An Honest Situation Report With No Apologies

Here’s a comment I made on American Partisan. I’m reposting here because why not?

Of course, I’m simply speaking with figurative hyperbole here:

Here’s a couple of truths that few people (whatever their political convictions) will acknowledge:

1. Both major parties are actively working toward the destruction of the republic. One of those parties simply pretends to not be.

2. Marxists (whether they call themselves “liberal,” “moderate,” or some other deceptive and self-aggrandizing term) place no value on honesty, and are incapable of changing their minds after being presented evidence.

“True” and “false” don’t have the same meaning for them as they have for you. The only value they even see in the words is their power over the proles (who are almost begging to be hoodwinked, and will march obediently into the boxcars as long as the right word games are played. “Truth,” in Newspeak, means “whatever advances Marxism.” “Lie” in Newspeak means “whatever hinders Marxism.” Orwell warned us about them. Look at the way they’ve used the words “treason” and “patriotism” for the last four years. That’s just a logical extension of what they had already done to words like liberal, choice, rights, gay, violence, fascism, etc.

You can show them footage of the Bidens sodomizing a six-year old boy…in their hearts, they would approve, or at least be able to justify it. Through their mouths, they would deny it happened, knowing too many of the proles would still be shocked and disgusted if they found out.

These people approve the theft of the election. It is legitimate, because it advances Marxism. Case closed. But they must deny that theft took place, lest some of the proles wake up. They have no intention of admitting what they are, what they’ve done, or all they hope to do, until it’s too late to resist them.

However, these people do respect force, and pain. That language they speak fluently. And most of them can’t take it nearly as well as they dish it out. Using words to argue with them is utterly pointless, unless there’s a chance some prole could be awakened by hearing the argument.

Letting them infiltrate and take over our institutions was suicidal. They will have to be removed by whatever means necessary. After kickoff, we need to be just as brutal as they have been during the pregame.

No–I take that back. We should be even more brutal than they are–because they understand force and pain, but little else. They attack with a knife? We retaliate with a shotgun. They launch fireworks with nails at us? We hit them with napalm. They shoot at us with 9mm? We return fire with 20mm. This can’t be a “police action” or some lame attempt at a “gentleman’s conflict” wherein we’re more worried about hurting somebody than we are about winning. Nuke ’em ’till they glow, then shoot ’em in the dark. We don’t want or need any William Westmorelands or David McKiernans–we need some Ghengis Khans and William T. Shermans.

We didn’t ask for this war. We did all we could to avoid it. Guess how much I care about any objections they may voice about how we fight it.