights, Constitutional limitations on power, etc.) but exactly the image Democrats attempt to portray to the gullible electorate. And the masquerade usually succeeds, with the abettment of the press, academia and pop culture (including/especially Hollywood).

There’s a lot more I could say about Dawn of Justice, but this should be enough information for you to decide whether it’s worth the time and ticket price. Wonder Woman will get her own post.

The Puppies are Coming! A Preview of the 2016 Hugo Awards

It’s almost that time again, folks: the next battle in the Hugo Wars (a subset of the culture war at large).

What started as a joke by Larry Correia criticizing the Cultural Marxist Cabal that hijacked sci-fi/fantasy publishing, fandom, and the Hugo Awards in particular, has blossomed into a revolution on one front of pop culture.

SJWs can’t make up their hive mind whether the Narrative should paint the puppies as pathetic ankle-biters of laughable significance, or beastly Hun savages assaulting the Ramparts of Progress, threatening the very existence of humanity. Usually they’ll make both arguments in the same screed.

Last year it was more difficult to laugh off the Puppies, since pink SF/F was mostly supplanted by non-SJW nominations in the 2015 Hugos. Pinkshirts reacted predictably with the nuclear “no award” option, since they would rather nobody win a Hugo than see one awarded to a book that doesn’t conform to The Narrative.

The latest Virtual Pulp video has just gone live on Hank Brown’s Youtube page. It should help you put the whole controversy in perspective.

What Sort of Government Rules in America?

Ignorance abounds across the fruited plain. Pundit after pundit has remarked about the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, claiming he is the “first socialist” to do this, achieve that, blah, blah, blah.

Stop right there.


Sanders is not the first socialist to do or win anything. He’s merely the first one to be honest about his socialism. He differs from Hillary only by degrees (and few of those), not principles. The same applies if you compare him to John McCain, Mitt Romney or any of the Bushes.

Socialism has been gradually strangling the American republic since the 1930s, and the tools to start the snowball (or frog sauna) were put in place before that.

Here are some  principles straight from Karl Marx:

  • Abolition of private property.
  • Confiscation of property.
  • Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
  • A central bank.
  • A progressive income tax.
  • Government control of communications and transportation.
  • Government ownership of factories and agriculture.*
  • Government control of labor.
  • Corporate farms, regional planning.
  • Government-controlled compulsory education.
*Under communism, government owns the resources outright. Under national socialism or fascism, private ownership is allowed but the government controls it.


For the intelligent person paying attention, it’s quite obvious that nearly half of this has been fully accomplished in the USA. The rest of it is in partial stages of completion–getting closer to absolute all the time.

The actual left-right paradigm is quite different from what you were probably taught.
The actual left-right paradigm is quite different from what you were probably taught.

Just so you know: public servants in the USA don’t swear to uphold and defend the Communist Manifesto during their oath of office (though they behave as if they did). They swear to uphold and defend something that is antethetical to this.

See also:

Two Big Lies

There Is No Political Solution

It Really Is That Simple

The Guide to Social Justice NewSpeak

Trump’s Hesitation to Condemn Duke: What Does it Mean?

The nature of Trump’s response to the endorsement from David Duke is different depending on what source reports it. In the “mainstream” (left-wing) media echo chamber, of course, it means Trump is the next Hitler who is best buds with Duke and likes to attend lynching parties dressed in white sheets. To organizations less-rabid, it was a curious blunder.

What might this mean?

1. There is some truth to what the left-wing propagandists are pushing this time, and Trump may, in fact, have sympathy for white nationalist groups and figureheads.

2. Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate right now; believes that a significant portion of his voter base harbor some sort of white identity consciousness; and doesn’t want to alienate them by pointing and shrieking, “Rayciss!!” as he was expected to. After all, he technically is a politician ever since announcing his intention to run.

3. Trump was caught off-guard and didn’t have a thoughtful, polished response ready. On three occasions. And perhaps he didn’t anticipate  the frenzied blowback his nebulous reaction would inspire. (If that part is true, then he is more than a little naive.)

