The “Cuckservative” Meme

As George Orwell illustrated in 1984, Marxists love to pervert language. In a police state, it makes it more difficult for the subjects to commit Thought Crime. In a transitional state (like the USA in 2015) it serves to frame debate to the advantage of the Marxists.

I try to avoid using Newspeak as much as possible. For many years I’ve avoided using the terms “liberal” and “conservative,” because the meanings have been so confused. There is nothing “liberal,” for instance, about the dirtbags who enjoy that title, what they are doing to our rights, or intend to do in the future. And “conservative” means something different to just about everyone. The only consensus feasible is that a conservative is somebody to the right of Chris Matthews.

Lately it’s been something of a bittersweet pleasure to witness some on the right and/or in the manosphere giving the Marxists (cultural and otherwise) a dose of their own medicine. (Bittersweet because it’s about 30-40 years too late to make a difference in our fate as a nation). And now “cuckservative” has been added to our lexicon. Is this a matter of using something out of the Cultural Marxist Playbook, or is there  more Marxism at work here than just the play itself?

The term “cuck,” so far as I can tell, comes from the word “cuckold.” This means basically that a “cuckservative” is a naive, gullible chump. I would agree that pretty much everyone identified as a conservative, by themselves or others, fits this description politically. Certainly the neocons and RINOs who control the Republican establishment, the supplicating libertarians and every other enabler of the Democrats would fall in this category.


For those with a Biblical worldview, we recognize that:

  1. the devil is real,
  2. his M.O. is to infiltrate and corrupt EVERYTHING, and
  3. he makes his lies believable by mixing obvious truth in with them.

So, after calling out the Marxist enablers on many valid points, sometimes in hilarious fashion, the propagators of this meme also will call you “cuckservative” if you’re not racist, or if the criminal actions of people in government piss you off..

For instance, in Heartiste’s page “Shit Cuckservatives Say” (which is similar to our “Neocon/RINO Campaign Slogans” posted some time ago) has some nuggets like this in the mix:

(They) “Whine about how bad Hillary messed up in BenGhazi.”

Here’s a standout patch of stupidity. We are supposed to accept domestic enemies in government destroying evidence to perpetuate a(nother) coverup? Whoever came up with that idea is nothing but a tool. (“Useful idiots” is what Lenin called them.)

“Democrats are the real racists.”

Well, yes, they are–historically and right now, though their deceptive techniques to cast evil as good and good as evil are quite effective against the ovine.

“George Wallace was a Democrat.”

Also a fact. But I guess we should embrace revisionist history and refuse to bring up relevant facts when the topic of race is weaponized against us. Because Western Civilization.

“Abortion is racist because 50% of black babies are aborted!”

Obviously this idea has been phrased to make it sound fatuous, but the fact is that Planned Parenthood was founded by a Nazi who is on record as naming blacks as one of the demographics that should be destroyed via eugenics. And by sheer coincidence, most of their abortion clinics are in the inner cities where the black population is concentrated.

I am not an apologist for blacks. I’m not trying to make black friends and I reject “white guilt” on its face. Blacks in the USA have proven repeatedly with every election cycle that 90-95% of them are my unrepentant enemy, willing to steal my property and jeopardize my freedom as long as their entitlement checks keep growing and “one of their own” gets rewarded with position.  (So have a whole lot of whites, for that matter.) They have proven with words and actions that they, in fact, are racists, and hate me because of my genetics.

However, I’m not going to conform to any ideology based on how people with my skin color are “supposed to” think. These tools behind the “cuckservative” meme do, which means they are exactly like the lemmings composing 90-95% of the black population in the USA. Way to show your “white supremacy,” bozo.

 “I don’t have white interests, I have the Constitution.”

There-you go–the pigmentation you were born with is so much more important than having a government with the purpose of protecting individual rights. In other words, unless you think the way the left-wing elite want you to think, you must be a “cuckservative.”

I haven’t seen another comment so far that more clearly illustrates how the tools behind this meme are playing the part of controlled opposition for the social engineers of the left-wing elite, and exacerbating the “divide and conquer” policy that ensures no real challenge to their power will ever be mounted.

Here’s to you, manosphere: just keep peddling your kratom, game tips and penis pills while the world burns.

Here’s to you, white tribalists: When all our lives become a waking nightmare as a partial result of your ignorance, take comfort in the fact that your skin is more pale than some other victims.

6 thoughts on “The “Cuckservative” Meme”

  1. “Here’s to you, white tribalists: When all our lives become a waking nightmare as a partial result of your ignorance, take comfort in the fact that your skin is more pale than some other victims.”

