The World Through Pinko-Tinted Glasses

Nothing is more fun than trying to find logic in a neo-Marxist’s rhetoric, right? I never heard of Wordsmouthwick Court before, but the blogger had some astute summaries of assumptions made by the typical leftard (read that: “liberal” if you don’t care what words mean). Here are some I found worthy of comment:

Humans in the past were on average more stupid and ignorant than at any point later.

Yup. Talk to any leftard and you’ll find out that the present day (whether you talk to them today or 40 years from now) is the pinnacle of human intellect and everything there is to understand about science, for instance, is known (by the people who publish scholastic textbooks, at least). The higher literacy and academic savvy in generations past proves they were dummies compared to us—just look at how much tax revenue gets flushed down the bureaucratic toilet spent on education now, versus those dark days. That is proof that we are smarter.

Education can solve all social issues.

And by “education” they mean state-controlled compulsory indoctrination/socialization that requires more money than the astronomical amount paid the year before…and every year since they began turning America into the academic laughingstock of the world.

Carbon Dioxide being released in to the atmosphere is always very bad and very serious.

Right. Because plants need it. And plants are bad for the environment. Photosynthesis contributes to global warming. The science is settled.

All religions are or have been equally violent.

If you ever pay attention during debates, aitheists/Darwinists will attack Biblical Christianity by attributing to it the track record of other religions. And sooner or later, the following assertion will surface:

Christianity was made up as a tool to control people with.

Which, if true, and given their fetish for controlling people, should make it their favorite institution.

Men and women are easily interchangeable.

Except in entertainment, where women are obviously superior…and yet victims at the same time.

If a corporation is big, it is doing something evil.

Unless Democrats voted to bail it out with money extorted from the proletariat (taxpayers), and said corporation shovels contributions back into Democrat coffers.

Government is very much less corruptible/evil than business is, if at all.

Because all the nice people go into politics, while all the mean people go into business. Earning money=bad. Confiscating/wasting other people’s money=good.

Terrorism is caused by the US and UK bullying and policing other countries.

Well, to be more accurate, all the problems in world history have been caused by the USA.

All music and art have equal value.

But some is more equal than others. Just ask the anti-puppies (during the B Phase of their self-contradicting tirades).


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