4. The puppetmasters absolutely will not allow the Executive Branch to escape their control. There are a few tricks available to them to ensure it doesn’t. If Trump is not, himself,  bought-and-paid for, one possibility is that he will be persuaded to self-sabotage his campaign so a “made man” (or woman) can be installed.

But can this actually drain his support? With the rise of tribalism among whites, I can’t assume that it will.

Scalia Was a Speed Bump on the Expressway to Fundamental Transformation

Just when the Obamanible Backstabbing Treason Machine is kicking into high gear, one of the last men with the means, inclination, and backbone to impede it is found dead “OF NATURAL CAUSES” with a pillow over his face.

I’m not going to state outright that he was murdered, because I don’t know all the facts. The powers-that-be made damn well sure that we can’t know all the facts. It was determined (over the phone, no less) that there was nothing at all suspicious about Scalia’s death, and no autopsy was performed. Foul play was ruled out with no coroner or medical examiner on the scene to make that determination.

I’ve read conflicting reports about where the pillow was found; about Scalia’s condition prior to the alleged heart attack; who actually made the over-the-phone determination not to let a coroner examine the body and the room; and whether the body was cremated or not…to name a few.

And of course we know the news media never lies; the ruling establishment never murders those who get in its way; and the only people foolish enough to believe in anything as silly as conspiracies are all members of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Okay, the man was 79 and had some health issues. Perhaps it all went down exactly the way we are supposed to believe it did. It sure is a convenient deus ex machina for the domestic enemies who are looking to strike the final death blow to the Bill of Rights in conjunction with our economic collapse (or in the aftermath of a false flag atrocity).

Before our system was perverted, and the population dumbed-down sufficiently, the separation of powers prevented any one branch of government from going rogue. Over the last century all three branches were infiltrated and co-opted by elite interests composed of foreign and domestic enemies. That’s why it hardly matters who you elect anymore–the same agenda just keeps rolling “forward.” The GOP-controlled Congress just rubber-stamps whatever the Fraud-in-Chief dictates (while passionately debating just to what degree we should be screwed on some side-effect issues here and there).

When both the legislative and executive branches were out of line, that’s when the Supreme Court is supposed to examine the “law” they push, to determine whether or not it conforms to the Constitution, and if it doesn’t, to strike it down. That’s why sleeper agents like Justice Roberts were appointed–to sell us out at the proper time by declaring “law” like the breathing tax Obamacare to be Constituionally valid.

Scalia was the last uncompromised Supreme Court Justice who evidently couldn’t be blackmailed into rubber-stamping the new, increased usurpations that will be coming at us hard in 2016 and beyond. (If there is much of a “beyond.”)

When Democrats are in the minority, they filibuster judicial appointments or whatever is required to keep Constitutionalists away from the bench.

Republicans in the House and Senate initially said they would prevent whatever Marxist tool Hussein nominates to take Scalia’s place. You know: like how they promised to de-fund Obamacare if elected, and put a stop to executive amnesty.

We can’t do anything about losing Justice Scalia. We can’t even be sure of what really happened. The real issue at hand here is when, not if, the GOP Establishment (also known as the Fraternal Order of Judas Goat Surrender Monkeys) cave in on Hussein’s replacement appointee.

Trump, the GOP, and the Republican Base

Brilliance is subjective, I guess. Sometimes the originality of something makes it brilliant. But sometimes, brilliance comes from the “duh” factor–something that should have been obvious, finally put into words. Free Northerner recently posted a rant exposing the elephant in the room explaining the support for Donald Trump that we here at Virtual Pulp consider brilliant:

Average Americans have to glance over their shoulders and make sure there are no hostile commissars around before they declare support for a mainstream political candidate. This is happening not in the USSR, but in the USA.

…Before we can speak candidly we working-to-middle-class white men have to quickly make sure no informants are around to rat us out. We have to be careful, because we know that one wrong word or action at work, in public, online, or even in the privacy of our own homes means losing our jobs and being publicly pilloried. It may even mean being persecuted by kangaroo courts, being bankrupted, or having your home raided by police.

