What “Choice” Do We Have In the Election?

Democrats are showing their true colors like never before in 2020. They are America-hating totalitarians who want to destroy our republic and replace it with a collectivist regime built on the foundation of Marxism. They still employ vocabulary like “democracy” and “rule of law,” which is simply Orwellian Newspeak meant to disguise what they truly want. The disguise only works on the most ignorant and least intelligent.

With the mask coming off the communist revolutionaries so blatantly, you would think the Republican Party would be a shoo-in for the normies who finally understand that there is no escape from politics anymore. But “conservatives” haven’t conserved anything of value, and very few “Republicans” are actually republican.

I can think of a few names for the GOP that are more accurate than the terms we use. How about “Controlled Opposition Party;” “Professional Cowards;” or “Professional Losers”?

The job of the typical Republican politician is to make some noises that appeal to Americans who would prefer to keep their freedom, and more of the money that they earn; but then cower in the face of evil when we need them the most. Even when they win an election, they make sure their constituents lose.

Look at the “choice” we’ve been saddled with for the last several presidential elections:

  1. Obama or Romney
  2. Obama or McCain
  3. Bush II or Kerry
  4. Bush II or Gore
  5. Clinton or Dole
  6. Clinton or Bush I
  7. Bush I or Dukakis

And, if the people hadn’t pulled off a miraculous disruption of the Establishment’s plans, our choice in 2016 would have been Clinton II or Jeb Bush. Whether Democrats win elections or not, their agenda keeps grinding forward. Republicans rail against what the Democrats do to our country, but are forgiven for not putting up any meaningful resistance when in the minority. If they control the Senate, their excuse for cucking is that they don’t also control the House (and visa-versa). If we give them the House and Senate, their excuse is that they don’t also control the White House. When they are given control of the Executive Branch and both sides of the Legistature, the Democrats still set the agenda.

As John “Sleeper Cell” Roberts has repeatedly proven, even putting “conservatives” on the Supreme Court doesn’t change anything. Our ever-leftward death spiral is never interrupted.

Normalcy-biased voters and coincidence theorists have been clinging to the desperate notion that all this is simply because of ignorance, incompetence, or well-intentioned buffoonery. I think coincidence theory is less popular now than ever before, but whatever reason you want to assign to habitual GOP cucking, surrender, and betrayal, these professional losers need to be replaced in the primaries with people who will actually represent us, and fight for the ideals we want preserved.

Tucker Carlson lashes out at the GOP with some much-deserved criticism; but then plays right into the Hegelian scam afterwards. After telling us that our justice system must blindly treat everyone equally under the law, within minutes he implies that what Peter Strzok did isn’t relevant. Out one side of his mouth, he claims all lives are equally valuable; but out the other side of his mouth, he implies that what happened in BenGhazi should be forgotten.

For the record: I’m glad (and amazed) that somebody saying some of what Tucker is saying has a platform to voice ideas that presently get others fired from their jobs, gagged, and demonized.

Tucker is right on many points; in this episode and others. But like so many other “conservatives,” he slips into emotion-based reasoning too much. However, one point he is absolutely correct about is that people on the right must organize to pressure the cucks of the GOP to start representing us. One reason we keep losing is because the left will do anything to get what they want regardless of rules, law, or morality, while the right won’t even take steps that are perfectly legal and normal, to protect what is dear to us.

This is not some gentleman’s sporting event, here. We are in a fight to the death with no holds barred. We’ve got some significant advantages; but only if we recognize the situation and act accordingly.