How Does the Media Not Choke on Their Own Hypocrisy?

So Hillary and her mouthpieces in and outside the lapdog press have been insisting that there was nothing classified in the emails.

The Trumpenator just made some silly comment (see below) about how if the Russians hacked her private email account, they should “find” the 30,000+ emails (I think what he meant to say was “produce” or “divulge” the emails).

With straight faces, Hillary’s mouthpieces now are accusing Trump of inviting the Russians to collect classified information.

So let me summarize, rhetorically:

MEDIA: “None of Hillary’s lost emails were classified. This is just a witch hunt by the vast right-wing conspiracy.”

TRUMP: “Maybe the Russians can recover those allegedly ‘lost’ emails.”

MEDIA: “Look! Look there, at Trump! See that? He’s giving the Russians permission to hack classified emails!”


This is ridiculously obvious hypocrisy. “Double standard” doesn’t even begin to convey the depravity of their minds. You might think that, when confronted with such a blatant revelation of their own prejudice, there might be some embarrassment, remorse, or (from a moral human being) an apology and self-examination.

But after reading Vox Day’s blog, and his book SJWs Always Lie, one still may not understand why this is so, but one does understand that the lapdog press will never even acknowledge getting caught red-handed. It is because of the relevant “Law:” SJWs Always Double-Down.

I’ll leave it for Vox and his Ilk to pontificate on how much of the media are SJWs (“social justice warriors”) and how many of them are “gamma males” or the female equivalent, and which demographic is more to blame. The Bible has a simplified explanation: They’ve been handed over to delusion because they shunned truth and embraced lies.

So here’s the rambling quote from Trump:

“By the way, if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do. they probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted. I will tell you this — Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

A couple points about this statement (which gets confusing when you examine it–probably a result of Trump speaking off-the-cuff and not thinking about what he says before he says it:

  • “If they hacked…” past tense. If the Russians already hacked into these emails (because Hillary deliberately and criminally moved them into her own personal account), they should cough it up. Trump was not giving his approval for foreign intelligence services to hack into secured servers owned by our government. Which is, by the way, where Hillary was required by law to leave the messages in question.
  • “Rewarded mightily by our press.” Is Trump really so naive? Does anyone with a functioning brain not realize by now that the press is owned and controlled by the same people who own and control Hillary?

For an insight on how SJWs/gammas/depraved God-haters reason (for lack of a better verb), read this transcript.