We used to think the conservative machine had our back, that you would protect us from political correctness and left-wing pogroms. We working-to-middle class white men are your base, we thought you’d fight for us us. Maybe you’d let a nazi or two twist in the wind, but you’d at least have our backs. But now we’re the nazis for simply advocating what the people who beat the nazis did.

You don’t have our backs. Instead, you sneer at working-class whites. You call us–your fucking base–illiterate, crazy, and stupid. You attack us, the people you supposedly represent, as racist, the same slur leftists use against us to destroy our lives (and against you to score political points, but your heads are too far up your own asses to see the irony of that).

It’s a lot more than just sneering at us. At the beginning of the post, opining from the perspective of the Judas Goat Establishment, FN writes that Trump “would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP.”

lucy football2What consensus is that? Handing Obama and the Treasoncrats every single thing they want? Selling us out  on amnesty, Obamacare, and the TPP? Is there a consensus among Republicans for homosexual “marriage”? For toppling Middle Eastern governments in order to install even worse ones? For provoking Russia toward WWIII even as our own defense is intentionally weakened? For the war on American ranchers (even as beef prices skyrocket)? For wrecking what is left of the economy? For borrowing billions from Communist China so we can give it right back to them as foreign aid? For too many Constitutional violations to list in a Tolstoy-sized book?

There may be a “consensus,” but it is only reached by a cabal of professional politicians. It certainly doesn’t include the working-class Americans who compose their voter base and foot the bill for all the above and more, plus those exhorbitant ever-increasing Congressional paychecks.

We support Trump because we now know that you’re just like the leftists. You have shown repeatedly you do not have our backs, you hate us just as much as the progressives. You will run us out of jobs, you will engage in the public shaming, and when the time comes, you will happily march us to reeducation camps.

…(Trump is) willing to attack leftists, instead of fawning all over them to get invited to swanky DC parties. He’s opening the conversation so that we have slight bit more room to breathe without being purged from society. Through him normal folks have an outlet to speak. He’s standing against those who are trying to destroy us.

We don’t fucking care about your “conservative principles” of hating Russia (the only major power fighting degeneracy and supporting the church), amnesty for invading illegals, corporate subsidies, homosexual marriage, slightly lower taxes, increased debt, and minor hedges of Obamacare. We don’t care if Trump hasn’t been ideologically pure; you (weren’t) when you forced Romney(care) and Amnesty McCain on us. We don’t care if he doesn’t fit in the ever-more-left overton window. We don’t care if his Christian convictions are superficial (it’s been 40 years and you’ve done shit all about Roe vs. Wade; not to mention you’ve done nothing to prevent Christians from having their businesses destroyed by kangaroo courts). We don’t care if he gave money to Democrats a decade ago  (y’all keep importing new voters for them).

We don’t care and why should we when we are living in a country barely above a crowd-sourced communist police state, we are being culturally genocided, our jobs and our future are disappearing, and we are killing ourselves in despair at record numbers?

We don’t care. Trump is fighting for us (or at least acting like he is, but nobody since Ron Paul has even pretended to care about the white middle). We don’t trust your party, we don’t trust your democracy, we don’t trust you, because you have done nothing but betray us.

And they just can’t understand why Charlie Brown doesn’t want to try kicking the football again when Lucy so graciously offers to hold it one more time.

Lucy: the GOP Establishment. Charlie Brown: Republican voters.
Lucy: the GOP Establishment. Charlie Brown: Republican voters.

Despite what some seem to be saying in the “alt right,” the situation we face in 2016 is not all about genetics. Likewise, the Trump campaign isn’t all about white male voters. But the most maligned demographic in America (the white male heterosexual) is standing up and making himself heard. In the process, he has wrecked the Election 2016 designs of the elite puppeteers driving our nation over the cliff.

