Is the Orlando Shooting a Crisis That Will Go to Waste?

Latest reports from Orlando are that 59 are dead and 53 wounded at an LGBT night club. This latest media circus shooting spree efficiently checks off more than one box in reinforcing The Narrative:

  • “We need to do something about these awful guns!”
  • “We need to do something about these awful thought criminals who don’t accept homosexuality as normal!”
  • “We need an expanded Terrorist Watch List!”
  • There oughta’ be more laws empowering Big Brother to spy on citizens to determine if they’re harboring thought crimes that might later turn violent!”

Unfortunately, I was in a public venue this morning, where the TV was on, tuned to MSNBC. That bastion of impartial journalistic integrity was sickeningly predictable in the series of stimuli it broadcast out to its braindead audience. Had someone been participating in a drinking game, the obvious words and phrases to establish as drinking penalty cues would be “guns in America;” “horrific;” “hate crime;” “anti-gay violence” and “assault weapon.”

The talking heads on MSNBC put an “expert” on from that bastion of civil liberties, the FBI, to parrot the blanket generalizations of the Political-Media Axis. Techniques like this are never to provide insights into law enforcement or to reveal specific information about the case in question. The purpose is to have somebody in a position of authority endorse The Narrative.

Interestingly, the FBI mouthpiece took pains to check the “Islam is a religion of peace” box while implying homophobia and the right to keep and bear arms are at fault for the shooting. Again: predictable. Before many facts were known, the spin doctors tipped their hand as to how this crisis will be milked.

The shooter, Omar Mateen, allegedly called 911 himself, and declared allegiance to the Islamic State. But since we have it on the authority of Barrack Hussein Obama that the Islamic State is not Islamic, we can safely assume that it is gun-toting, church-going, right-wing military veteran home-schoolers who are really to blame.


The shooter is also allegedly a US citizen (originally an “anchor baby” of two Afghans, sounds like). But even if he wasn’t, you could bet money that of all the solutions being considered by the Political-Media Axis, closing the border will not be one of them.

It is admitted that there are ISIS terror cells in every major American city. It is also admitted that hordes of violent jihadis are swarming into our country through our open borders (mixing in with the multitudes of La Raza type subversives). There is absolutely no effort to check this invasion, even though the Federal Government is required by law to do so. But the Feds are more enthusiastic about breaking the law than upholding it, and in fact will sue any state that tries to protect its own section of the border. Meanwhile, US Citizens are treated like criminal suspects at airports, bus stations and sports arenas “for our security.”

This situation only makes sense for those hell-bent on destroying what is left of America. They have a whole bunch of solutions in need of crises in order to implement. A heavily-armed sociopathic fifth column dwelling among us is custom-designed to provide the necessary crises.

Funded by your tax dollars, BTW.

2 thoughts on “Is the Orlando Shooting a Crisis That Will Go to Waste?”

  1. The growing public support for this effort is troubling. I recently saw an MSM poll in which over 93% of respondents favored banning people on ‘watch lists’ from owning firearms. What these trusting citizens (hopefully) don’t realize is that ANYONE can be put on these lists for any reason the authorities deem appropriate (Facebook posts, Google searches, etc.). There is no due process, no recourse, and no appeal. Like the IRS, this system would soon be weaponized against those who resist The Narrative.

    1. It’s one of those usurpations that snuck in while we were snoozing, and since it’s not affecting the majority right now, they assume it’s no big deal, chug more beer and watch reality TV.

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