Scalia Was a Speed Bump on the Expressway to Fundamental Transformation

Just when the Obamanible Backstabbing Treason Machine is kicking into high gear, one of the last men with the means, inclination, and backbone to impede it is found dead “OF NATURAL CAUSES” with a pillow over his face.

I’m not going to state outright that he was murdered, because I don’t know all the facts. The powers-that-be made damn well sure that we can’t know all the facts. It was determined (over the phone, no less) that there was nothing at all suspicious about Scalia’s death, and no autopsy was performed. Foul play was ruled out with no coroner or medical examiner on the scene to make that determination.

I’ve read conflicting reports about where the pillow was found; about Scalia’s condition prior to the alleged heart attack; who actually made the over-the-phone determination not to let a coroner examine the body and the room; and whether the body was cremated or not…to name a few.

And of course we know the news media never lies; the ruling establishment never murders those who get in its way; and the only people foolish enough to believe in anything as silly as conspiracies are all members of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Okay, the man was 79 and had some health issues. Perhaps it all went down exactly the way we are supposed to believe it did. It sure is a convenient deus ex machina for the domestic enemies who are looking to strike the final death blow to the Bill of Rights in conjunction with our economic collapse (or in the aftermath of a false flag atrocity).

Before our system was perverted, and the population dumbed-down sufficiently, the separation of powers prevented any one branch of government from going rogue. Over the last century all three branches were infiltrated and co-opted by elite interests composed of foreign and domestic enemies. That’s why it hardly matters who you elect anymore–the same agenda just keeps rolling “forward.” The GOP-controlled Congress just rubber-stamps whatever the Fraud-in-Chief dictates (while passionately debating just to what degree we should be screwed on some side-effect issues here and there).

When both the legislative and executive branches were out of line, that’s when the Supreme Court is supposed to examine the “law” they push, to determine whether or not it conforms to the Constitution, and if it doesn’t, to strike it down. That’s why sleeper agents like Justice Roberts were appointed–to sell us out at the proper time by declaring “law” like the breathing tax Obamacare to be Constituionally valid.

Scalia was the last uncompromised Supreme Court Justice who evidently couldn’t be blackmailed into rubber-stamping the new, increased usurpations that will be coming at us hard in 2016 and beyond. (If there is much of a “beyond.”)

When Democrats are in the minority, they filibuster judicial appointments or whatever is required to keep Constitutionalists away from the bench.

Republicans in the House and Senate initially said they would prevent whatever Marxist tool Hussein nominates to take Scalia’s place. You know: like how they promised to de-fund Obamacare if elected, and put a stop to executive amnesty.

We can’t do anything about losing Justice Scalia. We can’t even be sure of what really happened. The real issue at hand here is when, not if, the GOP Establishment (also known as the Fraternal Order of Judas Goat Surrender Monkeys) cave in on Hussein’s replacement appointee.