Tag Archives: false flag

It Does Sound Like the Deep State

You’ve probably noticed that all kinds of scuttlebutt is flying in all directions right now. Of course the Democrat/Media Machine is vomiting out the usual bald-faced lies, agitprop, and psychological projection. But there’s also plenty of craziness coming from people allegedly on our side. Some of it sounds preposterous; and some of it is preposterous. If you’re like me, you’ve been click-baited into looking at some, only to realize you’ve been duped into wasting precious moments of your time.

Several people online were recently spreading links to a video by some “intelligence insiders” that “you really need to watch.” So I did. The guys in the video made some eyebrow-raising statements. I was intrigued enough to go back to their Youtube channel (that should have been my first clue) and watch their next one. They hadn’t pushed the UFO and reincarnation crap in the first video, but began adding pinches in the second. Kind of like how TV shows used to wait until they had you hooked before pouring in the LGBTQ brainwashing in the second season. There are attention whores, and there are paid CIA/Swamp disinformation warriors, pretending to share our values. I’m sure you’ve encountered both.

There’s a rumor I came across via a Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) podcast that sounds credible and plausible: One of the false flags planned by the Deep State is scheduled for the 20th or later, and involves an assassination of Creepy Joe Biden after he is installed, then pinned on Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Why would they not want to try this? It fits their short-term goals perfectly.

  • Hidin’ Biden’s usefulness to the Deep State has expired.
  • His removal will prevent further embarrassment by him.
  • Creepy Joe becomes a martyr, and further revelations about his high crimes and treason will be considered beyond the pale.
  • It places Harris in the limelight, who is somewhat less embarrassing.
  • It justifies an all-out war on the Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists.

Thwarting this particular false flag could be one reason Washington, DC, is being locked down by the National Guard.

There’s a lot of other stuff going on. Adams spends most of his podcast on the subject of a possible war with Red China. I agree this is a very real possibility (war, that is, if not an invasion by the PLA from Canada and Mexico). The Chi-Com high command has considered war with the USA inevitable for at least 30 years. Thanks to traitors at the highest levels of our government, they have the capability of inflicting catastrophic damage on our country, too. Those same traitors have ensured our vulnerability to any flavor and combination  of Chi-Com attacks.

However, I disagree with Adams (or his sources, I guess) about the war going forward if the coup is fulfilled on the 20th. If Beijing Biden is sworn in, they have won without firing a shot. All our national resources and assets, as well as your life, liberty, and property will be handed over to the most murderous regime in recorded history.

Do you understand how perilous our situation is? Sad to say, very few people actually do. It’s way past time to turn off the Idiot Box, kick your addiction to the enemy’s (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.) psyop/gaslighting frenzy, and start a serious dialogue with your Creator.

Hate Crime Hoaxes Hitting Critical Mass

The Swamp Media has to keep throwing hoaxes into the news cycle, otherwise their Priority Narrative  will collapse. ( The narrative with priority right now is: “America is so hopelessly racist that it needs to be overthrown and replaced by a communist dictatorship; otherwise there will be mass murder of minorities in the streets–in fact, there already are!”)

Most of the time, fake hate crimes are reported as legit by the Swamp Media, but ignored when proven to be a hoax later. That’s why you run into people who still believe stories that were long ago debunked. Most people get their “news” from social media; and the same six corporations that control everything reported by the mainstream press are the ones that feed The Narrative on social networks. There is alternative, independent news media; but Big Tech and Big Finance are making the ghosts of Stalin and Mao proud with their efforts to suppress it.

The “epidemic of lynchings” sweeping the country (which Michelle Malkin wrote about) is a narrative embraced by blacks who I know. Police reports indicating that the deaths were suicide are nothing but an attempt to cover up the mass genocide going on right under our noses, they tell me.

Most of you have heard how Bubba Wallace finding a garage door pull-down in a NASCAR bay was such a dangerous hate crime that 15 FBI agents were dispatched to investigate. With our cities being looted and burned down by an organized communist revolution right now, it’s not like the FBI had anything better to do. The only surprise is that NASCAR’s garage door installers aren’t all sharing jail cells with Roger Stone and other political prisoners.

