Christianity Vs. Churchianity: Suppressing the Masculine

One of Vox Day’s readers relates some of his experiences in the Feminized Church:

 …I remember my mother stressing that Jesus was a superior man for not defending himself and being a victim. Combine that with a weak father with strong gamma traits and you won’t be surprised that I developed the typical passive-aggressiveness of a gamma. Just to name another example: I remember attending a bible lecture as a child where the (male) member of the church community who served there as a teacher told us that women were somehow stronger than men. I don’t remember the context, I only remember my astonishment (“don’t have men naturally more strength than women?”) but somehow accepting his statement in the end.

Does that resonate with your experience?

You’re not alone if one of the reasons you don’t care for the whole church scene is because the alleged men there all strike you as effeminate wimps. Moreover, in the average church, training males to be that way is a stealth priority.

Here’s some boilerplate messages used around the western world, requiring only some humor, pop culture references, and religious language to flesh it out and dispense it from the Churchian Pulpit.


Women are heroic and strong–especially single mothers. They are also morally pure and more in tune with the Holy Spirit than men are. That’s why husbands should submit to their wives. When the Bible seems to say it should be the other way around…well, you have to understand (gaslight) it doesn’t really mean what it actually says because (feminist ideals disguised as theology), (pseudo-intellectual word salad), (male-shaming anecdotes), and (muh self-sacrificing mother and muh feelz).


Men suck.

You don’t do enough as fathers and husbands. You don’t do enough for the church. Since you are not morally pure like women, you are living in sin–whereas women’s only sin is not thinking highly enough of themselves. Men need to understand that they are always at fault for marital problems because (anecdotes). Since women are spiritually superior, men should submit to them in all things, as to the Lord. Watch Fireproof, War Room, and other Churchian movies made in the last 20 years, and follow the same pattern of male repentance. Remember: men engage in serious sin like embezzling and porn addictions, and require female leadership to overcome. In fact, lack of submission to a woman’s superior morals and spirituality is probably what led to your sin spiral in the first place.


Married men, you’re all a bunch of losers. Just listen to these anecdotes (tales of abuse, cheating, etc.) The wife is the important person in the relationship–act like it.  If she is unfaithful, it’s justified because you failed her somehow. You don’t understand what leadership really is (not that men should be leaders, anyway). Being the king and priest of your household means giving women whatever they want at all times. And perhaps, if you live every second of your entire life exactly the way your wife wants you to, maybe she’ll feel up to rewarding you with a token gesture of respect, some sex, or even just a few minutes of civility. But don’t you dare demand any of those things–only she is allowed to make demands.

Unmarried men, you’re not married already because you’re unworthy. To become worthy, abandon your unfair desires that a woman needs to add value to your life for you to make her a permanent part of your life. You are the only one required to bring anything to the table in a relationship. She can say or do or be anything she wants to, with God’s blessing, got it? As soon as you encounter a woman who wants to use you like an ATM machine, kick you while you’re down after a hard day of work  every night, and otherwise suck the life out of you, it is your obligation to step up, man up, and commit yourself to a lifetime with no escape from her (unless she decides to divorce-rape you…which will be your fault). Maybe, if you’re really fortunate, one day soon you’ll be like one of these henpecked husbands in the congregation who I berate on Sundays for their toxic masculinity. Now hurry up and get married as soon as possible!

You can read the whole blog post at Vox Populi.