You Paved the Way For This Gender Insanity

A link was shared on MeWe about a judge who ruled that boys and girls in high school must shower together “in order to accommodate transgender students.” I commented on the thread, as did many others. Then some guy posted the following:

“Boy oh boy would I like to see that happen . my daughter in action you see some dumbass get in the shower with her and she Going to  knock him on his ass my girl is one badass” (sic)

And the guy has a Gadsen Flag as his profile pic.  It’s looking like, outside of Virtual Pulp, there is no organization, group, institution or movement that hasn’t been infected by this feminista virus.

First of all, he’s delusional. Mediocre male athletes are “identifying” as female all over the place and trouncing the best female athletes in their respective sports. The guy has watched too many Kickass Grrrrl Power scenes in action movies, and has confused fetish with reality. But that isn’t the point, here.

This person is not alone. Legions of “conservative” parents have been raising their daughters to be masculine, even if they’re not jock-ettes. The “female ideal” our depraved culture has been foisting on us is women who talk like men, act like men, and even look like men (just look at all the broad shouldered, narrow hipped, square jawed models and actresses sold to us as “female sex symbols”). Dads like this guy are fully on board with all that, even if they vehemently disagree with those silly libruls about kneeling during the National Anthem.

They don’t mind gender-bending, unless it goes too far too fast. They’ll obediently have their children flirt with gender confusion, just as long as they don’t go all the way.

It’s nearly as bad in the “alt right” as it is in “conservatism.” For people so obsessed about “muh westurn sivulizayshun,” they’ve apparently never made the connection that Rome didn’t conquer the known world with coed legions led by Kickass Womyn Warriors. Sane civilizations recognized that there are biological differences between the TWO genders, and the roles men and women played lined up with their capabilities. Women are biologically suited to caring for children and keeping the home, with a degree of competency that men can’t equal. Men are biologically suited to hunt, build, explore, and fight, on a competency level that women can’t approach without imposed handicapping.

Women were not designed to be “badasses.” Denying that is a symptom of a contrived fetish. It’s a wildly popular and state-approved fetish, but still just a fetish. Women who think they are badasses are not very attractive, therefore less likely to excel at what they are designed for (childbearing, nurturing children, etc.).

Obviously, the society we live in, through relentless conditioning, has been trained to reject reality. “Conservatives” have obediently jumped on the gender-bending bandwagon. Now they’re starting to realize where the bandwagon is going, and are horrified…but too invested in feminist myths to decisively jump off and change course.

5 thoughts on “You Paved the Way For This Gender Insanity”

    1. I am glad you posted this. Truth is I can’t tell much difference between conservatives and liberals anymore. It seems Virtual Pulp is the only bastion of truth left, as far as I know. Happy 4th of July to you all gents!

  1. My “conservative” parents are a perfect example of this. They sent their daughter to the Chair Force Academy where she became a feminist and narrowly avoided becoming a lesbian. Now she has one son who she has them raise and complains about men.

    “Conservatives” are just as big of a problem as liberals.

    1. You could argue that they’re an even bigger problem. They collect the energy and resources of sincere allies and redirect it into helping push the enemy’s agenda. With “friends” like these…

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