Chinese Hackers and the Inevibility of War

The latest cyber-attack by the Red Chinese is being compared to Pearl Harbor.

The Washington Post reported that this is part of an ongoing strategy by which Beijing is gaining unprecedented digital power over the American people by “building massive databases of Americans’ personal information by hacking government agencies and U.S. health-care companies, using a high-tech tactic to achieve an age-old goal of espionage: recruiting spies or gaining more information on an adversary.” Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of the cybersecurity firm ThreatConnect, based in Northern Virginia, said, “They’re definitely going after quite a bit of personnel information. We suspect they’re using it to understand more about who to target.”

It’s a little like the trick-or-treating strategy employed by street bullies: Rather than do the hard work of going door-to-door collecting the loot, let someone else do it for you and then simply steal it from them. With U.S. government three-letter agencies conducting intrusive surveillance on the American people, the shortest path to that data is to hack those databases and steal it. And it appears this is exactly what China is doing. This is precisely what groups such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation have warned about as part of their opposition to the blanket surveillance conducted by these overreaching agencies.


In the late ’90s, intelligence sources reported that the Chinese High Command considered a war with the US inevitable within 30 years.  After the treason committed by the Clinton Administration, our strategic assets were compromised and Red China was handed technological parity to go along with its overwhelming numerical superiority. Meanwhile, the “American leadership” in Washington continues to weaken us in every way possible, except when it comes to a war with the American people that they consider inevitable.

It only makes sense that our foreign enemies would seek every possible advantage in preparing to destroy us. True, politicians are willing to hand our enemies pretty much anything they want, but the Chinese want some lower-level spies and sabateurs as well, just to have every possible base covered before they pull the trigger.

2 thoughts on “Chinese Hackers and the Inevibility of War”

  1. It gets even scarier when you consider the possibility that it was their intent to gather the data for china in the first place… But… Thats just tin-foil hat lunacy.

    1. Nah! Impossible. The professional politicians so consistently put the interests of their fellow travelers overseas below the interests of the American people.

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