Once again, an update to our vocabulary is necessary, so you can understand what is being said on social media, in the mainstream media, and by the NPC drones who regurgitate the agitprop everywhere you turn.

DIVERSITY – Mandatory and absolute uniformity of thought and ideology. Perfect diversity occurs when everyone shares the exact same opinions, and any wrongthinkers are eliminated. Oh yeah: also when you cancel those who belong to the wrong demographics (see “inclusive”).

DIVISIVE – Backwards, bigoted concepts like equality of opportunity, colorblindness, and any other obstacle to our racial divide-and-conquer strategy. The height of divisive rhetoric, for instance, was when that racist hatemonger President Trump called for equal justice and protection under the law, regardless of race or ethnicity, while standing under the likeness of the man who freed the slaves (see “white supremacy”) at Mount Rushmore.

FACT CHECK – To check a statement or story for facts. And when facts are found, deny them.

INCLUSIVE – That which reduces or eliminates the number of white heterosexual males who are not disciples of Karl Marx (see “liberal“), and forbids those who survive from speaking.

MAGA – A racist code phrase used by deplorable Trump voters. Every nation on Earth has a right to look out for its own interests, except the evil United States of America. When irredeemable Republicans say they want to make America great again, it really means they want to bring back Democrat institutions like slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow.

MOSTLY PEACEFUL – The Condition that exists when a city is on fire and taxpayers are disarmed and fed to rabid terrorist mobs while police stand down; but the leftist politicians who engineered the terror are protected at taxpayer expense.

PEACEFUL – The serene and idyllic condition of war zones cities like Portland, Chicago, and New York in 2020. The nature and behavioral inclinations of Antifa/BLM members, and others who make death threats against those who have the wrong skin color and opinions; in some cases making good on those threats.

UNIFY – To stir up hatred based on differences in skin color, biological sex, and national origin. Great unifying figures of our time include Al Sharpton, Jussie Smollett, Louis Farakkan, Ilhan Omar, and Barack Hussein Obama.

VIOLENCE – Asking questions, posting memes, doing research, or otherwise challenging The Narrative (see “terrorism“). The most dangerous, violent people of all are those meddling Qanon followers, who do all of the above.

WHITE SUPREMACY – A philosophy embraced by anyone who questions The Narrative, loves America, or refuses to kneel and apologize for being born with a certain appearance and heritage. The most heroic ways to combat white supremacy are burning black businesses, killing black cops, aborting black babies, and tearing down statues of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

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