RBG, the Supreme Court, Nth-Dimension Chess, and Females With Power

Trump supporters often claim their hero is merely playing multi-dimensional chess every time he says or does something foolish, cucks or caves because he’d rather make a bad deal than no deal at all. Now it appears he’s determined to replace the Wicked Witch with another female justice. A lot of us wait nervously to see if he drags his feet; if the Senate drags its feet; if Mitch McCUCKell and/or other RINO traitors do what they do best…and, of course, if the nominee turns out to be another Manchurian judge like Roberts (and, evidently, Gorsuch).

American Partisan opines on the question of whether foot-dragging is a wise or foolish tactic. I want to share some excerpts from the OP and the comment thread, because they are so savvy, it restores my faith in some of my countrymen.

…Apparently instead of picking who the best candidate is, we just replace a woman with a woman automatically. No matter, I guess, that the vast majority of women in politics take a quick left turn ideologically once they get to a position of new power. It’s no surprise that the two biggest obstacles in the Senate are Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, as per usual. Murkowski is in a tough campaign right now, so she will be looking to ride the fence and stonewall whomever she can in an attempt to gain voters from across whatever aisle she’s straddling this week. In this case she will be stonewalling her party on the SCOTUS nomination at the last minute of Trump’s term in office.

…He has to replace the evil communist with another woman because then they can’t do what they did to Justice Kavanaugh: claim high school rapey-romps and such. It takes two thirds of their bullshit away. And I seem to recall that Barry went ahead and nominated a replacement after Scalia’s murder without batting an eye…

…The problem is, the repubes are past masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They never exploit the advantage, they shy away from fighting hard, and they lose, lose, lose. They’re so desperate to be loved, they’ll run from their platform to appeal to any unlikely voter, stab their own followers in the back, and abandon any principals they might have had to suck up to the press. Bush’s team called out the wrong people when they accused the French of being “Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys.” Cheering for the Repubes is like rooting for the Washington Generals against the Globetrotters. They’re this far {–} from being controlled opposition for the dummycrats. Trump is the only one they have who seems to be willing to wade in and fight toe-to-toe with the dummycrats on his own terms and not apologize for winning. He’s also the first one in a long time, maybe since Reagan, who didn’t apologize for being American.

Voting repube as like being a long-term spousal abuse victim. I always rationalize their abuse and come back the next election. “The repubes can’t help hurting me, but we’re going to stop this pattern of abuse. We’re going to talk it out. They’ll see the bruises and realize they went too far. They won’t hurt me again-This time, it’ll be different.” I held me nose when I voted McLame, but I straight-up refused to vote for B.S. Romney. For the last few years, I’ve been assuming after Trump, there won’t be another repube candidate worth voting for, if there even is another national election, which seems to be in doubt…

…The enemy will have their insurrection anyway. How much worse can they make it? …Let them delegitimize themselves as a movement, as elected officials wielding the power of government, and as law enforcement sworn to uphold the rule of law. As they continue to delegitimize themselves as institutions they lose their rightful power to govern and any moral expectation of obedience from those of us they are trying to destroy with their criminal lawfare. They polarize the population with each criminal act they initiate and try to defend on indefensible grounds. Those that are drawn to the enemy side in this polarization process were always enemy assets to begin with. Those that were salvageable should be gravitating to our side. There will be nothing left of consequence on the middle ground. Nominating a replacement that suits the Constitution and not the enemy agenda is the correct course. Lets use our legal authority wherever we hold it and let them resort to illegal acts and violence to try and subvert it. Take notes, be alert, and get ready…

”’Please dear God help our President make the correct decision that best influences the court for the next few decades. Let his selection to the bench help right the wrongs to our country, stop the onward progress of communism, correct the evil path our nation has been on to one of righteousness, and be a Godly person. In Jesus name I pray.”’

…“I guess, that the vast majority of women in politics take a quick left turn ideologically once they get to a position of new power. ”

Leftism operates on (this) principle:

1. Convert fake victimology into real privilege.

…Women are difficult to persuade by means of logic or reason. But they are easily persuadable by social pressure.
…The Left’s three principles (the victim-crisis narrative) fit into this female psychology like a key into a lock. If you disagree with the narrative you are against the victim. If you are against the victim you are ostracized. If you are ostracized it feels like death.

Given the above, what happens to a woman’s political views when she is transplanted into a 90% Democrat environment like DC? She swerves left as sure as night follows day. By limiting his field to women Trump is effectively gifting the Left a SCOTUS majority…

…Most women drive for social acceptance, and that is what turns most of them to left once they reach a new position of authority. They are usually not swayed by logic and reason. It is emotion and peer pressure that wins in their psyche…

…No doubt the ABR’s are at this moment drafting and revising their “insurrection plans” as I type this out.

Their insurrection will be from the top down and bottom up–with massive protests turning violent combined with every parliamentary dirty trick in the book, deep-state turn-coast blabbing away on CNN, threats of military intervention, more bullshit legal tricks from (ie: whistle blowers) as distractions, attacks on conservative pundits and politicians, allegations of criminal activity inside the Trump family, collusion with foreign entities and so on and so forth.

I predict that someone will actually attempt to dump a helicopter load of kitchen sinks upon the white house.

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