
Who Has the Advantage in Civil War II?

This is definitely worth a watch. When we look at the breakdown of the opposing sides, it’s surprising how much can be construed to be an advantage the American side has over the anti-American side. The points about infrastructure are definitely worth noting.

Of course, I take issue with some of the statements and assumptions.
The Armed Forces actively recruit patriotic Americans? Yeah, back in the 1940s. Maybe on up to the Vietnam fiasco. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a recruiting commercial appeal to patriotism in my life. It’s all college money, job training, and multi-million-dollar fighter jets. They appeal to mercenaries and that’s what they get. You do tend to get more country boys and traditional males in the combat arms, which might or might not benefit the American side. But the remark about recruiting, stated as fact, is just a wishful-thinking assumption and casts suspicion on all the other data on the military the “red team” guy put in his report. And I can testify that the officer corps is a pozzed cesspool of opportunistic and amoral uniformed politicians. And the politics all push left. General Flynn (if he is for real) is one of the last of the Mohicans.

The most ridiculous part was the proposition that the Swamp Media would be forced to give advantage to the Americans. There is such a demonstration of ignorance on this point that to pick it apart would probably just be a waste of time.

Keep in mind that this is just strategic-level number-crunching. The numbers looked really good for Poland and France against Germany in 1939-40, too. But there is some encouraging data.

I heartily agree with one of the last points made: Whatever advantage the Americans have will only make a difference if they commit to fight. You can be the strongest, fastest, toughest stud on the block; the smartest tactician; and the most accurate marksman; but if you’re not willing to deal out pain and death on the enemy, then none of that matters. How many Americans understand that war is inevitable? How many understand that there will be no peaceful reconciliation with the other side? Do you understand that? I guarantee the anti-American side knows the deal. Their leadership have known for a long time. The last obstacles between them and their Red Utopia are being torn down right now, by power-lusting communist governors and mayors. The last incentives for their useful idiot shock troops to stay on the leash have evaporated during the lockdowns.

I pray for the Commander-in-Chief, and so should you. But I don’t put my faith in President Bumpstock Ban, and neither should you. He’s ignorant of the Constitution, and has surrounded himself with traitors.

The rule of law only worked when there were good men determined to enforce it. There are no such men left in public service. Only two types of people exist in government anymore: traitors and inept cowards. There’s only one group left that has a vested interest in freedom and the rule of law. You and I are in that group. It’s down to us.

The very reason for the 2nd Amendment is upon us. It has never been about duck hunting, the National Guard, or “legitimate sporting purposes.” Too many Americans have looked at our right to bear arms the same way a yuppy feels about his civilian Hummer. He’ll wash it, wax it, put expensive gaudy rims on it and show it off around his paved, gated suburb, become angry if somebody tries to steal it, but would never dream of taking it off road and getting it dirty. But under all the shiny sheet metal and expensive luxury doo-dads, there’s a reason that vehicle is built the way it is.

It’s almost time to take that Hummer into the bush. Will you?

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