    The bulk of the people pushing the ‘cuckservative’ meme are not white tribalists or white nationalists, though Roissy probably is. They are disenfranchised Republican voters who are tired of being called “Racist” by open-borders Democrats and Republicans for wanting something as simple as a country, a Constitution (even for the unborn), and borders. Do not use guilt by association because some people you don’t like are pushing the meme. The first rule in war is “Let you and him fight.” To a degree, Roissy is an ally in the opposition to the Leftist establishment. Remember, the WWII allies partnered with someone as evil as Stalin, for crying out loud. How much less evil are white nationalists pushing ‘the cuckservative’ meme? None have killed millions in droves like Uncle Joe.

    Again, don’t use guilt by association.

    1. “They are disenfranchised Republican voters who are tired of being called “Racist” by open-borders Democrats and Republicans for wanting something as simple as a country, a Constitution (even for the unborn), and borders.”

      I certainly sympathize with that subculture, but that is not the impression I got. Those quotes above were from Chateu Heartiste–I didn’t make them up. They seem to be in perfect synch with comments I read on Vox Poppuli, ROK and elsewhere. I’m not sure who Roissy is, but it sounds like he is in lock-step, too.

      I didn’t intend to use guilt by association, and I hope that you are more right than I am.

      1. The Left never feels the need to condemn enemies to the left nor distance themselves from anything done on the left. Why do conservatives constantly feel like they need to condemn those on the right? This is how the National Review drifted ever leftward: constantly criticizing anyone on the right who wasn’t a neoconservative in order to avoid confrontation and criticism from the Left.

        Ask yourself, why does it matter that the manosphere and white nationalists push the cuckservative meme along with everyone else? What is it to you?

        Also, we all want to live in a Constitutional republic where there are no racial grievance groups and devious handout operations of the Left, but that’s no the reality we live in. We live in a country with a lot of the former and most of the racial grievance is directed at us (white men).

        I believe the Constitution codifies rights for everyone of every race based on natural law. Sadly, the only people who still believe in this understanding of the Constitution are a subset of white men. Blacks do not believe in it evidenced by their voting patterns (and I believe they are created equal and entitled to the Constitution by God). Latin Americans are mostly socialist and are used to living in strong man dictatorships. They do not appear to have a love for a document written in 1789 written by Dead White Males. I guess all of these facts temper my felt need to criticize those to the right of me with whom I disagree on matters of race. The Left wants us to fight with one-another promising that they’ll leave us alone if we distance ourselves from people with ‘dangerous ideas.’ Well, have they left us alone?

  2. First off, I appreciate your thoughtful comments.

    But having said that, there are a couple problems with your argument.

    1. I am not attacking them. But I am being labeled a cuckold because I value individual liberty higher than skin pigmentation, as demonstrated by this quote in Heartiste’s “Shit Cuckservatives Say”: “I don’t have white identity, I have the Constitution.”

    2. As I said in the post, I don’t use”conservative” in conversation without quotation marks and I certainly don’t self identify as one. I’m right wing, radical by today’s standards. White tribalism is a flavor of group identity/racial solidarity which is a facet of collectivism. That puts them well to the left of me.

  3. “I am notattacking them. But I am being labeled a cuckold because I value individual liberty higher Than skin pigmentation, as demonstrated this quote Heartiste’s “shit cuckservatives say”: “I don’t need white identity, I have the Constitution.””

    If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it. Reading your blog, it’s obvious he’s not directing his criticism at a guy like you. You write stuff that the $PLC and other Left-wing organs would regard as racist even though it’s not.

    “White tribalism is a flavor of group identity/racial solidarity which is a facet of collectivism. That puts them well to the left of me.”
    White tribalism is and isn’t collectivism. I have several thoughts on the topic. I was raised to be colorblind but over time noticed only whites were expected to be colorblind. All the other races were allowed their own ethnic identity clubs in college and even in the military. For the most part, only whites love the Constitution. Meanwhile, all the other races get to take advantage of us because of the standards we’re held to (colorblindness, self-detrimental altruism like giving away our entire country to whoever wants to move here).

    I don’t value white collectivism because I can’t identify any values it espouses or what it means. At the same time, I’ve had too many bad experiences to condemn it. I prefer to let it be it and me be me. Also, I AM white and all my enemies identify me that way. If the shoe fits, I’ll wear it.

    1. Your points are well made, sir.

      “I was raised to be colorblind but over time noticed only whites were expected to be colorblind. All the other races were allowed their own ethnic identity clubs in college and even in the military. For the most part, only whites love the Constitution. Meanwhile, all the other races get to take advantage of us because of the standards we’re held to (colorblindness, self-detrimental altruism like giving away our entire country to whoever wants to move here).”

      Can’t argue with that. That sums up the racial conundrum of white male heterosexuals pretty well.

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