Daredevil on Netflix

So far, there is only one season’s worth of episodes on Netflix. I watched them all to the end without puking. I do admit to some groans and eye-rolls, but grading on the curve, that’s an A+ for a superhero (or, frankly, any) TV show these days.

First of all, in a genre with more reboots than a week’s worth of using Microsux Winblows, the series was fairly faithful to the source material. Remember, Daredevil hit the crimefighting stage in the 1960s. So first of all, everything had to be transposed to this millennium.

I’ll get the eye-rolls out of the way first.


(BTW, I remember the Kingpin being one of Spiderman’s enemies. Maybe Frank Miller switched him over?)

In today’s obsession with gray areas, flawed heroes and sympathetic villains, I guess it was just too tempting for the writers not to try to show the Kingpin’s humanity.

Sometimes these apologetics work. In this instance it was really unnecessary.

Some villains are just crooked, okay? The darker side of human nature is to lust after wealth/ power, and to build one’s own twisted version of morality in order to justify those lusts. The scumbags of the world either see themselves as heroes or victims (often both), and always have an excuse handy for what they do. You don’t need to help them make excuses.

Scheming crime lord, or misunderstood idealistic recluse?
Scheming crime lord, or misunderstood idealistic recluse?

I’ll only mention one more annoyance: the creative team behind Daredevil obviously felt obliged to lament the revolution in media every chance they got. In fact, the reporter character (Ben Urich) really serves no better purpose in the series.

He’s an icon–a symbol of journalistic integrity that the left-wing propagandist tools of the mainstream media would have you believe motivates them. The great tragedy is that since the flow of information has been democratized via the Internet, people have options and are turning away from the Lapdog Press; perusing alternative sources looking for the truth.

The truth that the mainstream media routinely attempts to suppress (and before the Internet, they were consistently successful).

The Daredevil writers (via their Ben Urich character) whine about the demise of Marxist (“mainstream”) newspapers, and complain that inferior proletarian slobs “blogging in their underwear” are responsible. They also seem to believe that those unwashed bloggers are getting filthy rich from doing it.

There was one similar rant in Arrow that I remember, but in this series, once was evidently not enough.

The series is just sloppin' over with eye candy. And the cinematography/effects ain't bad, either.
The series is just sloppin’ over with eye candy. And the cinematography/effects ain’t bad, either.

If you can ignore elements like those two eye-rolls summarized above (and I’m sure 99% of folks do), then this is actually a decent series so far. Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Claire Temple and the other supporting characters are likeable. The action is mixed in well. The fight scenes are not bad for TV.

SInce the dark days of the 70s, Marvel’s efforts at live-action adaptation has undergone a tremendous overhaul. The Daredevil series certainly meets current Marvel Studios standards, and is an immense improvement over the big-screen effort of a few years ago.

Of the three different superhero-inspired series I’ve critiqued this month, this is the only one I intend to continue following.

Gotham on Netflix

Continuing with my superhero miniseries, I now turn to the latest reboot of the Batman mythos.

First off, as I pointed out in Superheroes and The Narrative:

…Frankly, you have to hand it to the pop culture svengalis because it takes talent to sell an aspect of The Narrative as oxymoronic as feminism (that women are superior to heterosexual men in every way, yet simultaneously oppressed victims of them).

That’s not the only difficult task they’ve cut out for themselves.–they’ve taken the Batman and turned him into a blatant oxymoron which gets swallowed whole by millions.

Let’s not forget that the Batman is A VIGILANTE. He’s a wealthy, Batman Destroys the Monkproperty-owning individual who recognizes that the so-called criminal justice system is hopelessly broken. He dedicates his life to disciplined training for a one-man war against the criminal class. Using his own capital, he arms and equips himself for the war. Once he reaches his physical prime, he circumvents the authority of the state and deals out justice personally, concealing his identity from both the criminal underworld and the corrupt system. In the beginning he wasn’t afraid to terminate scumbags with extreme prejudice, and at least once used firearms to do so.

You can’t get much more right-wing than that.

