Nice (BETA) Guys Finish Last…But Society Grants Approval

…But is that “attaboy” of societal approval much of a consolation prize? Watch the two excerpts in this clip:

The first guy did everything our feminized society tells us a man is supposed to do to keep a “good” woman. What is his reward for all the sacrifice and servicing of the woman on his pedestal? You red-pillers know all too well: she got bored, contemptuous, and found excuses to dump him. “All his cooking made me get fat!”

That’s what happens to chumps. But at least you have the approval of a TV judge, huh?

I don’t watch TV, unless it’s a show on Netflix or Amazon Instant Video. I’ve certainly never wasted my time watching court shows, except when I’m in a waiting room. So I don’t know the story of the second couple. Maybe the guy is a scumbag—I never heard the particulars of what he did or didn’t do. But he’s an alpha dog, and that alone was probably enough to prejudice this TV judge against him.

Exhibit C–another “strong independent womyn” who grew contemptuous of her beta provider:

And again, the simp earns the approval of society. Go let yourself be taken advantage of by the next entitled princess and flush another few years of your life down the toilet. Maybe she’ll turn out to be “the one.” Or maybe the entitled, egotistical shrew after her.

Exhibit D: “That Guy.”

This guy obviously let himself go physically, emotionally and mentally.

At least he’ll be able to see his kids, sounds like. Trouble is, observing their weak beta provider father get walked all over as they grow up is going to damage his kids anyway.

One thought on “Nice (BETA) Guys Finish Last…But Society Grants Approval”

  1. Here is the thing: men have always been society’s beasts of burden, sacrificial lambs, so to speak. That has not changed. What has changed is society’s appreciation for that. There used to be benefits in acknowledgement of the tremendous sacrifices of taking on the roles of hardworking, responsible husband and father: respect, a certain amount of deference, property rights, male-only spaces, etc. Those benefits are now all gone. Yet society still expects men to live up to their historic responsibilities. More and more young men are beginning to realize what a lousy deal that is, even if on a subconscious gut level.

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