The Narrative by Deplora Boule – a Review

Leftists, and especially SJWs, are just begging to be mocked and ridiculed–the individuals themselves, of course, but even more so their absurd reasoning and their efforts to twist reality into a shape they are comfortable with, and that justifies their hypocrisy and tragicomic behavior. This book does just that.

A huge part of the American decline is the ignorance of roughly half of the population who (knowingly and unknowingly) enable those who are fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a third-world police state. That ignorance is carefully crafted by the Education Cartel, the entertainment industry, and perhaps most insiduously by the propaganda ministry of the Deep State–also known as the mainstream media. This novel-length satire puts the press squarely in the crosshairs.

The Narrative is a literary roller coaster, of sorts. The author tears a new bunghole in the Swamp Media with passages so zany that only an SJW could fail to recognize how ridiculous it is. But these are almost like a series of vignettes in an otherwise straightforward narrative (ahem) about a young woman with ambition to become a prime time media celebrity.

Despite the name, Deplora Boule has got the gift of optimism, so when all is said and done, that optimistic outlook overshadows the comedy. Lord knows we can use all the optimism we can get these days.

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