And yet, after Robin was first introduced in the early 1940s, Gotham City took a turn for the bizarre. Batman became a de facto officer in the Gotham PD, working so closely with Commissioner Gordon that one wonders why he bothered to keep his identity secret. You can see the transformation visually in the appearance of his costume, BTW.

The Batman assumed his disguise to strike fear into the hearts of criminals--"a superstitious, cowardly lot."
The Batman assumed his disguise to strike fear into the hearts of criminals–“a superstitious, cowardly lot.”
A kinder, gentler vigilante.
A kinder, gentler vigilante.

So…he’s a vigilante, but he works with the system. Oh, he’s gone through phases in which he is hunted by the cops, but it never lasts long and it’s usually as a result of him being framed by an enemy. He’s also become quite the anti-gun activist.

antigunBatmanSince at least the 1980s, the writers at DC have become more bold about inserting their leftist worldview into the comics. (The latest movie trilogy was a pleasant surprise, except for the last one, depending on perspective. If you’re a “law and order” cuckservative/Rino/NeoCon you probably thought the underlying message in Dark Knight Rises was just great.)

So what you have is an anarchist character who is written to be an agent of the state, and most passionate about collectivist causes (gun control, the dangers of privacy, etc.). He’s also a capitalist operating with nigh-autonomy, in a fantasy world where the free market is the problem, and autonomy should be exclusive to leftist politicians.

It takes some talented snake oil salesmen to peddle this stuff; and it takes some gullible chumps to swallow it without question.

Having said that, on to the TV series. I’ll list pros and cons.

PRO: This series has the best performances I’ve seen by a child actor playing the young Bruce Wayne.

The classic Penguin–that paragon of perfidy with a parasol…that bumbershoot bandit with a belly…

CON: In this show Oswald Cobblepot (AKA the Penguin) has more in common with the horrible Tim Burton character revamp than with the Penguin of the comics (at least the first half-century of the comics). In fact, this characterization might be worse: Cobblepot is petulant, impulsive, and sometimes downright stupid. Hardly the stuff supervillains are made of. His segments get tiresome to watch after a few episodes. And was the creepy mother fixation really necessary?

Tim Burton's Penguin--basically a disgusting zombie raised by real-life penguins.
Tim Burton’s Penguin–basically a disgusting zombie raised by real-life penguins.

PRO: Young detective Gordon is played very well, though the actor’s voice gets increasingly raspy–like he’s auditioning to play the part of Batman.

CON: Bruce Wayne doesn’t become Batman until he reaches adulthood, right? In this series he’s still a child…and yet the writers seem determined to have every single character in the Batman universe cross paths when Bruce Wayne is pre-pubescent. This is becoming a typical plotting fetish when these superhero franchises are rebooted, and it wasn’t all that clever the first few times. Plus it just isn’t credible. Only so much disbelief can be suspended for the more intelligent viewers, so save your improbable points for stuff like, you know, an unarmed dude with no superpowers attacking gangs of armed criminals, dodging all their bullets and vanquishing them with his bare hands.

PRO: The exception to the foolishness of the fetish summarized above is the early development of Edward Nygma (AKA the Riddler). Making the pre-Riddler E. Nygma a forensic technician for the Gotham Police may just have been a stroke of genius. Some might even find him likeable, in a nerd/loser way. The writers/directors have built for themselves an opportunity here to mold a very solid, credible villain via a patient character arc.

CON: Alfred is now a British SpecOps vet. Really? Facepalm. He’s a butler, okay?

Ooh, scary! Another Hollywod badass.
Ooh, scary! Another Hollywod badass.

CON: Selena Kyle (AKA Catwoman) is a child, who personally meets and befriends the child Bruce Wayne many years before they grow up to have a kinky love/hate cat/mouse (flying mouse, that is) relationship in masks and tights. Holy overused plot gimmick, Batman. And of course at 12 years old (or whatever) “Cat” is a badass streetwise thug-with-a-heart-of-gold who pulls little Brucie’s fat out of the fire any time the writers can dream up an excuse to contrive it. Oh yeah, both of them also know the young girl who will grow up to become Poison Ivy. Holy ho-hum.

