But But But…Muh US Military Will Save the Day!

Leftists used to badmouth the Armed Forces constantly. They quit doing that. In fact, now they equate military service to heroism. Why? Because they’ve taken over that institution, too.

With a course titled “Operation Inclusion,” the agency is promoting the line that if you support enforcing immigration law, or say things like “all lives matter,” then you’re a white supremacist.

…What, exactly, is Operation Inclusion bringing to the bases? Well, the agency e-mail inviting all Redstone Arsenal personnel to the seminar included a pyramid graphic that claimed certain phrases—including “Make America Great Again,” President Trump’s campaign theme—are evidence of “Covert White Supremacy” that is lamentably “social accetable [sic].”

Indeed, according to the graphic, you are a racist if you discuss any of these ideas or use any of the following phrases:

  • All Lives Matter

  •  Denial of White Privilege

  •  Inequitable Health Care

  •  Anti-Immigration Policies

  •  English-Only Initiatives

  •  Celebration of Columbus Day

  •  American Exceptionalism

  •  Claiming Reverse Racism

  •  There is Only One Human Race

The cold civil war is turning hot in several cities across the country. It’s still possible to deny that, because only one side has organized units using collective violence, and only a select few hundred (at last count) have been shot so far.  Aside from a few isolated incidents, individuals on the right aren’t fighting back yet–much less organizing for deliberate action.

There’s still a widespread assumption that victory is a sure thing if the left is ever dumb enough to start a shooting war, because “muh patriotic men and womyn in uniform!”

Well, first of all, they’re starting the shooting war–and only time will tell if it’s such a dumb move. I’d love to be proven wrong, but I believe CW2 will be very hard to deny, after November. Only if the leftists manage to steal the election through mail-in-voting/ballot harvesting is there  much chance to avoid a shooting war. In that case, most people on our side, rather than accept reality, might bend over and assume “the  pendulum” will swing back the other way some day. Meanwhile, they’ll be picked off piecemeal while communist goons kick in their doors at 3am and haul them away.

Secondly, the military has been corrupted from the Pentagon down to the lowest rifleman (er, rifleperson) at Fort Marx and Camp Alinsky. Men who love their country and were willing to fight for it, like me, have mostly got the hell out of uniform.  The other institutions, like public education and the media, have insured that obedient woke zombies are behind all the triggers, now.

Get serious and get yourself ready to go. There’s no cavalry on the way. The longer you sit on your thumbs and surrender initiative to the enemy, the worse our odds will be.