Tag Archives: identity politics

Our Options If We Survive the Crisis

I’m sharing this video as an addendum to the last one.

We’ve asked before: what happens if the “right” (that is, an alliance of counter-revolutionary factions dominated by the Cult of Western Civilization, or CWC) prevails in our 2nd Civil War? Here are some options identified by a CWC sympathizer.

There’s no escape from identity politics, which means there’s no escape from either a race war, ethnic cleansing, or some other racial conflict.

When rabid leftist mobs murder black citizens (men, women, and children), loot and burn black businesses, and attack statues of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas, all in the name of “fighting white supremacy,” do you really believe they’ll give you a pass because you’ve been colorblind and treated everyone as individuals?

They don’t care about truth or justice. They want their Marxist Utopia. They will kill, steal, and destroy anyone and anything in their way. This was evident by the goalpost moving from the very beginning of the insurrection, and it’s obvious by the words and actions of the leaders of this communist revolution.

“John Mark” has accepted this reality. As uncomfortable as I am with his racial focus, I also understand that my ideas won’t be accepted by a majority on either side.

People on both sides have horrible notions that will cause incalculable suffering and injustice on a scale Americans can’t even imagine.

The USA, as we know it, is done–short of a miracle from God. Our dislike for the available options does not magically create new, viable options out of thin air, nor make whatever options we prefer suddenly viable. Our future is a huge turd burger and our choice is going to be: take a bite or starve to death.

Could we have avoided this? Yes, easily, with just a little moral courage by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Could all the races dwelling in the USA live in harmony? Absolutely, if we had not let insidious scum pervert every institution (and create many that were intentionally perverse from the beginning) and brainwash succeeding generations to fervently believe the Golden Goose is inherently evil/racist and needs to be strangled to death. But all that is water under the bridge, now.

If we were still a majority Christian nation, it would be possible to reverse much of the damage. But we’re not, so we can’t, because good men did nothing for too long.

Reality is, for us, the fundamental transformation we were warned about. Our future is poverty, persecution, and war. What’s on the other side of that isn’t completely knowable. That all depends on God’s timetable.

The problem with the Utopian ideas like John Mark’s, and other “alt right” people, is that immigration and “diversity” are not the core reason for our destruction. They were simply tools, out of many tools used, to bring us to this point. You can pluck them out of the toolbox and throw them away without ever addressing the core problem, which it looks like exactly what people on “our side” want to do if they win.

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Only Those Evil, Irredeemable White Men are Racist

Psychological Projection is rampant throughout the left. Black-shirted fascists accuse others of fascism while trying to silence their enemies, get them fired, or beat them into submission. Authoritarian politicians bleat, “Nobody is above the law!” The wink-wink nod-nod unspoken addendum to their self-righteous platitude is that they, of course, are above the law, as are their legions of foreign invaders mobilized to steal the election. And, the race-obsessed bigots who have benefited from genetics-based special treatment all their lives can’t go five minutes without calling somebody else racist.

Below is a re-tweet from the “Black Lives Matter” co-founder. When asked to explain/justify her statement, she dodged, while filibustering about how racist everyone else is, and evidently closed her account to avoid scrutiny of what she said. Unfortunately for her, a digital soldier had archived the tweet.

You can imagine what would happen if a white man said this about women and “black folks.”

The tweet would have been censored by Twatter, for starters. Then he would have been deplatformed, doxed, fired from his job, received untold millions of death threats…and an SJW mob would likely have surrounded his house to menace his wife and kids. Few of us would have much sympathy for a white man who made such racist remarks. But it’s not as big a deal when somebody with Sacrosanct Victim Status reveals themselves as a racist, is it?

People have had their lives ruined for saying far less. People of the wrong political affiliation, that is. All you have to do is publicly condemn the riots, or disagree with something “Black Lives Matter” says, and you’ll be fired, silenced, and threatened. Because if you disagree with anything BLM does or says, then you obviously believe black lives DON’T matter. See how that works?

In fact, even if you haven’t expressed a single opinion or asked a single question since the insurrection began, (if you have the incorrect skin color) you must kneel before everyone (of the correct skin color) and grovel for your inherently evil genetics. You could have chosen to be born anything, see, but you had to go be born as an evil white person. Shame on you.

It’s been said before, but it’s worth saying again: this is not about race. The individuals calling you names don’t actually believe you’re a nazi or racist. They simply understand that in America, that’s the worst name they can call you. They can’t win people over to their failed, stupid, and treasonous ideas by using facts or logic, so they must assassinate your character to silence and discredit you. This has been an effective strategy for decades, partly because people on our side predictably surrender in the face of it.


After spending a generation fomenting racial hatred in our country and never being held accountable, the communists assumed that identity politics is a one-way street and always win-win for their side. But since about 2009, a swelling faction of whites have grown beyond resentment. Some of them are turning just as ugly as the race pimps who demonize them. Undoubtedly, a lot of them are federal plants and sock puppets as always, but thanks to tireless left-wing efforts, actual white supremacy is being resurrected from the dust-bin of shameful history.

But it’s not just loudmouth national socialists (Nazis) and other white tribalists breeding in this new identity politics primordial soup who have been pushed to the limits.

Some Americans were color-blind (or at least aspired to be) prior to this insanity. You can kiss that goodbye. They didn’t want a civil war. They didn’t want racial conflict. They wanted to be left alone. But when they are backed into a corner, they will fight. When you threaten their families, and their freedom, all the name-calling and character assassination the Swamp Media can summon is not gonna make them surrender. If the communists insist that everything be about race (and they do), then they’ll get their wish. If the uniform of this civil war is a man’s skin color, then expect that people on every side are going to be killed for wearing the “wrong” uniform, regardless of what ideology they advocate.