Socialism and Satanism

We live in an age when the young people living in this country believe socialism is a great idea. Of course, this proves that the Indoctrination Industry (including Public Education) has succeeded in fomenting and enforcing widespread ignorance. It should also scare the hell out of you. What happens when there aren’t enough Americans left to prevent them from completing the Fundamental Transformation?

“…So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” – 2 Corinthians 2:11

If you believe what is taught in the Bible, then you know that a person doesn’t have to be an overt devil-worshiper to be a tool of the devil, or to wind up in Hell. Jesus said those who are not with Him are against Him (Matthew 12:30). So those who do not consciously choose to follow the Son of God automatically default to the side that is against Him–and you know who is in charge on that side of the aisle. Pretty simple.

It’s been easy to notice that Marxists (whether they are called socialists, progressives, Democrats, or “liberals”) speak and behave a lot like their Default Daddy. What’s surprising as how many of them, dating back to Marx himself (and beyond) intentionally worshiped the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and consciously did his bidding in the system they devised.

Twenty years ago some of you scoffed when “paranoid conspiracy whackos” like me warned you that the garbage going on right now was coming to our country. Please get informed while you still can. The clues as to what kind of world our children will inherit are all around you.

I only discovered “Edge of Wonder” recently. Don’t know much about them yet, other than that they dispense some good information. If you haven’t accepted the reality of what we’re up against, from anyone else, maybe their delivery will be more palatable to you.