Were you aware that when a drug-addicted Hispanic shooter guns down a white man, that it is a white supremacist mass murder of peaceful black protesters? Now you do.

BTW, the murder victim was a supporter of BLM, protesting against racism and police brutality.

In the “new normal” that’s been manufactured by the elites, it doesn’t matter what you say, do, or believe. Your skin color is ultimately all that matters. It’s your uniform. You can be shot on sight for “wearing” the wrong uniform. But don’t worry: after you’re murdered by an entitled, sanctioned racial cleanser, mainstream and social media will make sure everyone believes you were a white supremacist who was oppressing the ones who murdered you.

Have you heard that all the violence being blamed on peaceful protesters is actually being committed by “boogaloos” and other “far right” elements? (When the Swamp Media admits there is violence, that is.) Here’s just one example of a Marxist tool who was caught painting swastikas to boost this narrative.

Most of these false flaggers never get caught. Not that the Swamp Media would ever report that they were, anyway…unless the truth became too widely known to ignore. However, there are some sites dedicated to tracking hate crime hoaxes, and here is one of them.

White people are so racist that social justice NPCs have to stage phony hate crimes themselves. Americans are so racist that Jussie Smollett (and probably others) have to hire Nigerians to perform hate crimes.

Will it ever occur to the useful idiots that they are fomenting actual racist sentiments among white people? Nope. Critical thinking is not exactly their strong suit, or they wouldn’t vote Democrat while tearing down statues of abolitionists. You can bet it has occurred to their puppetmasters, though. They’re banking on it.

Who Is Funding the Revolution?

Ultimately, you are, through your taxes. But the short answer is: George Soros and his fellow travelers.

One outstanding point made in the video (which is on CommieTube–so it might be suppressed any day now) is that all the racial divide-and-conquer agitprop poisoning our culture for years didn’t explode into widespread violence when Trump had the economy in recovery. People were too comfortable.

The solution had to find a problem, and it had to happen during an election year.

Along came the Wuhan Virus and the Chinese-style quarantine to devastate the economy…and STRICTLY BY COINCIDENCE a few months into the manufactured catastrophe, a media blitz ensued regarding a dirty cop murdering a doped-up criminal. Game on.

The communists have been trying to destroy America for a century. After WWII, the Soviets believed the way to pull it off was to get blacks to revolt. You have to hand it to the Communist International: they are not quitters. The Soviet Union fell (despite untold billions in American tax dollars propping it up for generations), but communists here at home never gave up on that plan. By New Years, we should have a pretty accurate idea of how successful it is.

More Conspiracy Musings About Floyd and Chauvin

This is kind of an update to Tuesday’s post.

It is awfully curious why the mayor would demand that a police precinct be abandoned for the mob to loot and burn, destroying everything in the evidence room.

It’s ridiculous to believe politicians could be involved in anything unethical, illegal, or evil, right? It’s also ridiculous to believe Epstein killed himself, but here we are.

Looking at the George Floyd Catalyst From Under the Tinfoil Hat

After the whole Jeffery Epstein clown show, it’s uncertain we’ll ever know the whole truth about any big or controversial story. The Democrat/Media Machine suppresses more news than they report on.

There are also plenty of LARPing trolls and agents provacateur masquerading as right-wingers and trying to deceive us from a different angle, too. So I can’t vouch for all of the memes, video, or other information below. I do think it’s interesting, though, and possibly worth looking at to make up your own mind about. If you want to research it and let me know what you find, I may publish your conclusions.

After ultimately failing to frame General Flynn and other Trump affiliates, and failing their coup attempt against the President himself via a farce of an impeachment, the Machine then fought against a travel ban which could have prevented the Wuhan Virus from spreading across the USA. Swamp politicians, despite  having a glut of hospital beds for virus patients, intentionally subjected nursing home residents to infected carriers, while encouraging people to attend festivals and parades and insisting that there was no danger posed by the Wuhan virus.

Those same Deep State tools suddenly reversed their position 180 degrees, using bogus inflated death numbers to justify illegal power grabs, tanking the economy, and massive voter fraud. None of that apparently hurt Trump’s approval numbers enough, though.

