The Spring Big Based Book Sale

What exactly does “based” mean? From the sale Substack:

based [ beyst ] / beɪst / adjective
1. Well-grounded, resting upon a firm foundation.
2. Principled, devoted to fixed standards, especially in defiance of conventional wisdom.
3. Rejecting politically correct attitudes and celebrating nonconformity with woke opinion.
4. Committed to upholding and advancing the good, the beautiful, and the true.
antonyms: debased, cringe

I guess you could say it’s the opposite of “woke.”  Anyway, author Hans G. Schantz has been putting these sales together for a while, and each time there are more books to shop for.

How many times have wished you had access to a book shopping venue where you would be safe from woke sucker-punches from the author? Well, here is just such a shopping venue. I’ve found some good reads at previous Based Book Sales.

There’s a wide variety of genres to choose from, though it does lean heavily to the science fiction and fantasy side. And best of all, the E-Books are either free or for 99 cents.

There are about 10 Virtual Pulp novels which are part of the sale, including six of mine.

Check out the sale and find yourself some good books!