Mangina Melodies: “I’m Your Puppet” by James & Bobby Purify

Wait…is the last name Purify or Pussify? The latter is definitely what happened to the generation raised listening to this song.

Now granted, a whole lot of females out there think they want a puppet…but they’re never happy when they get one (whether they find a turnkey version or fundamentally transform some chump into one). And there are plenty of manginas out there just dying to be a puppet for some manipulative shrew. But they’re not exactly being mobbed by romantically-minded women, are they?

I’m sharing the video with the lyrics teleprompted (so even Obama can sing along). WARNING: Virtual Pulp is not responsible for irresistible impulses suffered from hearing this song…like the urge to hunt down the pathetic worm who wrote it and strangle him to death for the good of the species.

2 thoughts on “Mangina Melodies: “I’m Your Puppet” by James & Bobby Purify”

  1. I totally forgot about this song. In my blue pill days I would have eaten it up as validation of the type of man I had to become in order to be successful with women. I think many women do fantasize about a man to do their bidding and be at their beck and call. But as a eunuch slave, not as someone to actually have sex with. Maybe to bring the drinks while she’s being ravished by her alpha fantasy.

    1. I wonder about that. You may be right, but I wonder if they fantasize about a puppet until they actually get one. Then they come to despise their puppet instinctively. They settle on excuses why he’s “not right” for her which leave wiggle room to keep entertaining the fantasy. Never occurs to their conscious mind that a spineless simp (what they’re asking for) will never give them tingles. Their self-delusion has many levels and nuances.

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