Then, on May 25, an apparently evil cop with a long record of abusing his authority (but protected by a police union nonetheless) came to the Machine’s rescue.

Looks like this wasn’t just meant for an American audience.

There’s also this curious photo of George Floyd on the Obama Foundation’s Twatter account, posted before anyone had ever heard of George Floyd. It’s subsequently been explained away as a retroactive avatar, and deleted from that account.  Having quit FascistBorg and Twatter long ago, and with too weak a stomach to read/listen to anything the Obamanible Hussein says, I can’t confirm or deny the cover story.

Many have pointed out that the face of the officer Chauvin in the mugshot has distinct differences from the face of the Officer Chauvin in the now-infamous photo of George Floyd’s murder-in-progress. Different hairline, different ears, etc.–even though there is a resemblance between the two. Also, the other officers on the scene may have been rookies on their first day–not familiar enough with Chauvin to know if it was actually him or a stand-in.

If you really want to fall down the rabbit hole, watch this woman’s short clip:

Could Chauvin–a guy with a reputation as a bad cop, have been the patsy for a pre-planned incident designed to spark off the tinderbox?

If you believe Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed (exactly as it would in a controlled demolition) because it was struck by burning debris, then maybe you believe George Floyd simply tripped and fell on the street, accidentally landing under the knee of Officer Chauvin just as the cop happened to be taking an eight minute break behind the police vehicle. Both explanations are equally plausible.

Virginia: Heads They Win; Tails We Lose

I’d love to be proven wrong this time somehow, but Virginians and all other Americans need to be ready for a major false flag and media blitzkrieg. Politicians in Virginia and DC have a message for the American people: “We are going to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. What are you gonna do about it?”

If Americans don’t show up to the scheduled protest in Virginia, then our domestic enemies win by default…as usual. Just as in every battle for the soul of our culture, evil wins without firing a shot when people on our side don’t even put up a fight.

Signs indicate that people on our side might not surrender as easily this time. But the globohomo Swamp no doubt has a number of contingencies to turn this into an excuse for more orchestrated infringements. Watch this video before it’s purged by CommieTube:

Here’s some important points to keep in mind, for any patriot planning to attend the event:

  • The Swamp is going to herd the Americans into a fenced area where they will be trapped.
  • Any patriots who park at the nearby, designated parking garages, will possibly be trapped in the area.
  • Antifa, disguised as patriots, intend to infiltrate the protest and create incidents that the Swamp Police can exploit. No matter who does what, patriots will be the villains in the official Narrative.
  • The Swamp has the ability not only to hack your smartphones, but jam any attempt  by you to video record what actually happens. So not only can they prevent you from posting any footage that challenges their Narrative, they can prevent you from recording it in the first place. In other words, what ever lie they choose to tell the population, you will have no opportunity to prove it is a lie. There is a reason they’ve been securing a monopoly on the flow of information.
  • There will probably be drones flying over the area with facial recognition software. So even if you’re smart and only bring a burner phone; even if by some miracle no pre-manufactured “hate crime” doesn’t take place…they will have a list of every American who attends. This will be recon-by-fire. They can arrest potential “domestic terrorists” in the dead of night, later on, at their convenience with no-knock warrants and terminate the resistance piecemeal.
  • In addition to the covert Antifa infiltrators, there will be the typical federal informants and other agents provacateur on hand, not to mention the usual lineup of tribalist alt-retards screaming racial slurs to make sure sheep watching their idiot box will believe that this is all about “white supremacy.”

I don’t know exactly what will happen, but I’m afraid it will be ugly. I’d feel a lot better if some significant swamp-draining could have been accomplished by this point, but that isn’t the case. Trump is still surrounded by avowed enemies of your freedom, who hate him for interfering with their plan. Neither Sessions, Horowitz, or Barr have proven to me that the Swamp faces any serious challenges. I have no worldly advice to offer, because technologically (and in every other worldly aspect) the enemy holds every possible advantage. The only worthwhile advice I can offer is to trust in, and pray to, the God who is more powerful than everybody involved.