You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet When It Comes to Election Fraud

In addition to destroying the economy, protecting the Democratic nominee from scrutiny and debate, desensitizing people to violation of their rights “for the greater good,” justifying a delay of the China trade agreement and the Democrat National Convention, COVID-1984 is also the excuse fed to us for why we must let the upcoming election be stolen from us (just in case wrecking the economy in an election year, and millions of dead and illegal foreign Democrat voters isn’t enough).

Ballots being sent to inactive voters may be a concern for the GOP in Nevada, but nationally Republicans have also railed against ballot harvesting as they worry they’ll see another scenario like the one during the 2018 midterm elections in California’s Orange County.

Despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantage shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the election. Many observers pointed to the Democrats’ use of ballot harvesting as a key to their success in the elections.

In Orange County, Calif. – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state – every House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented 250,000 vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

“People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling to ask if these people were allowed to do this,” Neal Kelley, the registrar for voters in Orange County, said at the time.

Remember, it’s the people who have been shrieking about “threats to our democracy” for the last three years who are trying to rig this election. Excepting California, probably none of the southwestern states would have turned blue without election fraud. They’re planning to implement even more massive fraud this time.

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