Now here's a villainess to wrap your arms around.
Now here’s a villainess to wrap your arms around.

CON: Maybe you’ve noticed we’re missing something. Where are all the sympathetic sodomites? Are the cultural svengalis slipping? Ah, never fear: no less than James Gordon’s future wife (and future mother of Batgirl) is now AC/DC. Her erstwhile rug-munching buddy is one of only two honest cops on the Gotham PD when Jim Gordon joins the force. Hmm. I’m not sure they went far enough–maybe she should be a war hero, too. There’s all sorts of potential checkboxes to choose from in the Perversion Peddling Playbook.

The cultural svengalis are in lock step and their Narrative is as predictable, ultimately, as how any given post-season will end for the Minnesota Vikings. They may lull you into complacency with some good writing, good acting, good whatever for a while, but only so they can sucker-punch you once your guard is down..

The Flash on Netflix

Smallville paved the way for Arrow, and The Flash spun off from that. If you noticed that Smallville became increasingly ridiculous and unimaginative after Season One, you might suspect that the same writers are churning out episode teleplays for the spinoffs.

The Flash TV series is not without its assets, on display here.
The Flash TV series is not without its assets, on display here.

The Flash does have something going for it–namely special effects and an 8+ babe in the regular cast.

Unfortunately the directing does not raise the bar for superhero adaptations. So many times the Flash is shown moving at super-speed, but repeatedly the actor is instructed to stand around and wait to get punched or shot or zapped when the script calls for a reversal or increase in dramatic tension. This is much harder to forgive in live-action than it is in the panels of a comic book.

Also, Barry Allen, as depicted, couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag.

The first few episodes suffered from overacting and desperately over-dramatic writing. The actors and writers settled down a little after a while, but it became painfully obvious soon thereafter that this is just another example of a comic book stalwart being hijacked by SJWs and transformed into just another chapter of The Narrative.

Here are two factors that were final nails in the coffin for me:

The Obligatory Sympathetic Homosexual Character

This time they made him a police captain. The creative team are simply/dutifully following Step 1 and 4 of “The Overhauling of Straight America.” (The other steps have been followed so religiously that the cultural svengalis can just maintain The Narrative now–it’s already been programmed into Millenials, Gen X, Gen Y and most Baby Boomers.)

The Obligatory Amazon Superninja

One of the villains (I can’t recall his moniker) could turn his entire body into iron or something. He was a very similar character to comic book villains like the Sandman, Clayface, the Molten Man, etc. In this series the Flash is a lousy fighter and gets his butt handed to flashgreenarrowhim by nearly every opponent (except Green Arrow–Barry Allen suddenly and mysteriously knows how to fight using his super-speed when a feud between him and Oliver Queen is contrived). The Iron Baddie is no exception–always able to transform into iron faster than the Flash can move.

The diversity-by-the-numbers team at Star Labs (Hispanic scientist; female scientist; ostensibly handicapped evil genius white male scientist) tap their keyboards a few times and decide that the way to take out Iron Baddie is for Flash to deliver a punch while running faster than he’s ever run before.

So our hero gets a running start and tops out at like 800 MPH before

This is Hollywood's vision of a badass ultimate fighter.
This is Hollywood’s vision of a badass ultimate fighter.

nailing Iron Baddie right on the button. Iron Baddie recovers and comes right back at the Crimson Chump the Scarlet Speedster. Ah, but never fear: the aforementioned 8+ babe (Iris West) steps in and knocks him out with one punch. She has no superpowers (unless you count hypergamy) but is obviously superior to ANY man, even the superpowered ones. Because vagina.

Need I waste more verbiage on this series?

Superheroes and “The Narrative”

Just what is “The Narrative,” you ask?

The Narrative is a conglomeration of messages rammed down our throats by government, academia, every medium of pop culture, and the blue pill sheeple who orient their worldview according to what those sources tell them.

