Did Politicians Only Recently Become Two-Faced?

The State of the Union (SOTU) has re-focused attention on the recent history of Democrats, who only a few years ago publicly claimed to support the kind of border security/immigration policy they now insist is immoral.

Of course hypocrisy is nothing unusual for the left wing. Contrast their behavior toward Justice Kavanaugh to their reaction (or lack of it) to Lt. Governor Justin “F*** That Bitch” Fairfax in Virginia.* It’s just the tip of the iceberg.


While Tucker Carlson claims to be “genuinely confused” at how the ruling class calls Trump a racist for trying to implement the very policies they are on record as advocating, Sean Hannity tells us (with a straight face) that it’s only because they hate President Trump that they contradict themselves–they just can’t bring themselves to support anything he supports, hence their irrationality.

This is just another case of Cux News handling damage control for the Deep State. Democrats previously pretended to want border security for the same reason previous Presidents promised to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem…and the same reason Paul RINO and Mitch McCUCKell promised to defund Planned Parenthood and end Obamacare.

They knew they’d never have to deliver on their big talk. They never had any intention of backing up their words with action; but they could pose, blaming somebody else in the Uniparty power structure for their lack of results.

Then along came the unpredictable outsider, Donald J. Trump. Infuriating just about everybody in politics, he actually intended to keep his campaign promises. Their excuses for not carrying through on their own BS rhetoric evaporated, showing the emperor(s) had no clothes. Once the obstacles they touted were shown to be bogus, they themselves were exposed as the true obstacles. In fact, they had to blatantly take ownership of their obstruction lest the unleashed orange renegade actually manage to put America first.

Of course, the presstitutes in mass media work overtime to memory-hole the inconvenient facts, and that works on the average ignoramus. For the above-average ignoramus, there is Cux News. Carlson, Hannity, Dobbs and Ingraham know they can’t get away with simply rewriting history like the other networks. Their viewers aren’t holding to the pop culture programming enough to believe that Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia. What they believe they can accomplish is make you swallow the premise that the traitors and criminals in Washington aren’t evil scumbags guilty of duplicity–but they’re simply well-intentioned but misguided “liberals” bumbling around in a fog of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

*UPDATE: For some reason this didn’t post when I had it scheduled a few days ago. Since then, some of Fairfax’s fellow travelers have reluctantly decided that sexual assault is wrong, even when a Democrat politician perpetrates it. As long as the Democrats get to maintain power, that is.