Tag Archives: cold civil war

Epic Gaslighting: as Communists Burn, Loot, and Murder, the Swamp Media Bleats “Right-Wing Terror!”

A member of Congress (take a guess which party) infamously told us, not that long ago, that “white men” are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists. Shameless Swamp Presstitutes have made the same claim.

Now, while rabid leftist mobs are burning down cities, looting stores, and assaulting innocent people,  we are being told that “the far right” is the biggest terror threat.

I refuse to link directly to NBC or any other Swamp Media site, but they ran this incredible headline:

 “Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe’s biggest terrorist threat. Now it’s the far right.”

Read the comments linked, for confirmation that not everybody is buying this narrative.

Between the Swamp Media and Government Schools, is it any wonder the rioting idiots believe with all their bovine hearts that “America is raaaayciss”?

Is it any wonder that, in the name of fighting “white supremacy” they tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas?

Just how useful he was/is depends on which side you’re on.

While observing the monument-destroying orgy going on around the country, have you ever stopped to wonder why statues of Vladimir Lenin, Barack Hussein Obama, and Satan are completely unmolested? (It can’t possibly be be because the entertainment and education cartels have spent decades  brainwashing citizens to hate America.)

Awake yet?

Riots and Street Fights, In Fact and Fiction

This is more of a preview than a review, of the last tale in Appalling Stories 4, that I originally titled “Street-Fighting Man.” But the editor thought it should be simply “Hockey Man” since that is what the main character is called, when guised as his alter-ego.

Nick Polgar leads a double life. By day (normal days, anyway) he codes at a cubicle in silicon Valley for a typical SJW Big Tech junta. But when there is some head-busting to do during demonstrations (which turn into urban melees), he rampages through the streets as “Hockey Man.”

The former “goon” and “enforcer” on the ice armors up and wields a hockey stick in battle, putting his brawling experience to use against Antifa Blackshirts and other communist rioters–just like the ones burning America’s cities down lately in real life.

This yarn is more straight-up action than the others in Appalling Stories 4, and probably one of the longest in the anthology, too.