My Misgivings About the Trumpening

…Are not unique, it turns out.

Hey, I love that Trump wrecked  the plans of the RINO establishment; that he is uniquely sane on the issue of immigration; and that he doesn’t kowtow to the press. Unfortunately, POTUS has to make decisions on other matters, too. And Trump is really weak on a lot of them.

The dude voted for Hussein???????? If that doesn’t raise red flags all over the “alt right,” then all hope is lost.

It’s a cult of personality propelling Trump to nomination. That is no less dangerous than the cult of personality that installed the Obamanible Hussein.

“So what if he’s in bed with the Clintons. So what if he made the most idiotic choice an alleged savvy businessman could make at the polls. So what if he believes in socialized medicine and has no respect for the privacy of citizens. I’m voting for him because alpha male.”

You really think this brand of logic is going to save/restore “western civilization”?

Here’s an earlier Whittle video that is also good: