Tag Archives: these people are stupid

Days of Darkness

The enemy is going for broke.

  • They cancelled the rule of law.
  • They cancelled justice.
  • They cancelled representation
  • They cancelled free and fair elections.
  • They are cancelling a free press and freedom of speech.

The social media purge of dissidents has accelerated like a rocket since Wednesday. The communists are so confident that their Narrative is true, they have to silence anyone who challenges it. But they’re not just shutting down the accounts of Deplorables on Big Social Media–they’re stopping email service too. And for people who built their own platforms, Big Finance is refusing to process payments. That’s right: now you can’t buy or sell unless you believe what they want you to. Because hate. And violence. And racism. And  fascism. All the usual psychological projection from the left.

The purge is still ongoing–they haven’t got to everybody yet. Somebody shared a screenshot of a tweet from Michelle Malkin yesterday. My first thought was: “How could they have missed a big name like her for this long?” My second thought was: “Controlled opposition?”

But they’re coming for everybody, eventually. Then they’ll start eating themselves when they can’t pass each other’s woke purity tests (just like the Great Terror and Red Terror).

The Virtual Pulp site was never monetized. I quit Twatter and Fascistborg back circa 2013. But give them enough time and they’ll shut me down, too.

MeWe seems to still be functioning well, but I’ve only seen limited engagement there, anyway. There are some decent folks, but the right-of-center faction is made up mostly of neocons, moderates, Fudds and milquetoast Boomers who are already talking about Biden’s cabinet picks and what kind of carpet Harris will put in the White House. Definitely not my tribe.

Gab has been slow and intermittent since Friday. Maybe the servers are overloaded by the mass exodus from the communist social networks, but I’d be very surprised if they’re not under a sustained cyberattack of some kind. Uploading posts has been hit-or-miss (mostly miss) this weekend, and right now I can’t even get my notifications to load.

GloboHomo has controlled the flow of information so effectively for generations–that’s why they have an army of ignorant fanatics completely onboard with what they’re doing. But truth has always leaked out between the cracks. Now they are engaged in an all-out effort to eliminate any and all information that doesn’t support the Narrative. Their previous levels of censorship put the Soviets and East Germans to shame. But they’ve pulled out all the stops, now.

I’m living under the assumption that my Internet presence will be shut down, too. If not due to the iron fist of the GloboHomo Censorship Machine, then for another reason.

In my novel, False Flag (published back in 2015) the plot at one point involved an operation by white hats to break through the Swamp Media’s monopoly on the flow of information and broadcast some actual news. In a nutshell, they had to figure out how to hack into the Emergency Broadcast System to do this.

I still see the EBS as a way to break the trance and reveal the truth to the most people. Now I’m reading the same theory from other people around the Web. Not only that, but the FCC recently reminded broadcasters of their obligation to allow override access to the EBS. On top of that, Pelosi and her perverse band of traitors are evidently trying to block Trump from being able to use the EBS.

What all this points to (possibly) is that if/when the Trump Team launches the Storm, they will shut down the communist social networks and Goolag/CommieTube (or possibly the entire World Wide Web) and override the broadcast Swamp Media to communicate directly with Americans.

Q has mentioned periods of “darkness” on different occasions and, if Q is real, this might be what he meant. When asked if the grid would go down, though, he denied that it would. Of course, disinformation being necessary to  an intelligence operation, who knows what to believe?

I see a media blackout as an absolute necessity. Not only do traitors at all levels need to be arrested and dealt with; but the enemy’s mind control operation needs to be broken, and their Narrative nuked from orbit. (It’s the only way to be sure.)

Even if the grid doesn’t go down, this would still cause a major disruption. So much of our infrastructure depends on the Internet now, many “essential” businesses won’t be able to operate. It might affect food deliveries to the grocery stores. It might affect your ability to make POS or debit card purchases. Who knows? It wouldn’t hurt for you to be prepared for an actual shutdown. You probably still have plenty of toilet paper. You might want to get squared away on cash, food, water, gas, firewood, flashlights, batteries, candles, etc.

If you get prepared and it turns out you didn’t need to be…well, you’ve only lost some time and convenience, and maybe bought some stuff you don’t use very often. But if there is a week or 10 days of darkness, and you ride it out in relative comfort while the Swamp is being drained and our republic is getting successful chemotherapy, while honest reporters give you updates via the Emergency Broadcast System…how awesome would that be?

UPDATE: Don’t know for sure, but it looks like the purge might be reaching into MeWe. You might want to subscribe here.  Once the alternative networks are down, at least I’ll still be posting here for as long as I can.

Demand a Fair Election and a Halt to the Fraud

We the People believe that massive voter fraud has been perpetrated against the American public and that our election process has been corrupted and our voices SILENCED.

Judicial Watch reported in October that:
A comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveals that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million MORE REGISTERED VOTERS THAN ELIGIBLE VOTERS!

In other words the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. Texas had some registrations as high as 187%!!!

We DEMAND not only a recount, but ALSO verification of every vote received in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

We further DEMAND that if fraud is discovered an immediate investigation should be conducted.

Go to the White House website and sign the petition. There is no going back if we don’t #stopthesteal . The communists (whether you call them Democrats, “liberals,” never-Trumpers or whatever) will change our system to ensure they remain in power for as long as the USA exists.

Once they have secured one-party rule, your freedom is gone, forever. Look at what they’re getting away with right now, then tell me who’s going to stop them once their power is absolute. They’ve been hinting about what they will do if that day comes. If you’ve paid attention and have a functioning brain, it’s not that hard to figure it out. It wouldn’t have been that hard to figure out what the National Socialists would do to Germany once they seized power. All the clues were right there in their rhetoric. How do you say “it’s not that bad” or “it can’t happen here” in German?

Nevermind the way the deck was stacked by the MSM and Big Tech. The communists rigged the actual election everywhere, in every way–electronic; mail-in; voting in person. Trump won in a landslide–even after who-knows-how-many of his ballots were destroyed or intentionally misplaced (or counted as for Biden/Harris). He probably even flipped states like Virginia and Minnesota–but we’ll never know for sure if this isn’t investigated. If you let them get away with stealing this election, your vote will never count again.

Good people are fighting against this treason. Join us. The truth and the law are on our side, regardless of what domestic enemies are telling you.

 “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

― Samuel Adams