The human mind is the most incredible computer the world has seen; yet the most powerful computer is only as smart as the data that is fed to it.


The Narrative comprises all the data that the cultural programmers deem acceptable for processing by the proletariat. Any data which does not agree with The Narrative is treated like a virus to be isolated and destroyed.

The Narrative is a tool to propagate and reinforce the sheeple’s faith in the elected and unelected criminals who are herding us into a third world police state where cognitive uniformity will eventually be dictated and regulated by the state. The homogenized message is Marxist/cultural Marxist, feminist, environmentalist and sodomiphilic.


More and more surfers of the Manosphere are becoming aware of The Narrative. Roosh V is somebody I haven’t followed all that closely because my impression of him was that he was primarily concerned with sowing wild oats. But he is definitely taking notice of more weighty matters of late. I recently discovered this astute observation about how the defacto ruling class in America is composed of individuals who hate America.

…(A)n individual or idea that is supported by the establishment also hates America, or at least pushes an agenda that will certainly lead to America’s decline. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a favorable light, that person hates America. If they report on a specific public policy in a favorable light, it will lead to America’s destruction. If the mainstream media reports on someone in a negative light, they love America, or at least promotes ideas that would lead to a stronger America.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, you can accurately predict which party a person votes for simply by observing their attitude toward America. (The problem with that is that the GOP is now about 95% Democrats/Marxists who speak with a forked tongue, pretending to love America while they sell her down the river.)


The Manosphere is becoming so vigilant that they sounded the warning about the latest Star Wars movie before it even hit the big screen. They even lampooned the title in the same way Hank or I probably would have (The Farce Awakens).

What the latest George Lucas flick demonstrates is that there is no genre or medium that has not been turned into a tool to push The Narrative. What the Manosphere’s criticisms indicate is that a growing subculture is finally waking up to this.

Know what else people are waking up to?

The soul of a nation is won or lost in the culture a generation or more before the struggle.


Today’s systematic and institutionalized discrimination against thorinawhite heterosexual men, for instance, took nobody by surprise who has been keeping track of pop culture for the last few decades. It is obligatory that heterosexual men are portrayed as inept buffoons in sit-coms; sensitive wimps in rom-coms; abusive cheaters in dramas; serial killers in suspense thrillers; neo-Nazis in political thrillers; and physically second-best in action-adventures. And frankly, you have to hand it to the pop culture svengalis because it takes talent to sell an aspect of The Narrative as oxymoronic as feminism (that women are superior to heterosexual men in every way, yet simultaneously oppressed victims of them).

In all forms of entertainment, people make themselves vulnerable to suggestion because they are prepared to suspend disbelief going in. Especially with TV and movies, mental programming is even more effective than a trained hypnotist would be.

Contrary to the pose struck by the pop culture svengalis and their legions of lemmings, they are not content merely to get their message out there. They must innundate everything, everywhere, with their Narrative. They must infiltrate and spread like cancer (some even call themselves “progressive”). On the feminism front they infiltrate male genres like science fiction and action-adventure; and male mediums like comic books.

The comic book industry exploded in the late 1930s/early 1940s. Its success rode on the back of superhero stories, and the overwhelming majority of the audience was pre-adolescent boys. The age of that audience has increased since WWII, but has remained largely male.

Superficially, a fan of the comic book heroes would assume that the world is a better place than ever right now, with so many characters being adapted to the bSpider-Man, Barack Obamaig and small screen. But they’re being adapted in more ways than format. Pop culture svengalis have been busy subverting the superhero genre into just another gynocentric soapbox. More and more long-time heroes are being retrofitted into the homosexual agenda. Just as in action movies, the female characters are written to be superior in prowess to their male counterparts, and sometimes famous male heroes are just suddenly re-written as females. And when political shots are taken, there is no surprise what direction they come from, either.

So for the next few blog posts I plan to have some fun examining some of the subversions adaptations in recent times. Virtual Pulp has previously blogged about Arrow. Three I have in mind right now are Gotham, The Flash and Daredevil.

Other than that, Happy New Year.