My Misgivings About the Trumpening

…Are not unique, it turns out.

Hey, I love that Trump wrecked  the plans of the RINO establishment; that he is uniquely sane on the issue of immigration; and that he doesn’t kowtow to the press. Unfortunately, POTUS has to make decisions on other matters, too. And Trump is really weak on a lot of them.

The dude voted for Hussein???????? If that doesn’t raise red flags all over the “alt right,” then all hope is lost.

It’s a cult of personality propelling Trump to nomination. That is no less dangerous than the cult of personality that installed the Obamanible Hussein.

“So what if he’s in bed with the Clintons. So what if he made the most idiotic choice an alleged savvy businessman could make at the polls. So what if he believes in socialized medicine and has no respect for the privacy of citizens. I’m voting for him because alpha male.”

You really think this brand of logic is going to save/restore “western civilization”?

Here’s an earlier Whittle video that is also good:


10 thoughts on “My Misgivings About the Trumpening”

  1. Seems like an awful lot of people have misgivings about Trump. I’d really like to know how many cross-over voters he’s getting and whether that’s the source of the bump in the primaries.

    Not that the Democrats would game the system.

    Oh wait, Trump is a Democrat, or so close the difference can’t be seen.
    Paul Duffau recently posted…Epiphanies at 63 Miles per HourMy Profile

    1. A lot of his core supporters bother me almost as much as he does.

      However, Vox Day has a point in that:

      1. Trump MIGHT follow through on his promises about immigration, whereas we KNOW the others will sell us out again (personally I except Carson. He is weak in some areas but the weaknesses are his own. Nobody owns him and he is real.)

      2. If the invasion on our border isn’t reversed or at least stopped, Republicans will never win another national election ever again, anyway.

      1. What did y’all think of John C. Wright’s take? TL;DR: If you believe the overgrown Federal Government is the biggest problem, vote Cruz. If you think the true enemy is the Press, vote Trump. (He believes the latter because the Press is at the root of all other problems and an obstacle to fixing them). I agree with his analysis, just not sure if Trump is the one to win against the Press. But he might, and the others won’t even if they try.

        1. Hard to argue with that one. The lapdog press (like immigration) isn’t the only problem. Yet it is responsible for maybe all other problems. Its mission is to keep the electorate deceived and ignorant, and has enjoyed smashing success for a century.

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