D-Day in Pictures

I’ve posted something on D-Day pretty much every anniversary since I began blogging. This time I won’t be writing so much about it–just showing imagery.

These are the beach heads that had to be established. Only the one designated “Omaha” had heavy German resistance.


Ike meets with paratroopers of the 101st before their midnight jump into Hitler's "Fortress Europe."
Ike meets with paratroopers of the 101st before their midnight jump into Hitler’s “Fortress Europe.”


"One minute!" U.S. Paratroopers about to be scattered to hell & gone through a land crawling with Germans.
“One minute!” U.S. Paratroopers about to be scattered to hell & gone through a land crawling with Germans.


At H-Hour the ramps drop and ground-pounders have to slog through the surf through German fire.
At H-Hour the ramps drop and ground-pounders have to slog through the surf into German fire.


Here's what the folks back home knew.
Here’s what the folks back home knew.

This guy did a fairly decent job on the video, though he’s not informed well on the UN and China. But hey, most people in our dumbed-down culture don’t even know what WW2 was.

7 thoughts on “D-Day in Pictures”

  1. This was a cool post.

    Today I watched a show called, “D-Day to Victory” on the History Channel. What I liked most about it was how they broke down each stage of the D-Day assault. Quite interesting.

  2. Not to deliberately add a sad note, but I sometimes think it is fortunate (for them, not for us) that these guys are mostly gone. They don’t have to see what has become of the country they fought and died for. The tyrannies they fought have taken hold quite nicely here. Maybe not as outwardly brutal but far more virulent.

    1. What Robert said!
      …Er, what Robert What said.
      Anyway, today is evidently “I Couldn’t Agree With Robert More” Day.

      Makes me think of Shifty Powers in particular. Stories like his would be a lot less tragic if we weren’t becoming what he and his brothers fought against.

      1. Very touching article. Basically he was the same age as the “millenials” are now. To think of a Shifty Powers of that age versus a modern millennial hipster pajama boy makes one cringe. Personally I think the US had no business getting involved in Europe in either World War, but that has no bearing on men like Shifty and what they did and how they are remembered.

  3. You are sounding more and more like my lost evil twin brother or something.

    Technically Hitler did declare war on us after Pearl Harbor, but FDR was already entangling us in an undeclared war with Germany so it was a done deal either way.

    But there was no legitimate reason for our involvement in WWI. And it pretty much guaranteed there would be a rematch.

    But yeah, totally different breed of men back then. The contrast between them and my contemporaries is, by itself, a tragic testimony of what has happened to our country.

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