The US Armed Forces’ Mission Is Not to Fight Wars

Congress has forbid the Army from imposing physical fitness standards on its soldiers because it “discriminates based on gender.”

Single standards are sexist. (Probably racist, too–I’m sure somebody has already said so.) In our altruistic pursuit of equality, only heterosexual males should be held to standards.

Our moral/intellectual superiors have made the Armed Forces a hostile environment for white heterosexual males (especially if they love their country), so go figure: the very demographic that won the war that freed the slaves, and won two world wars, knows it is not welcome there, and is finding other ways to make a living that don’t suck as much. (And trust me–life in the combat arms sucks plenty, even without adding all the cultural Marxist idiocy.)

But now the favored demographic is leaving in droves because badass womyn warriors don’t want to take the Combat Fitness test. 84% of them can’t pass it. And that is a problem. (Not failure to be combat ready–the problem is not enough womyn, of course.)

But the answer is not to enforce standards and make sure slots are filled according to who is capable of fulfilling the mission. Oh no. Only some sexist science-denier who believes there are only two sexes (and that those sexes are biologically different) would propose such discriminatory policy. It’s not like combat could be physically strenuous or anything. Besides, every action movie for the last 30 years has taught us that womyn are stronger than men, anyway.

Actions speak louder than words. Whatever word salad the uniformed Yes Men (and womyn) regurgitate to justify this absurdity, what they are saying is: “Diversity and inclusivity are more important than combat effectiveness.”

Diversity and inclusivity, of course, mean anti-white heterosexual male.

The Globohomo Cabal wants to destroy America, and they’ve just about done it. Economic collapse is one method in their tool box. Pushing us into a pointless war with Russia (over Ukraine or whatever) is another way. And they want to guarantee we lose. But it might prove to be a double-edged sword for them–because they’re also provoking a civil war with the very white heterosexual males who are willing to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

On a tactical level, I rather like our odds in a 3/4GW scenario going head-to-head against a bunch of fat dikes, entitled karens and gender-confused freaks who can be convinced to quit by the prospect of taking a PT test.