About Those “Glitches”…

Let’s not count chickens before they hatch, but it looks like The Election Narrative might be starting to crack–and right when the American republic is at the tipping point.

All assets deployed, indeed. Cux News finally revealed itself as the John Roberts/Ken Starr of cable news networks. It’s part of a sleeper cell that spent years building a reputation as “conservative”–specifically to sell us out at a critical moment.  “See? Even Fox admits that there’s no such thing as voter fraud and Joe Biden won the Presidency!” That’s part of the updated Narrative, now.

But millions of disenfranchised American voters are now awake and pissed off. If the coup is carried out to fulfillment, I’m not sure you can push that toothpaste back in the tube. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, the pebbles slide down the mountain, dislodging larger stones, which go tumbling down to strike big rocks… The avalanche of evidence gains size and speed every day…and that’s just what we normal folks can find on the working class corners of the World Wide Web not scrubbed by the Thought Police of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Imagine what somebody with NSA resources can find.

Among that growing evidence is more convenient “glitches” in Swamp-built voting machines.  Looks like these machines were installed in all the battleground states. Here’s a comment I pulled from one thread on one alternative news site:

Computers do what they are told. If a developer wrote code improperly, the program will fail as an invalid instruction will cause a cascading series of exceptions to be thrown where the computer has to throw up it’s hands and say “I am unable to do this.” Then it’s up to the developer to fix the issue. In the case of a hardware / electrical failure, all bets are off as to what will happen, usually corrupted or lost data. This is where the word ‘bug’ came from when a moth was fried on a circuit board which caused a chain reaction of mechanical hardware failures that resulted in data errors. I don’t think ‘glitch’ is the right word for what’s going on now. I think it’s tweaking/tampering with votes going on. The old Diebold machines were not using real numbers, but floats/doubles fractional numbers to store votes. This is so they can be skewed/tweaked/scaled in favor of one party or the other. Software systems can randomize hundreds of thousands of votes, spread them out across the entire county, let women vote with their maiden and married names, let dead people vote, assign ghost voters to households, allow underaged children to vote and on the surface it make it look entirely legit, that is until an investigation ensues and the records are cross checked with other records like the Census data, or IRS Data, or DMV Records, Social Security Records, and then the errors and irregularities start to show up en masse and as these stack up solely in favor of one candidate, then you know it was a carefully designed program designed to enable this type of fraud, not some ‘glitch’ or user error.

And waddya know–all these “glitches” favor Joe Biden. Sounds perfectly legit.